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Everything posted by CandySmooch

  1. CandySmooch

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    Well my giblets are not very sensitive so actually I think I will go ahead and try the X-Scream - I'm just worried about it rubbing off on him and if he's overly sensitive to something like that then I will try the more sensitive kind. Anyone else care to share any personal reviews?
  2. CandySmooch

    Colonics-anyone ever have one-or several?

    I have not had one - but am also looking into doing it. The organic health food store in my area gives recommendations - I looked into a provider who charges $70 for the first session and $40 for everyone after that. I plan on getting my first one in 2 weeks - keep me updated and I will do the same. And your right - it just makes sense to get all the junk out since we're putting good stuff in now - and I've also heard and read of people losing a significant amount of weight after they've completed their sessions. The lady I spoke with said the session lasts an hour and half and it varies on each individual on how many sessions you'll need. My step dad needed 15 while my mom is on her 8th and they estimtaed a total of 10 for her.
  3. CandySmooch

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    K - I'm going with the finger fantasy and nympho niagra - I will keep you updated on how they go. I went away from the X-Scream since I didn't want to take a chance on burning either of us - so the nympho niagra made it seem like it was just for women. Maybe DeLarla could chime in on this. Everyone else who's tried her products - I still want reviews here!
  4. CandySmooch

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    hmmm interesting - k come on girls spill it!
  5. CandySmooch

    My thoughts on dating and the band

    I am going to struggle with this in the future except I have a boyfriend who I currently love with all my heart, but what's going to happen when I start getting all kinds of attention that I've never received before? He's not the jealous type so its not going to be the end - but how am I going to feel??? I think we'll be ok, I may become a major flirt but I know who's serving me dinner at home, and I say I would never cheat on him cuz I know what that feels like - but what if something like your situation happens (besides being married - I'd never date a married man again) - but will I be strong enough to avoid temptation - I'd like to say yes, but I've never been faced with it before - its something that will have to wait to be seen. On a side note - in the past I had an affair with a married cop. They didn't have a good relationship and cheated on each other but regardless - I now regret it. It wasn't a short affair either - it lasted for 2 years. I totally believe in Karma and I have this eery feeling that its going to bite me in my ass one of these days. I totally regret it now that I'm older and regardless of the situtation - I should have never been "the other woman". It was soooooo easy to do so - we were attracted to each other so we didn't care about anything else. Although it was a fun time in my life - I look back now and think how childish the affair was for me to be in it, but people do it everyday. I'm ashamed of my actions and would hate to admit it to a future husband and I'd hope beyond all prayer that my future husband wouldn't find it that easy to be with another behind my back like the affair I had was.
  6. CandySmooch

    Anything Goin on for Missourians?

    I love Dr. malley - he's great - I'm going for a fill in the next couple of months.
  7. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    OMG - everyone - thank you sooooo very much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. I'm sorry I haven't been on here to update everyone, but we've been working things out. Let me fill you in on what happened. When I got off work that morning at 7am and got home he was still awake - he looked at me and said he hadn't been able to sleep at all since I left and went to work last night. He had been up thinking all night long about what he was getting ready to do. I asked him if his decision had changed and he said yes. He then picked up the phone to call his brother since his brother was supposed to be coming to get his stuff at 8am. I went in the other room so he could have his privacy (oops yea right, I HAD to listen to find out what was going on) - his brother and him are very close. I listened to him talk to his brother for over an hour about what had been going on. I heard him talk a lot about how he had been freaked out about settling down, but realized now for the first time he was ready. I was the best thing that had ever happened to him, he was approaching 30 years old and we've been planning on a spring engagement. His life was here with me and he realized that - and he wasn't going to just throw it away and run from it, he was going to be my man. There were a lot of other things I had heard him say, but waited to hear it myself. After he got off the phone with his brother we had a "Come To Jesus" talk and got everything out in the open. We've been working things out over the last few days and everything is back on track between us. I was so worried and knew there had to have been another reason for him wanting to leave so suddenly when we haven't had any serious problems in the relationship. Sure we don't see eye to eye all the time, but who does? and I certainly didn't think that would cause our relationship to end. Again - thank you so much for your continued support - I don't know what I would have done without everyone!!!! And on a side note - we had a family BBQ yesterday and my mom commented on how she could tell of my weight loss if it was only minimal - she said she could tell my belly didn't stick out as far as it used to and by God - I believe she's right!
  8. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    It's almost time now - to face one of the hardest things in my life. I'm going to try to maintain what little dignity I have in tact and tell him goodby and go ahead and leave before he does so I won't be there when he's packing his stuff up. I'm shaking so bad. I hope I don't break down and cause a big scene. How could he leave me? How could he do this to me? How do you do that to someone you've been in love with for 2 years and planning marriage and kids then bam - its F*ck you I'm done. I don't want to start over again. I feel like he's died............I am dying.
  9. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    As the hours draw nearer, I'm losing it more by the second. I can't stop crying - I had to work tonight - i work night shifts in a 911 center and as the hours are coming closer to going home and having his brother pick him up - its getting worse. how am i going to do this? i love this man, i want to marry him. I know i've got to keep it together because i don't want his last image to be of me bawling and begging but i don't think i'm going to be able to. i know this is the end. i am so destryoed here how can I go on?
  10. CandySmooch

    Anything Goin on for Missourians?

    I see your birthday is today - happy birthday!
  11. CandySmooch

    Anything Goin on for Missourians?

    Cool, glad to hear it! He's a wonderful doctor. Best of luck - anyone else got stuff going on? I do but it's under "its a heart break" in the support section
  12. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    i am sooooo distraught at the thought of saying goodbye to him forever tomorrow. i want to be strong so his last site of me isn't bawling like a baby - but i don't know if i can do it. i'm losing the only man i've ever truly loved and there is not one thing i can do about it. why? i waited so long to be happy.....its been a fairy tale from the beginning even the night we met was only by fate itself. how am i going to do this tomorrow?? i can't, i don't want toooooooooooo let him goooooooooo
  13. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    thank you so much everyone. it's helping me to know i'm not alone. all of my are in such shock as i've told them tonight. its just like going through a divorce since we've never been apart since we met 2 years ago, and again Halloween is going to be a f-ing killer - would of been our 2 year anniversary!
  14. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    Guess I need to change my avatar since it is a picture of us when we first met Guess I'll go do that now. Anyone got any cute ones they could send or something different to embrace a new life?
  15. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    Thanks I'm going to need continued support through the struggling months ahead - your going to see me go through all the motions. I do have a few close friends who are here for me, its just going to be such a change at home. Everything reminds me of us. Everything. And tomorrow is going to be terrible when he actually leaves - I doubt he'll say any more than he already has, its just him leaving now.
  16. CandySmooch

    It's A Heart Break

    My surgery didn't have anything to do with the break up. We had issues, but I still thought it was worth working through. Its so hard to have someone look you in the eyes and tell you its over when you want nothing more than to make it work and they've given up. He's the type of person who sticks with what he decides so I know this is final.
  17. CandySmooch

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I defianetly qualify for this group. 8lbs lost in 3 months - I really like how you are weeding out the people who don't qualify! Get outta hereeeeeeee LOL. Glad for the support here!
  18. CandySmooch

    Secret Fanstasy II -- contemporary

    Ooooh completely did not even think of him - I'd still jump his old bones as he is and maybe send him to his grave! dammmmmmnnnnnnnn that deeep sexy voice - for those of you who don't know he is the voice on the commercials BEEF, It's what's for dinner. mmmm sam elliot , that's What's For Dinner...........I say
  19. Oh it sure is believable to me. They don't give a flying f**k about us really. Anyone need their rabies shot? Bastards.............
  20. CandySmooch


    OMG this is soooooooooooooo terrible!! Unfortunately some people react differently to anestheia - this just breaks my heart to hear when something like this although I know its not unheard of. Had she ever been put under anesthesia before? My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and you as well as you cope with the loss of a friend. Please post more information when you get it........so sad big hugsssssssssss
  21. CandySmooch

    Natural Cures

    leah - you are absolutely right - I work in the health field and have for 7 years now. I believe dr.'s are most helpful in situations where natural alternative medicine would not be of purpose - say I was in a car accident and needed drugs and surgery to keep me alive - in that respect the medical world has come so far and absolutelty shoot me up and cut me open to keep me alive - but as for illnesses etc - I believe in alternative medicines. thank you for sharing your posts with us leah and jachut. and jachut i will definately remember the diapers you use when I have children. every little bit helps!! that's the best you can do!
  22. CandySmooch

    Natural Cures

    Yes absolutely - i'm not promoting I agree 100% with everything he says - but he does have good ideas and facts to back them up. The colonics thing I'm scared to start - but yes I'm going to get a colonic very soon and have a few done as they cost $50 a session and it takes several sessions to completely clean your colon - so I figured I could get my colon cleaned professionally a few times and then try all natural kits at home - I found one that doesn't have a laxative effect. And forgive me but I was just on his website and it was only $9.95 to join and you got access to all of his personal recommendations? Yes it is kind of aggravating for him to give you the information of WHAT you need to do, but to GET his personal recommendations on EXACT products to use you do have to join his website although I do believe it is a worthy cause he's fighting for and will probably join for a few months to see what kind of information he gives there. All of his ideas are dead on - and you can take that information and ask any health food expert/person what they would recommend for say a home colon cleansin? Then they can give you recommendations on what product to purchase for your need. So the information is available to you. I'll keep you updated on if I join his site.
  23. To each his own and yes Jachut - why would anyone fill there body full of artificial sweetners that do nothing but toxify your body! NO more for me - As I have another thread started but you hit on a few topics of interest for me with the organic talk. Organic, natural, and kosher foods are the only way to truly eat healthy -the book i recommended in the above post hits on all the subjects you and I have mentioned including the obesity epidemic and proccessed foods. I'm with moderation and organic, natural or kosher food all the way. I didn't do this to be on a diet for the rest of my life and my surgeon supports my choices all the way. Margarine is a huge killer itself - you can read a little about it here although its not much info it is a start http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/butter.asp and I used to use this all the time! Why do you think you see everything TRANS FAT FREE now adays?? That hydrogenated oils are literally killers to everyone and we've been eating it here in the states for decades! Eatin' some plastic that tastes like butter. I'm not just sayin this stuff for the hell of it. Everyone needs to do their own research and decides whats right for them but this is the way I'm choosing to lead my life from now on.
  24. CandySmooch

    Restaurant eating, the banded way

    Interesting - I will have to contact my Dr. to see if he would do something like this! I will have to remember to ask him at my next fill.
  25. CandySmooch

    Love my Watkins Products

    Is there a way I can get a catalog before I place an order? I'd like to have a catalog at home to loook at.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
