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trapped inside

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by trapped inside

  1. Talk to your doctor about it right away. My reflux was a result of being too tight (too much fill). Does your band have anything in it yet? This site is wonderful for "support" but remember that no one with true medical knowledge monitors this site. Always go back to your doctor for concerns.

    I am an RN also and was not always honest about the difficulty I was having because I didn't want an unfil and risk stalling my weight loss. In hindsight, if I had gone with a little lesser fill I would have been better off. good luck.

  2. I had occasional occasional problems with vomitting and thought i had reached the sweet spot. Then last november 08 I started having reflux, every night, many times per night. My doctor took a little saline out, then a little more, and finally emptied it. My esophagus had dilated and my stomach was prolapsed up into it. I was rebanded 8/24/09 and have not had the first bit of problems with reflux since. I've had one fill and I've vomitted 2 episodes. I'm scared now and wish I had the forethought to ask if bypass was even an option.

  3. Don't do it yet. You've got to be sure. Its ok to be scared but you've got to be sure. I would see if your insurance covers seeing a counselor to discuss your feelings because, for me, the emotional/psychological aspect was the hardest part. People will offer you something to drink and then you have to have a discussion when you turn them down. You cannot pig out at Thanksgiving or going out to eat. I remember being in physical pain (stuck) because I was learning the new way of feeling full (it is different than what you are use to) and I couldn't wait for the pain to subside so that I could eat again. I was stubborn and wanted to finish whatever it was that I was eating. It makes you vomit if you eat too much, too fast, not chew enough. I would repeat the same mistakes over and over and guess what? I had a slip. I just had a revision and am committing myself again to doing things right and "listening" to my band. This is not another diet. This is a huge committment. Please wait until you are ready. Practice putting your fork down between bites when you are out to eat with friends. Practice eating on a small plate and chewing your food very slowly. I did this for about 2 months before I was banded. Good luck to you whatever you decide is best for you.

  4. I had my lap band revised yesterday because it slipped. Before it slipped, I had lost 54 lbs and was beginning to feel like a real person again. I think I pushed to have more fills because thats what I was reading that other people were doing and I thought that was the secret to weight loss. I now think the secret is finding a balance where you eat less but do not get stuck. And exercise!:thumbup:

  5. My bandiversary was October 29th. I've lost 50 lbs as of that day. I have a 10 ml/cc band and had a total of 6 mls when all of a sudden I had many many episode of reflux when I went to sleep at night. It was so bad that I would get it even if I sat straight up in a chair with my head propped up. My doc took out 1.5 ml's today, she says she wants me to be able to eat normally for a while and then she'll slowly start filling again. To be honest, it was a great day. I could eat, I could drink and I didn't hurt or spew. Here's to hoping that I can sleep tonight without being woken up with acid coming up my throat. I'm scared of gaining weight. I'm going to continue to watch portions and make the better choices and keep exercising regularly. It is a process and I guess I'm processing! Congratulations to all.

  6. Hey everybody! I'm checking in at 10 months post-band. I've lost 36 lbs. I just finished my first 5K and it did not kill me! Yeah. I feel so strong and have so much more energy. Tonight is my 5 year wedding anniversary and its the first time I've worn a dress since the wedding. I actually feel pretty. 40-80 more pounds to go and I feel successful and though it has been slow going. Slow losers take heart!

  7. I love ice cream, that is the hardest thing for me to not eat! Especially since I know it will go down easy and "because I've been good all day, I should treat myself..."I fight with that all the time and there is a country ice cream parlor on my way home from work that I have to slow down when I come to it because of traffic. I will try the cool whip. Thanks!

  8. I just went for my 6th fill and my doctor gave me 0.5 ml and said I was now at about 6 ml. This shocked me since I've been keeping track and I thought I was at about 6 ml last time! She told me that saline can dissipate a little bit over time. Anyhow I've got decent restriction and she doesn't want to see me for about 10 weeks. I am down 33 pounds total. It doesn't look like I'm going to make my goal of 50 pounds by the end of October but I'm going to keep on going!

  9. allamess, I hear your pain! I know its frustrating and the doubts that you're having make you feel foolish, I know how you're feeling. Did it occur to you that others are also losing slowly but too embarrassed to post? Not everybody out there has lost 50 lbs. Some may have even be so discouraged that they have quit reading this site,LBT. l hope you do not lose hope and quit posting because this is when we need it the most!

    I was talking to a friend not long ago who was getting discouraged. We have the same doctor. She said the doctor told her this was a 3 year process. You're using less insulin. That is fantastic!!! Don't underestimate that. That is progress. Please, please, please hang in there. There is another site that I have been getting some inspiration from, Sparkpeople.com. Check it out.

  10. Cher, don't worry that you stretched your pouch. But please make an effort to stop sooner so that you don't get stuck. I am concerned that you could make the band slip by throwing up. I understand because I have also made myself sick to get rid of that stuck feeling and I think we are playing with fire. Please push that food away and remind yourself that this is not the last meal you will ever have. Good luck!

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