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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Catedepp

  1. No catheter or drains here. I was in a lot of pain the first day after surgery because they infiltrated my vein so pain meds we're not being delivered properly. However my overall recovery was a breeze. After about 5 days I stopped taking the Rx pain meds and stuck with Tylenol. My advice: read everything you can on this site, while some people post some bat sh*t stuff, you will hear common themes and advice. That's the stuff to pay attention to. Good luck.just had surgery last Wednesday. I am a RN and read up a lot on my VSG, but it's still a new experience. I talked to everyone I could and my experiences were similar. The surgery went fine. I had a small hiatal hernia and it was repaired at the same time. I didn't know that my MD used scopolamine Patches for nausea. It works really well for most, but it made me more nauseated. Once we figured that out and it was removed I was feeling better and was able to leave the hospital later the day after surgery. I have five small incisions, pretty bruised, but not painful. I have had major abdominal surgery and have had incisional pain. This is more internal discomfort. Couple doses of pain meds, but then nothing. I was walking around when I got home pretty well.I could shower and am keeping it pretty low key. Driving and moving pretty well. Take all the advice you get from your team. As the others have said, there are some odd thoughts on these forums, but themes are true. Keep telling yourself you can do this and prepare. My husband says I'm a older woman with a new baby tummy. When I think about it that way it makes sense. I'm "raising" a new and improved stomach. It's pretty cool!

  2. It has been a while since I have logged on... and I just had my 4th month post op visit with my doctor/nutritionist. I have lost 43 pounds in total and am so EXCITED! I feel great!! Now, I am a little bit concerned because the NUT said that I am about 50%. He said most gastric sleeve patients lose 65% of their excess weight. So, that would mean, if I weighed 100 pounds over my IDEAL weight then I am expected to lose about 65 pounds and they consider that to be the norm. NOW, I want to lose the 100 pounds that I am over weight by -- but the NUT made me feel like that was not typical and went one to say that when one is heavy it takes more energy and therefore you lose more weight but once you have lost about 65% of the excess weight it is more difficult... So, is he trying to discourage me or, well, I don't know?So, those of you who have had the surgery and are at the 1 year mark -- did you lose ALL your excess weight or was it the 65% of the EXCESS weight that my NUT was talking about?

    I am a new newbie smile.gif I am hoping to have my surgery in December, so excited and still lots of little questions. Can you tell me about the day of surgery, what you experienced, did you have to have catheters, drain tubes etc. I have never had a surgery before other than childbirth, so that part is what freaks me out more that anything. I am having the laprascopic sleeve. Any other details you want to share would be great, pain levels etc.

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