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  1. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  2. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    In the Facebook security settings, you will find a list of active sessions and where exactly these active sessions are taking place. She did it, she hacked my FB and created a fake profile of me. What she did is criminal and as far as threats go, she sent me a message telling me that I have no idea what she is capable of. I did not ever say that any of the fans girls, were responsible for the copies of texts that she used, I simply stated that she was coached. You figure it out!
  3. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Madam Reverie in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    I've asked for that comment to be deleted, my name has never been posted by me, Whitney's however has, she used it in her profile name twice.
  4. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from *susan* in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Thank you Susan, this girl is a not just insane but she is criminally insane, however, she did not act alone. She was coached.
  5. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    . Well I'm not going to give out that information, that is for law enforcement to take care of now, but rest assured, it was her and I have all the proof I need. As it turns out, it probably will be a felont charge then, because she lives in the big state of Texas!
  6. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    I'm going to tell you all something that happened to me this weekend. This Whitney girl, under "someone's" direction I believe, hacked my Facebook account and made a fake profile of me and sent out some very nasty telling messages to family members. She titled her message "important family information" and this was even sent to 2 of my husbands grandchildren. I am going to seek legal advise about this but I just want people to know what type of person I and others are dealing with here.
  7. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  8. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I am doing EVERYTHING I can to bring him down! Why is that? because he is a manipulative amorous narcissist who preys on women who have reached a most dangerous level of low sense of self are vulnerable and lonely and I have NEVER once claimed that he is a rapist! Yes we did have what I thought was a relationship and I did think it was real just like many others just like bonita_angel, but you are singling me out for personal reasons and frankly that ok too, go ahead, NEWS FLASH FOR YA ......I DONT CARE! You think this is about revenge because I was "dumped" or however you want to put it but you are missing the whole point! He is using his position as a patient care coordinator to take advantage of and hurt people. I am getting messages from women telling me all about how he has used them and lied to them and what he is doing is wrong! NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT! It's embarrassing to admit that I believed his lies and feel for his charm, but if it saves someone else from going through this hurt then I will shout it from the mountain tops! This is the cyber world, coexist123, the social networking world, and I will probably never come face to face with you or anyone else from this site, Team Illan, or any other online forum or group. If I passed you on the street, you wouldn't realize who I even was. You Ms coexist123 are not a part of my real world, so what ever you or anyone else wants to say about me does not even touch me. He played a terrible terrible game on what is becoming obvious as A LOT of us and he made a terrible terrible mistake because I will not let what he did to me destroy me.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, HIM OR ANYONE ELSE ......I KNOW HOW TO WIN THE HARD WAY!
  9. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I am doing EVERYTHING I can to bring him down! Why is that? because he is a manipulative amorous narcissist who preys on women who have reached a most dangerous level of low sense of self are vulnerable and lonely and I have NEVER once claimed that he is a rapist! Yes we did have what I thought was a relationship and I did think it was real just like many others just like bonita_angel, but you are singling me out for personal reasons and frankly that ok too, go ahead, NEWS FLASH FOR YA ......I DONT CARE! You think this is about revenge because I was "dumped" or however you want to put it but you are missing the whole point! He is using his position as a patient care coordinator to take advantage of and hurt people. I am getting messages from women telling me all about how he has used them and lied to them and what he is doing is wrong! NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT! It's embarrassing to admit that I believed his lies and feel for his charm, but if it saves someone else from going through this hurt then I will shout it from the mountain tops! This is the cyber world, coexist123, the social networking world, and I will probably never come face to face with you or anyone else from this site, Team Illan, or any other online forum or group. If I passed you on the street, you wouldn't realize who I even was. You Ms coexist123 are not a part of my real world, so what ever you or anyone else wants to say about me does not even touch me. He played a terrible terrible game on what is becoming obvious as A LOT of us and he made a terrible terrible mistake because I will not let what he did to me destroy me.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, HIM OR ANYONE ELSE ......I KNOW HOW TO WIN THE HARD WAY!
  10. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from butterflybefree in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.
  11. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I am doing EVERYTHING I can to bring him down! Why is that? because he is a manipulative amorous narcissist who preys on women who have reached a most dangerous level of low sense of self are vulnerable and lonely and I have NEVER once claimed that he is a rapist! Yes we did have what I thought was a relationship and I did think it was real just like many others just like bonita_angel, but you are singling me out for personal reasons and frankly that ok too, go ahead, NEWS FLASH FOR YA ......I DONT CARE! You think this is about revenge because I was "dumped" or however you want to put it but you are missing the whole point! He is using his position as a patient care coordinator to take advantage of and hurt people. I am getting messages from women telling me all about how he has used them and lied to them and what he is doing is wrong! NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT! It's embarrassing to admit that I believed his lies and feel for his charm, but if it saves someone else from going through this hurt then I will shout it from the mountain tops! This is the cyber world, coexist123, the social networking world, and I will probably never come face to face with you or anyone else from this site, Team Illan, or any other online forum or group. If I passed you on the street, you wouldn't realize who I even was. You Ms coexist123 are not a part of my real world, so what ever you or anyone else wants to say about me does not even touch me. He played a terrible terrible game on what is becoming obvious as A LOT of us and he made a terrible terrible mistake because I will not let what he did to me destroy me.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, HIM OR ANYONE ELSE ......I KNOW HOW TO WIN THE HARD WAY!
  12. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I am doing EVERYTHING I can to bring him down! Why is that? because he is a manipulative amorous narcissist who preys on women who have reached a most dangerous level of low sense of self are vulnerable and lonely and I have NEVER once claimed that he is a rapist! Yes we did have what I thought was a relationship and I did think it was real just like many others just like bonita_angel, but you are singling me out for personal reasons and frankly that ok too, go ahead, NEWS FLASH FOR YA ......I DONT CARE! You think this is about revenge because I was "dumped" or however you want to put it but you are missing the whole point! He is using his position as a patient care coordinator to take advantage of and hurt people. I am getting messages from women telling me all about how he has used them and lied to them and what he is doing is wrong! NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT! It's embarrassing to admit that I believed his lies and feel for his charm, but if it saves someone else from going through this hurt then I will shout it from the mountain tops! This is the cyber world, coexist123, the social networking world, and I will probably never come face to face with you or anyone else from this site, Team Illan, or any other online forum or group. If I passed you on the street, you wouldn't realize who I even was. You Ms coexist123 are not a part of my real world, so what ever you or anyone else wants to say about me does not even touch me. He played a terrible terrible game on what is becoming obvious as A LOT of us and he made a terrible terrible mistake because I will not let what he did to me destroy me.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, HIM OR ANYONE ELSE ......I KNOW HOW TO WIN THE HARD WAY!
  13. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I am doing EVERYTHING I can to bring him down! Why is that? because he is a manipulative amorous narcissist who preys on women who have reached a most dangerous level of low sense of self are vulnerable and lonely and I have NEVER once claimed that he is a rapist! Yes we did have what I thought was a relationship and I did think it was real just like many others just like bonita_angel, but you are singling me out for personal reasons and frankly that ok too, go ahead, NEWS FLASH FOR YA ......I DONT CARE! You think this is about revenge because I was "dumped" or however you want to put it but you are missing the whole point! He is using his position as a patient care coordinator to take advantage of and hurt people. I am getting messages from women telling me all about how he has used them and lied to them and what he is doing is wrong! NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT! It's embarrassing to admit that I believed his lies and feel for his charm, but if it saves someone else from going through this hurt then I will shout it from the mountain tops! This is the cyber world, coexist123, the social networking world, and I will probably never come face to face with you or anyone else from this site, Team Illan, or any other online forum or group. If I passed you on the street, you wouldn't realize who I even was. You Ms coexist123 are not a part of my real world, so what ever you or anyone else wants to say about me does not even touch me. He played a terrible terrible game on what is becoming obvious as A LOT of us and he made a terrible terrible mistake because I will not let what he did to me destroy me.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, HIM OR ANYONE ELSE ......I KNOW HOW TO WIN THE HARD WAY!
  14. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from butterflybefree in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.
  15. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  16. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from butterflybefree in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.
  17. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from butterflybefree in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.
  18. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  19. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  20. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from butterflybefree in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.
  21. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  22. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.
  23. Like
    MXtransformed got a reaction from LipstickLady in Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning   
    It is with much sadness and heartache that I write this. It is true, it is all true. How can I say this?, because unfortunately I am one of the 6 or maybe even more since I understand that more are coming forward to Susan since this thread was started. People who went, had a great experience and were not lured in or taken advantage of or had to deal with his unwanted flirting and advances, have no idea what we have gone through. Omar is very selective and very very good at picking up on the women who have come there to Mexico and are at their lowest point in their lives. Overweight, low low self esteem, extremely lonely, and feeling very unattractive is the perfect combination for the type of woman he targets. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen. For his supporters, this news about him is a very hard pill to swallow and so hard to accept, but let me say it one more time, IT IS THE TRUTH . I just want to say how much I appreciate Susan bringing this out and Alex for encouraging her and supporting this thread. I know that many people are hurt and in disbelief about all of this and naturally want to run to his defense, thank you so much Susan and Alex for coming to our defense.

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