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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by wolfmom71

  1. It has been going on three years since my sleeve was done. I was doing great for little over two years. Then I started putting weight back on I went from. 210 to now weighing 285. I am so depressed over this weight gain. My doctors office said it happens, but I have to jump back to losing again. I excerize. Go for walks. Watch what I eat. Try to keep my protein up. Anyone have any ideas what i else I can try.
  2. wolfmom71

    I don't know what do to

    Thank you. Sorry I didn't get much info on that before. I drink about 60 to 100oz of fluid a day. I did talk to a nutritionist and keep logs of what I eat. We found that my salt intake was high, so we changed that real fast. I try to eat fresh food that I have to prepare for myself. But rare occasions I go out to eat. I walking a lot or doing excerizing at home or the gym. My protein in take is 50 to 105g. Depends on if my stomach is handling food that day. I can't handle starchy food at all. So try not to rematch them. Recently I had oral surgery done and can't chew foods at all. So been doing soft foods. Or protein shakes. Trying to watch my values been close to 1700
  3. wolfmom71

    Pain with digestion

    If it still hurts when you eat. Go back liquid diet then slowly try the other softer foods. Like cheese eggs cottage cheese ect smaller bites hopeful that will help you out
  4. wolfmom71

    Anyone try this

    Really never thought about it thank you
  5. wolfmom71

    Anyone try this

    It been over a year since my surgery. I was told I can have alcohol, so I tried a wine cooler last night. it cause real bad stomach pains. Still dealing with pains today. So I was wondering anyone else have problems with it ? I don't even want to try again at all.
  6. wolfmom71

    Anyone try this

    No there was fuzz on it o let sit in full glass of ice of over a hour then slowly sipped on it I only had maybe a fourth of of it. No beer for me never much of beer drinker . Anne it was gas tried stuff for it today still not helping ..
  7. wolfmom71


    I have the sleeve done almost year ago but I has total shoulder repair done . I have been wondering and worrying about about getting sick . Has anyone had the flu or anything like since they had theirs . Someone in my house has the flu
  8. wolfmom71


    Oh l thank you I had two surgeries in 6 weeks apart and he got the flu bad . Thank you made feel more at ease
  9. I have no idea what this normal or not . But since I had my sleeve done. I have had people been acting werid . Before I had surgery my family and (some) friends , would not be seen with me. since my surgery they want me to fo with them . And they put me on display for their friends to see how much I lost or how I look now. Makes me feel so uncomfortable and self conscience how I look. After 7 months of this it gotten to the point. To where I am hearing. I will not be smaller then them. Or I hear looks like your getting bigger. How long will this last before i get bigger? How does some one deal with this? I am depressed and wanting to give up on what I did so far. Does anyone else have this going on with people in there life? And feel so alone?
  10. wolfmom71

    Feeling hurt and empty

    Thank you that really helps
  11. wolfmom71

    Thank you

    For the advice I was giving. I have used some of the advice that I was Givin on here it has helped out. So thank you the support
  12. wolfmom71

    Feeling hurt and empty

    Sorry i thought last response was posted.I am in cousling for my depression. And i did lose see friends over it. But yes I know it because of my weight. That my family and friends didn't want to seen out I'm public with me. They would have things like going out or have family stuff but I was not invited . But sin e I lost 80 pounds now they want to see me with out they find away to make feel uncomfortable about how I look now. So I tool some your advice and I am Appling it. So far no change. So been trying to stay away from the negative pople still struggling but thank you
  13. I had my sleeve done month ago. I found out that I have gall bladder diease. I have to see a surgeon for it this month. Any one else have or had this problem .since their surgery ?
  14. wolfmom71

    Any have this problem

    Really I didn't know. Thank you for your what you all said. Makes feel a little better. But still nervous thank you so much
  15. wolfmom71


    Anyone having trouble with depression. And having trouble with the weight they are losing? I am in counseling .but even with it. I am struggling with nightmares since I had my surgery in june. And I am still learning what my body can, and cant not handle. I feel like I am out of control. And what give up.
  16. wolfmom71


    I am 8 weeks since my WLS surgey. I have been trying to food again. But I keep having a problem of not keep it down. I still eat with a baby spoon. And I wait almost a minute before taking the next bite. I am on two stomach pills. Still not helping. I can't seem to eat lean hamburger, ground up turkey, other kinds of meats,vegeis. And fruits. And breads ,noodles rice Is this normal? My doctor told me to try it foods if dont sit well try again in a week. I have bo luck. Has one else been having trouble? What can do. I would take any advice I am to scared to eat
  17. wolfmom71

    Help from post opers

    I had my surgery in june. I had the sleeve With a hiatal hernia done. For me it took alittle over over two weeks before I stopped feeling go through where the repair (hiatal hernia) was fixed. What I did was take smaller sips. And wait in between liquids before I took my next sip. That feeling will go way it just takes some time. Hang in there Hope that helps out
  18. wolfmom71


    I dream that I go down to about size 10 them I start hruting and some inside my stomach explode. (My doctors dont know why i was in pain ) I die
  19. wolfmom71


    The meds they give out for depression . I cant take. I try to stay active and excerise. My counsleor said that should try to see if others are going what I am. But people just look at me lik e I am crazy. I know depression is common .and I know that dealing with changes that comes after doing the sleeve. I just didn't think I struggle so hard. Or force my shelf to keep going. My dreams are making worried. Thank you for what said. Anything helps
  20. wolfmom71


    Cream of soups I can only eat couple bites of it. Refried beans. Dont sit well with me. I eay greek yogurts. But not whole lot. For some reason .since surgery I cant handle foods. But I get hungry. Take four bites then I full or getting sick. I got the eggs beaters. (The whites) I cant handle eggs. So not eatiing them. I will chicken salad disnt think of that one. I am trying to keep my prtoien intake up but I am lucky if I get 20 to thirty in me. So went protien shales more then once a day again. Still cant drink a full glass. I heard alot bad things can happen if I don't get protien that need. I did try some fish thinking it is soft couple of bites and I was done. Had some nausea but the zofran helped.
  21. wolfmom71


    Sorry I forgot. I do protien shakes but I have to take zofran in order to drink it all. Water is alittle better. But I am not getting in over 20 ozs. I do drink protien drinks ( the juices) .with the zofran. If I am one that cant tolerate meats. Have u ever heard of one that is like that and what do they do ? Thank you so much for trying to help me
  22. wolfmom71


    I can't eat scribble eggs. I get really nauseous. I can eat greek yogurt , sugar free popsicles vegetable broth chicken broth. Tuna I having a problem with that also. It seems that everything I eat it doesn't agree with my stomach. I try eating only on thing new at a time. My son and faincè are getting worried.
  23. Hello. I am almost five weeks out from my surgery. (I mine on june 4th).I have alot of questions. And I seem to doing something wrong. I could use some advice.
  24. wolfmom71

    I am lost need a mentor please

    I am dealing with depression real bad. I feel lile I am losing weight. And thinking about things. I am seeing doctor tomorrow with some test results. But I am still feeling sick. So wonder is it possible that body changed with foods that I cant take putting it into my belly? I eat real slow. Watch what eat.take me about hour to finish eating. Two to drink Is this normal? Feeling this way ?

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