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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CandySmooch

  1. CandySmooch

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I had all the workups done with a special endocrinologist when I was 20 - so 4 years ago. And I got tested for early signs of diabetes - drank the sugary stuff and everything came out ok - I even had an ultrasound of my gall bladder and everything came out ok. But since then I've been on a variety of diet pills including a few different prescription ones. I don't due adktins anymore although I have in the past. Ladies, I had a bad week but in my defense I've been fighting off some bug - felt very tired with a sore throat and a little feverish so - I only did my yoga once this week and did ok with my diet but this morning I ate 1/2 of a homeade bacon, egg, & cheese croissant - which really didn't taste that good anyway. I might have lost a pound from my lack of apetite, but once I'm feeling better I think I'm going to order the original Tao Bo DVD's as I really used to enjoy them when they first came out until my tapes were ruined. I think that might give me the cardio workout I need by starting out slowly alternating it in with my yoga DVD. And yes Vines I did weigh almost 300lbs with no activity so this yoga 3 times a week makes me feel more active. I'm still loving the yoga and tried QiQong today. QiQong is another meditative physical workout for bringing the body & spirit together. Its a lot more difficult then I was expecting. QiQong takes dedication to proper forms which take a certain rhythm & balancing - I hope I become better as I felt pretty clumsy doing QiQong today. I don't have the greatest ryhthem which is why I was wanting to try bellydancing - maybe I could learn some.
  2. CandySmooch

    Sometimes I think SISTERs are over-rated!

    I too have problems with my sister - we get into it pretty good a couple times a year. she's older than me and has been bossing me around and trying to run my life since I was born. Most of the time I love her and most of the time I can't stand her - most of the time we don't get along - but she is my only sister, we are blood, and we both know it and get over it. I guess its just one of those things...........but I will vent the one thing I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE is when we argue on the telephone she always hangs up on me and when I call back she hangs up on me again! That is my biggest pet peave in the world - we can argue till we're blue in the face but hanging up on anyone is the rudest thing in the world!!! Let me re-phrase that - there are reasons to hang up on a person - but yelling your side of the argument and hanging up before the other person can give their argument is just plain pushy and rude and that's what my sister does when we start fighting - she'll quickly yell her side and say something to get a rise out of me and quickly hang up! GRrrrrrrrr gets me everytime - and she's 5 years older! Come on now - we don't have to be childish and hang up - we can have a civilized argument - but I'm coming to realize she will most likely always hang up on me in those heated moments.
  3. CandySmooch

    Discovered kinked tube at 1st fill!

    wow ya'll have started a kinky girls club - LOL - never heard of this before but good information for others who may join your kinky club in the future.
  4. CandySmooch

    Resolving to be a better bandster...

    ok I'm going to go find some sort of cardio workout and as far as counting calories - I do - I log it everyday into a kraftfoods.com - they have an interactive food journal - but to keep a more accurate count instead of using the foods already in their little system - I take the extra time to add my own foods on there to be more accurate - so I'm pretty good to sticking to the 1500 cals a day. Ok - since I'm at a loss here I'm going to find me some sort of cardio excercise and I will report back.
  5. CandySmooch

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    OK I'VE GOT TO VENT! I am quickly becoming more and more discouraged with my band everyday. I'm 5 months post op - count 26 weeks. I'm quickly being left behind further and further and still sitting at only an 11lb loss. At 26 weeks if I were losing 1lb a week like I should be I'd be sitting at a 26lb loss - I'm more than 1/2 behind where I should be. I cannot believe I've spent this much money and am working this hard for 5 months with nothing to show for it. I don't want to hear oh but you could be gaining muscle, or count your NSV's because honestly I don't have anymore NSV's than what I did a few months ago. I walk and do yoga and yoga makes my body feel better, but I'm not losing any weight or having ANY changes in my physical body - My clothes are not fitting any differently than pre-band 5 months ago. My face is not thinner - there is no visible difference in any parts of my body and why would there be with only an 11lb weight loss? I thought the yoga would start to tone some flab up, but no. I do everything I'm supposed to be doing and I am soo frustrated and want to cry - people who know I've had the surgery are looking at me and wondering why I haven't lost more - I could care less what they think but I want to know why I haven't lost more! My food intake is drastically different than pre-band - I eat small amounts of lean meats & veggies everyday. There are only 2 things that I'm not doing that I should be and that is consistently - and I mean every single day - I'm not getting enough Water and Protein everyday consistently - some days I get it all in - some days I don't. NO matter what changes I make - there are no changes in my body. Let me explain - Immediately afte being banded I went back to eating like I was pre-band - not as far as quantity wise - but the same foods shortly after being banded. I had no weight loss so duh I had to pull my head out of my ass and start doing things right - so I start eating only healthy things that I'm supposed to and started following the bandster rules - thought I'd lose weight from doing that. NOPE! Got a fill - NOPE - didn't expect it since it was my first fill - then I starting walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes - STILL NO WEIGHT LOSS - got another fill - still didn't do the trick - GOT MY 3rd FILL - and hit the sweet spot - I currently have good restriction and I have ALL month - I even have added YOGA to my routine and am currently doing it 3 times a week. - STILL NO WEIGHT LOSS - NO MUSCLE GAIN - NO FAT % LOST - NO CLOTHES FITTING DIFFERENT - NOTHING!!!! I am doing all of these things that I've never done before in my life but why???? NONE OF IT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! The only thing that has changed is that I feel better that I am conscious of making healthy choices but there is physically nothing to show for it and its been 5 months. I can't believe that out of all these changes and good restriction - nothing is changing. I cry when I think about it - I don't feel like a failure because I'm not failing! I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and then I see all these people who are banded and not following any rules and still losing weight. I'm just so upset OH and I quit smoking ONE year ago but smoked a few only at work each week - so this week I even gave up those few cigarettes I indulged in every week and now its just all coming to a head - SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE!!!!!!! Thanks for listening my fellow turtles , but I'm so sad tonight
  6. CandySmooch

    Resolving to be a better bandster...

    I'm in with you. I'm jealous of every bandster who has lost weight from not following the rules. Poo on you! The only rules I don't follow are getting in the required Protein & Water intake and I can't get the scales to move and haven't for a very very long time. I did yoga 3 times last week. I am resolving to drink water until I make myself puke - I literally hate water and literally have to choke it down - I've tried everything - changing my mindset to my body needs this - I need to quench my organs - etc - nothing changed the fact that I still gag on water - now I love tea but I have to have it sweetened but everybody frowns upon sweet tea and says you can't count it as your liquids, I can only do so much crystal lite before I gag on it too. These are the things I do consisitenly I gave up pop & carbonation completely - I eat slow Don't drink with or after meals - I wait one hour Do yoga 3 times a week Eat small portions & variety of lean meats & veggies. Minimal sweets. AND STILL NO WEIGHT LOSS : Things I'm going to start doing more. Getting in more liquids. Taking a multi-vitamin Tracking my Fiber & protein. Excercsing more. To be honest I'm pretty discouraged with my progress and the band. I posted on another thread how I used to eat 3-5000 calories a day pre-band so I really thought the dramatic food intake with the band would cause me to drop a significant amount of weight and from the weight loss would bring the motivation for me to do more and excercise - but that has not been the case and I cannot understand why I haven't lost more in 6 months than just freakin 11lbs!!!!! I have good restriction and I don't eat around the band.
  7. CandySmooch

    Natural Cures

    This thread is possibly going to start controversy as that is NOT my intentions. My mother was kind enough to buy this book for everyone in our family - Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About. This is a truly SPECTACULAR READ! If you want to find out what the government, drug companies, and food industries are doing to aid in America's obesity epidemic and what you can do to become whole and healthy, please read this book. I'm trying to choose my words carefully as even in my everday life this book causes me controversy just from carrying it around with me. If you care about what your feeding yourself, and your children, and your family - you MUST read this book. Ever wonder why young women/men develop so much earlier now? Because of the numerous growth hormones that are put in everyday items you consume meat, milk, eggs, etc. There is so much I could go into detail here - but everything in the book JUST MAKES SENSE! And I for one and glad this man went against the grain to bring out the truth. I've told 3 other friends that they NEED this book, and they went out and bought it and couldn't believe the things I had been telling them that were true. They are all converting to natural organic products as I am myself. It not only pertains to food, but also household cleaning products, deodorant - it pertains to EVERYTHING you buy! If anyone else has read this book or would like more information, please feel free to post. I will answer questions about the book although I am not through reading it yet.
  8. CandySmooch

    Do You Ever Wish You WEREN'T Banded?

    No I have never wished I wasn't banded - but I will tell you this and I'm being honest. I expected to lose a significant amount of weight by just the cut in food intake alone from the band and figured once I started losing a lot of weight - then I would start excercisign hoping the weight loss would bring the motivation. I will tell you this isn't true. I see the commercials ads advertising for the LAPBAND saying you can eat everything you do and still lose weight and blah blah blah. I have good restriction and eat very small amounts - but the 13lbs I've lost in 6 months - I've worked very hard for and the band hasn't helped - the weight I've lost is from excercising. I really don't understand why I'm not losing more - if I had to work my ass off to lose weight by myself then why did I get banded? Yes its doing its job by restricting food intake, but when I was used to eating 3-4000 sometimes 5000 calories a day pre-band and banded I go to strict 1500 and didn't lose any weight well then what was the point of me getting banded if I have to excercise it all off anyway? Yes my band is doing its job so I can't blame the band - but all I'm saying is that it doesn't work for everybody. You would think that a person who consumed 5000 calories a day and jumped to only 1500 would start losing some significant weight - not me! So I'm going to start excercising my ass off to get this weight off because I want to be healthy but I really thought the band was going to jump start it for me and it hasn't. Some people are different. But one thing I do love about the band is knowing at least I won't ever gain a significant amount of weight back as you'd have to work really hard to eat around the band and gain all your weight back so for that I'm thankful for the band.
  9. I have to share my experience. I've had a problem getting motivated to excercise - I walk 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes but thats it. I did a lot of research for fat friendly excercises that wasn't too rigorous for a beginner like me. I have to give so much praise for this excercise DVD that I bought and did the first time the other day - now I can't wait to do it again! Its called JUST MY SIZE YOGA - and it is taught by a beautiful plus size lady named Megan. The moves are basic yoga so this is definately a beginner tape but I found my muscles to be pleasantly warm and tingling after the workout and an elevated heart rate - not the burning, aching muscles and way to rapid heart rate I've experienced with other activites. The moves are shown improvised for the larger people so they are not difficult at all. This DVD actually makes me want to do it everyday - this is a BIG thing for me and I'm excited to share this for anyone else who struggles with excercising. I also like the added benefits of yoga as feeling more centered and balanced through breathing and meditation. I find it empowering I got a brand new one from AMAZON for a little over $10 bucks. I love it
  10. CandySmooch

    Moved Out

    way to go! why sit waiting for something - you've already got the fighting spirit - congrats for taking it in your own hands! your going to be just fine - just fine indeed
  11. CandySmooch

    serial killer or computer programmer???

    i got 6 out of 10 - but my instinct first told me to strike them all as serial killers as that's the way I think when I run into people - think about it? How many murderers do we pass each day and never know it? Hmmmm everyone is a suspected killer in my book but that's from watching every real crime drama on Court TV & A&E - LOL.
  12. CandySmooch

    My Firstborn Furbaby went to Heaven

    OH LISA!!!!! I feeeeeelllllll so bad! I hate it hate it hate it hate it hate losing a pet Sometimes it even feels worse than losing a real person 15 years - your kitty did have a good run in life - and from the picture he has led a very loving and satisfying life with you. Go in peace my love
  13. CandySmooch

    high blood pressure

    hmmmm interesting you bring this up - I have no idea if it relates to the surgery, but before banding I was always around 120/70............at each fill apt. my BP has been so much higher like 130/80 one time and another it was even as high as 140/90. Never had problems with it pre-band although it does run in the family. Dunno - I should get it checked more often.
  14. Hey all - I'm looking to expand my excercise DVD's beyond yoga & tai chi by adding something more aerobic - I'm wanting easy recommendations for some sort of sexy dancing. I'm hoping VINES will chime in here as I know she is an experienced belly dancer although belly dancing isn't what I'm looking for, but more so like some striptease or along those lines. I was thinking along the lines of the Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease? Anyone tried it - is it hard for a beginner? Did you like it? Please chime in and let me know what you've tried, what you liked about it and what you didn't - like I said I need something geared towards a beginner that wouldn't be too complicated as I'm just a sorta an average dancer - my moves arn't so smooth and need some help. With this new body that I'm aiming for - I want to be able to shake it correctly So tell me what you've tried! P.S. what was the name of that instructor Oprah had on that taught you how to pole dance???? I liked her but does she have anything besides the pole dancing as I will not be installing a pole in my living room to excercise
  15. CandySmooch

    Sexy Dance Excercises Anyone?

    I'm still checking them out and reading all the reviews on Amazon - saw the ones mentioned and will steer clear - I KNOW! I wish we could rent excercise DVD's too so then we wouldn't have to waste the money if we don't like it. I still think I will give the first Carmen Electra striptease a go but am afraid the boyfriend will be watching them alone while I'm at work if you know what I mean LOL Just kiddin. I am intrigued and curiosity is peeked about the belly dancing so I think I will pick one up to see what its all about. Am loving this thread though - keep em coming if anyone has anymore they've tried/liked/didn't like. Thanks everybody!
  16. CandySmooch


    ok I must email my friend who goes to him to find out his name - let me get back with you so check back here tomorrow - hopefully she will email me back by then. i want to say that that name you dropped Massey - is the right one - except its not his brother doing the surgeies its his uncle who is Dr. Sanchez who is the one who did my band - too bad you didn't have your band done by Dr. Sanchez because Sanchez's nephew Massey I believe doesn't charge any of his uncle's patients for fills. My friend who lives in Dallas and goes to him gets them for free since Sanchez did the surgery. Let me double check - but that name is familiar and I believe we are talking about one and the same. Who did your surgery and where?
  17. CandySmooch

    Natural Cures

    I will take his information with more than a grain of salt because whether or not he has all of these issues from his past I could care less because if you read the book he gives you all the answers and if you don't believe him he also gives you information on how to research it and I have on some things. I'm not saying everything in his book is 100% accuarte but he speaks the truth on so many things about food, medications, doctors and surgeries in America - open your eyes and just do some research! Diseases are running rampant in America and we are a highly over-medicated society depending on too many drugs & surgeries to fix the symptoms but not fixing the underlying problems. Better yet - take a look at whats on the food label of what you are eating! Can you pronounce most of those ingredients - do you know what they are? I don't think so - its all minute amounts of chemical poison! I did not start this thread to cause controversy - but I don't appreciate being told to take it with a grain of salt when Natural Cures is something to believe in and being this is a support board - I was just sharing the information for whomever would like an alternative method.
  18. CandySmooch

    For Us Who Have Problems Starting Excercising

    I've been wondering how fat friendly these balance balls are - my boyfriend is wanting to get some - anybody done that CORE SECRETS workout with Brooke Burke? Tell me more about the balance balls & pilates workouts? Anyone got a great workout DVD to recommend?
  19. CandySmooch

    researched Tummy tuck!

    is another country an option? I know my mx band dr. is associated with a PS surgeon on his website www.ready4achange.com - I think his name is DR. Consuela or something. But I know of several people who have had work done by him for a very reasonable price - one guy who I think is member on here had a full body lift for like $10,000 or so. Another girl got everything she wanted for $10,000 - if your just looking for a tummy tuck only - I think my friend said the tummy tuck was like $3000 or less. As far as all the controversry of MX - this hospital they work out of is really new and updated and very very clean & sterile located in Monterrey which I was told by locals was the richer part of MX and very Americanized - the hospital was better than any American one I've set foot in which is a lot since I work as an EMT on the ambulance. I plan on going there and using Dr. Consuela for any future PS since I was so pleased with the facility & faculty the first go round.
  20. CandySmooch


    Dr. Sanchez's nephew does fills in Dallas and I know he takes MX patients since his uncle is one of the MX surgeons who did my band. I don't remember his name but I can find out for you if you'd like. I've heard he's wonderful - who did your surgery?
  21. CandySmooch

    Life After The Wieght Lost

    hi newbie - if you do a search through the forums for any of these questions they have all been answered in depth at one point or another. But since you are new I will address your questions - 1. Not everyone has to have plastic surgery to remove excess skin - it all depends on the individiual, how much weight you have to lose, whether you excercise, drink enough Water, don't smoke, eat right and age. Too many factors to x in on. 2. Problems include slippage, erosion, things getting stuck, acid refux. Again just start searching the forums and become familiar with this site - every question you have has been answered here, but feel free to ask if you can't find specifically what your looking for. 3. Your nutritional plan is decided by your dr and whether or not you need to see a nutritinoist - everyone's meal plans are different as they vary from dr. to dr. do some readin on here and you will find a variety of everyone's plans. 4. I don't know if there is any specific weight they won't operate on - they go by your BMI (body mass idex) and your health problems/concerns. Again I encourage you to become familiar with this board and just start reading as much as you can here to learn everything you need good and bad. Welcome
  22. CandySmooch

    Sexy Dance Excercises Anyone?

    ok vines - i live in a small town so belly dancing is not offered anywhere close - what about this DVD - Belly Dance for Romance with Jayna - ever heard of it???
  23. CandySmooch

    What is YOUR Second Option for WLS?

    I don't know - I would try to be re-banded - except that I don't have the money to do so and who's to say the 2nd one would last either? I would also take a mighty interest in this new gastric pacemaker - never would I ever have gastric bypass or stapling - I like my organs just the way they are and I would choose to be a fatass for life before having my organs cut up and re-arranged.
  24. CandySmooch

    I am GAINING weight

    I gained weight after surgery before my first fill. Lost 8lbs in the first week, then gradually gained back 4lbs before my first fill and I've fought those 4lbs back off and plus 3lbs more. I wouldn't worry, unfortuntaely it happens to some of us. Wait for your fill.
  25. CandySmooch

    Do you ever start to panic?

    Thank you Jack for helping us remember to calm down and take each moment as they come I too needed a gentle reminder after the widespread panic here.

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