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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bulawookie

  1. bulawookie

    Poop problems!

    I have the same problem and went a whole week with the urge and sensations of needing to go to the bathroom but couldn't. I take Fiber pills daily and drink tons of Water. I also am walking which has helped me. I hope this helps with you because I know it is no fun.
  2. bulawookie

    Going to make it!

    Definitly going to make it!! Tomorrow I have my third fill. I am ready for the tightness and having a hard time getting down liquids. I am ready for all the liqiuids and no food. I am prepared and committed to this process. I am working the tools cause my band can't do it all. I used to eat at fast food resaurants several days a week and eat volumes of foood late at night. I am prouds to say I have not visited a fast food resaurant since before surgery. At night I am dealing with some hunger but ignoring it and going to bed. My fill tomorrow scares me because the last fill was too tight and I couldn't keep water down. So I will ask for a small fill and try to be satisfied with that. I am perservering and I am going to make it. My wieght has plataued but I understand that is a normal process and just not going to let it discourage my weight loss so far which has been a huge 20 pounds. My face looks thinner and my size 14's are a little loser. I am on my way guys and gals.
  3. bulawookie


    Wow 35 pounds in 3 months is fantastic. Try to ignore your mothers comments. You are right that taking the weight off slower is more lasting. We with WLS have to develop a thick skin. Family members can hurt us the worst because they know where we are vulnerable. You are doing great so just keep up the good work. 35 pounds is inspiring to me!!
  4. bulawookie


    Okay dear this is my understanding of depression. Depression is anger turned inward. Listen to your self talk and begin to analyze it. My guess is you have a pattern of saying self-hatred statements to yourself. Begin to take these statements and debate them. The mean self-statements are not true. Really start paying attention to your self talk. Our self talk is usually meaner then anything another person would say to us. I know it is hard when you are heavy but get out and walk. It clears the head, makes us feel more confident and stimulates positive thoughts. I have suffered from severe depression all of my adult life. It took years of trying different medications until I finally found one, Cymbalta, that works. My depression was very treatment resistant but I never gave up hope I would find the right combination of meds and a therapist to help me. We are all here to support and help you so keep reaching out to us. I will be there for you. I don't know how to get you my phone number without making it public but I can talk to you on the phone if you need that kind of support.
  5. I am looking for those who have been banded in Austin. We can get together and support each other. Let me know you all are out there!!!
  6. bulawookie

    Going to make it!

    I got the band out the first time because I was thin for a long time and my port stuck out pretty far. I was dating and did not know how to tell my man about the band surgery. Once I got it out I quickly gained all my weight back again. This band I got on May 15 comes with new respect. This surgery was hard. Now when I date I will be proud of my band because I am very brave to do this again. I feel if an alcoholic or diabetic had a chance for surgery to cure their ills they would. My compulsive overeating is cured because of the band. I only want a man in my life who would understand how brave and courageous I am to get rebounded. I am succeeding even though I am not in the green zone yet. I am so thankful for this band. We are all so lucky to live in a country where we can get the band and the support from our surgeons and their staff. I go to monthly support groups which helps a lot.
  7. bulawookie

    Lightheaded and Dizzy

    blood sugar lows. they are going to happen because we are eating so much lies food. it is tempting to drink fruit juice or other high calorie drinks but do not dp that. We mist get used to a little feel of low blood sugar because we are on a Protein diet with cutting out sugar. sugar gives you a high followed by a huge drop in energy. follow eating good nutritious protein based foods.
  8. bulawookie

    Scared with increasing complications

    I have been banded twice. The first time worked wonderfully and I lost all my weight and maintained it for many years. I had that band taken out because I was living a thin life and started dating. I was terrified of telling my boyfriend about my port and surgery. It really hindered a healthy relationship because I avoided physical intimacy so he could not see the port and so I would not have to feel like a failure and tell him I have a lap band in my stomach. Anyway, years past and I could never find the resolve to learn how to be proud of my band so I got it out. Surgeon wasn't concerned at all and accepted that I wanted it out because of the dating situation. Then I gained all the weight back. It is not worth getting the band out when it works and is genius. You need to establish a good relationship with your band. You stated you are not eating right. Sliders and high calorie foods so you are not following the rules. You, like all of us, have to follow the rules. I gained weight by eating late at night. I ate every night after starving all day long. I ate ice cream. I ate fast food and I was numbed to the world. Food is a drug that numbs us. You have to stop numbing yourself and start respecting the band because it will work for you. Go to your appointments and be honest about what you eat and what you experience because we are lucky to live in a world that affords us the luxury of a lap band. I am now banded for the second time. I am not in the green zone yet and I endure a lot of hunger. I have been filled too tight and was miserable for days. I was nauseas and couldn't keep liquids down. I was spitting up so much and burping I couldn't be around people but I went to the doctor and got unfilled. I don't eat late at night anymore because I am determined to be the thin happy person I used to be!! You are worth it dear......so please don't give up. Really think hard about getting the band out because I really regretted it and learned the hard way. Now I had the surgery all over again but I have a new respect for the band. I know it is just one part of many tools I must practice. Don't give up on your band yet..Jenn
  9. Your breathing has everything to do with your anxiety level. Jumping jacks are a good idea or something else that grounds you. Thanks for sharing and welcome to banister land....we are glad to have you here.
  10. Take it easy and don't worry about no bowel movements. When you are not eating or are eating much less it is normal for you not to have regular bowel movements. I was banded May 15th and since then only go to the bathroom every 5 days or so. No problems to worry about as my doctor says. Great to have you in band world. You will love your band but we must respect it's delicacy as it is a tool to our weight loss. One tool among many others. Welcome!!
  11. bulawookie

    Anyone get banded at 190lbs?

    I got banded May 15, 2014 at 186.5. Now I am at 166 without yet being in the green zone. I still have hunger in between meals but it is because I am eating much smaller portions. I don't think being 190 has anything to do with how successful you will be. I was first banded years ago and started out at 190 and got down to 130 which I held onto for many years. So the band has worked for me in the past and is working again and i was the same weight as you starting off. I am exercising a little bit and being persistent about getting support. You will work it girl....good luck with your surgery!
  12. I was banded May 15th, 2014 for the second time. I almost hate exercising but yesterday I walked 1 hour and 20 minutes. It cleared my head, boosted my confidence and clarified I will do what it takes to get to my goal weight. I am hungry oftentimes but dealing with it by drinking a lot of water. I am patient and persistent. Last weekend I had to go in over the weekend for a slight amount of fluid taken out. The days prior I had been miserable. I was nauseous and sptting up all liquid. I hold on to that misery because it motivates me to lose weight. I don't like being miserable and I don't like being hungry but I am persisting with my desire to get this weight off. Being overweight has isolated me and kept me from reaching out to people so I hope to hear from as many of you as possible. Thanks.
  13. bulawookie

    I am making it work!

    Thanks menbers! I am totally motivated to use all the tools. I am eating small portions of nutrient dense foods to delay hunger. It isn't working all the time but most of the time. I used to get up at night and consume so much food late at night and I have not done that in a month. I have a huge blister for the 1 hour and twenty minute walk so can't walk until it heals but I will be back hitting the pavement soon. The walking really boosted my confidence. My weight is stagnating but I just keep doing what I have to do to break the plateau. Walking at first my thighs rubbed together....no fun....but now I noticed it less of a hindrance. Keeping on Keeping on!!
  14. bulawookie

    Band Prolapsed - should I do a second band?

    I am on my second band. The first one worked fantastic and I lost all my weight. Then I got embarrased of my port when I started dating. I also got a little cocky so I got the band taken out. The weight came back so I just got the band again and love it. I am almost in the green zone. I have very little hunger and I am starting more and more movement which is coming easier. I say go back to the band because it has worked for you.
  15. bulawookie


    Exercising is hard. I really have to make myself since my thighs rub together and it is hot and humid here in Austin. I started with just 15 minutes twice a day. Now I have a treadmill in the A/C in front of a TV and I watch my favorite programs. Sometimes I walk barefoot. I park my car farthest in the parking lot. I opt for the stairs often. It gets easier when some weight comes off. I try to call it movement instead of exercising because it sounds better. If you have a dog that helps. Just stare in to their eyes!! Remember progress not perfection. Oh yeah ..........and persistence, persistence, persistence.
  16. I want to start an Austin banters group. Anyone interested contact me.
  17. I just got a fill this morning and am at 9.5cc's. I stayed in the office and drank a glass of water and it stayed down. Now 7 hours later my water keeps coming up. Even the coffee I drank 12 hours ago before the fill is coming up. I am sipping now. Is it that I was drinking too fast? Is this normal right after a fill when I am swollen? I have not had any other liquids today so I have had no nutrition. I am in bed because I am so tired which I think is from low blood sugar. I will sip some chicken broth later for nutrition. I am a little hungry. I have not walked today but after I drink water I have been getting up and walking around the house hoping the water will stay down. Needing your responses! Thanks
  18. bulawookie

    Do I keep drinking?

    I did go back to the doctor yesterday. From Thursday morning until Saturday morning I was miserable and very weak. Things did not get better and I was throwing up all liquids. The doctor took out .5cc's so I think I am at 9cc's in a 10cc band. I am enjoying drinking and had some chicken noodle soup last night. The misery that I felt gives me motivation to make this band work. Surgery was tough as was the recovery so I remember all these difficult steps as motivators to win this obesity battle. I will win. I walked today twice because I felt good enough to.All your comments really help me so thanks all you out there.
  19. bulawookie

    8 years later, no restriction

    Go back for another fill and let your medical team work for you. Being in the green zone is worth it. You have gained back weight but not all of it yet. Don't get discouraged. We all have to go back and get adjusted. I just spent 3 days spitting up liquids and went without food. I was so weak, miserable and sick. I called in and went in over the weekend. They took out .5cc's and now I am drinking and it feels so good to have liquids go down. I had some chicken noodle soup last night that stayed down and tasted so good. I am thinking this may be the green zone even though I am not on solid foods yet. I won't stop the readjusting until I get into the green zone. The surgery was tough for me. It hurt and took days to recover. This last overfill had me miserable but I won't stop until my weight is off. You deserve the same.
  20. bulawookie

    Tight fill at 9.5cc's

    I just got my third fill and am at 9.5cc's. I was able to drink a large glass of Water right after the fill and it stayed down. But now hours after leaving my appt. I feel very tight and for no reason my coffee and water are coming up. The coffee I had early this morning is coming up. Why would coffee from 6 hours ago and way past the band start coming up?
  21. I live in south Austin but really want a person to person support group. I don't mind driving to Salado for it. Please stay in touch with me.
  22. bulawookie

    IMG 0138

    From the album: My journey

  23. bulawookie

    IMG 0007

    From the album: My journey

  24. bulawookie

    JM LPC pciture

    From the album: My journey

  25. bulawookie

    Daisy & Jenn Twin Falls

    From the album: My journey

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
