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History Maker

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by History Maker

  1. I am seven weeks after surgery and lost a total of 42 lbs. I can honestly say that I don't exercise, or do it nearly as much as I should; however, I have a very hectic life and I'm on the run constantly. I am pleased with my weight loss so far and I hope that it will continue to happen. As far as what I eat, I am eating more than twice what I used to eat right after surgery, but don't want to push my luck, I only need to watch what I eat.

  2. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but I work in the medical field for a living, not important what I do, but I'm pretty high up in the ranks. YES, the stomach does stretch out, I'm not sure how much it can stretch out, but we need to keep in mind our stomachs are made mostly of smooth muscle, and muscle is a stretchable tissue. I am doing lots of research, especially on foreign websites to see if they've done studies on patients who had the surgery done, and to learn how much a post-gastric vertical sleeve does stretch. One of them was about a study done in Chile, in South America, where they followed a number of patients; after 5 years they said that in some of these patients, their stomachs TRIPLED in size, but they still kept the weight off. Another eye opener is a video posted on Youtube by "Slimmfast", her 5 months video.. She said that she went to see her doctor, and he has in his office x-rays from a patient that abused the sleeve, and in about 8 months his stomach was stretched out almost to its original size, YIKES!!. The secret to success is not to overeat, and to stick with low carb-high Protein foods along with regular exercising in order to keep the weight off.

  3. Wake up people!!, especially those of you that are medical... the gastric sleeve DOES STRETCH!!, the stomach is made mostly of smooth muscle, and muscles are tissues that stretch, I don't know why surgeons are telling lies to their patients, please do your own research, check out foreign websites and you will see that they do confirm that the stomach does,and will stretch if you pack in more than you should....

  4. I see the dates on some of these postings, and I hope everyone has done some more research since then. the sleeve does, does stretch. One of the most peculiar findings on my research is that a clinic in Los Angeles already offers the re-sleeving gastrectomy, that means that they do it all over again. Now, I doen't mean that they will remove another stomach like the first time, but they will cut out the portion that it has grown, and make your sleeve small again.. Any thoughts?

  5. I for one HOPE, yes "hope" that my stomach stretches. I will take care of the calorie-content meals, and cut back and stuff, but my greatest hope and desire is to have a stomach big enough that enables me to occasionally go out with my family and have dinner; I'm not talking about a big dinner, and no buffets, no seconds, etc. but to have a decent dinner, and not one from the kid's menu. If I could do it all over again, I would have asked for the surgeon to use the biggest bougie available, or to just cut off ONLY one-half of my stomach. Anyway, if anyone has anything (scientific-based) to add, I would love to read it. thank you

  6. Hello everyone, I had the gastric sleeve done 10 days ago. I have already gone through the periods of regret and wishing somehow I could turn time back and do away with the whole idea. I have had days that I am as sick as a dog, too. I have spent a lot of time on Google searching for anything hope that an alternative can be done to this. I have even looked into stomach transplant surgery. I hope I'm not discouraging anyone out there, but I personally am going through that regret stage. The good thing is that I can already see my weight coming off. I also think that my sleeve is a little bigger than they all say since I drink 2 Protein Shakes daily, and they are 11 ounces each; I can drink one with no problem in about 5 minutes. I rejoiced when I read that these damn sleeves do actually stretch over time. I hope mine stretches enough that I can someday go to a restaurant and order a regular (not large) meal again, or have a regular dinner with my family.... this is really the only thing that tortures me right now. I can deal with eating small meals on a daily basis, but to have an occasional dinner out with my friends, or family is priceless to me. Does anyone have any information regarding this matter?, or am I only doing wishful thinking. Thank you...

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