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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by finediva

  1. finediva


    she doesn't have a band.
  2. finediva

    My story

    Correction....I thought I did not sleep.
  3. finediva

    My story

    yes, it's all pass me now. I'm 8 days post op and it gets better every day. Just deal with a monster gas pain that refuse to go away, but I know that also will pass. Thanks.
  4. finediva

    Can you hear that?

    girl I hope so. The electrician was here and we were at the kitchen counter. No stop noise. He was polite and pretended not to notice. I finally just addressed the issue and told I had major stomach surgery one week ago and had not eaten real food in three weeks. To back up my explanation on the counter in front of us were an empty Jello container, a bottle of Water and a large chicken broth from the chinese resturant. He was more in awe that I had not eaten in three weeks. Lol
  5. finediva

    African American Sleevers

    Sorry the post didn't post. Weird
  6. finediva

    Can you hear that?

    First, your post is funny as hell. I just Lol in my kitchen. I'm only 7 days post op and I thought this was due to the newness of my sleeve. I can't believe this continues. OMG, it doesn't stop?
  7. I had surgery on 7/18/14. Still have a drain and won't get it removed until my first appt on Monday. Kinda makes me mad because it stopped draining since Tuesday. But I agree, the last thing you should be worrying about now is the drain. All the best to you.
  8. finediva

    My story

    Girl, I don't want to sound scary, but when I woke up....5 1/2 hours... in the operating room I tried to freak out and they had to calm me down. I kept saying "It's 7oclock"? I was on the table at 136pm.....looking right at the clock and when I opened my eyes it was 705pm. I was in pain and feeling slightly confused. Now let me explain. My surgeon told me surgery can last from 1 to 2 hours. So imagine my confusion. I stayed confused about the length of time time until I finally saw her on Saturday around 4 pm. Yes, she did have doctors check on me Friday night and again on Saturday am. But I wanted to see her!! I asked her if I was in surgery until 7 pm. She calmly stated yes. She then went on to explain that I had so much scar tissue fro my previous three csection and open hernia repair, she had to remove it all before she could even begin the surgery!! I told her how worried I was that I had been in surgery that long. She seemed to take it all in stride and obviously she had experienced cases like mine before. So yes I did wake up slightly out of it, but is to be expected. You lose that time you are asleep. I did not get to my room until 1030pm. I was able to do a very short walk and call my 16 yr old son. Lord know what he was thing because I had promised to call him by around 5pm. Once I was in recovery my poor baby was the only thing on my mind. Once I was able to speak to him all was right with the world!!! Some background.....I told no one about my surgery and was completely alone at the hospital. The was I planned and wanted it. No great reason. Just my choice. The only thing I would of done differently was have my surgeon call my child after surgery and tell him I was fine. I hate that I may have caused him stress. But when I asked him if he had been worried, be calmly stated "no mom, I knew you would call". We texted half the day Saturday and he came with the person who picked me up.
  9. finediva

    Going back to work

    Sleeved on 7/18/14. My energy is a zero right now. I guess everyone recovers to a different rate. If I had to go back to work now I would not be able to make it through the showering and getting dressed.
  10. finediva

    My story

    Don't worry about the sleep study. They hook you up to a bunch of electrodes and monitor you from another room. You just sleep. You will be fine. I had my surgery in Brooklyn last Friday. I'm 7 days post op. Gas and general soreness in the belly area, but doing ok.
  11. finediva

    African American Sleevers

    Hi congrats on moving to the next stage. When was your surgery?
  12. finediva

    Prolapse with A & P repair

    Have you asked your doctor?
  13. Yeah, true. That's why I told NO ONE!!
  14. You look so much younger! You look happy. Thanks for sharing.
  15. finediva

    African American Sleevers

    You have to sip, sip, sip.... tiny ones all day long. I was sleeved on 7/18/14. I'm 4 days post op. My doctor has me on an all liquid diet, no protein. Only 4 ounces per hour. I believe I'm getting about 50 calories a day. maybe less. I'm weak and and has zero energy, but I'm sipping all day and even when I wake up in the night as I don't want to go back to the hospital.
  16. finediva

    Headache and Liquid Diet

    I had two weeks of a liquid pre op diet. The first four days I had a headache that made me take to my bed. At night I barely slept. Then the headaches went away and never returned. By the 9th day of the pre op I actually lost my interest in real food. I just drank my shakes and tons of water. By the last day I didn't even want the shakes. Yes I was bored with yhem, but also strangely not hungry. I'm 4 days pos op and I'm thankful I have zero hunger. Just forcing to drink broth and water. My surgeon only allows 4 ounces per hour.
  17. This is why I've told no one about my surgery. Do not want to spend the rest of my life discussing my decision with random people who just want to satisfy their curiosity factor. I just want to put all my energy in doing this and being successful.
  18. finediva

    Why hide it?

    I chose not to live my live out loud. I don't discuss my finances, and I don't ask people about theirs. I don't discuss how much my house or car cost and I would never ask another person the same. My mother told me if some one was ill, when they return to work never ask what was the illness. Just say I'm glad you're feeling better. On my job I'm amazed on a daily basis at some of the personal discussions I hear. As for me...it's not a secret, it simply no one's business. Really, why does it have to be announced?
  19. I had my surgery on Friday. Came home on Saturday night was 12 pounds heavier. Not what you want to see after having your stomach removed. Today is Monday and I've lost 9 pounds of what must be fluids. I'm still 3 pounds heavier than day of surgery. What a journey.
  20. finediva

    unkind drs

    Your doctor is a bully my love. Having MD behind his name cannot change his character. He is a mean bully and I'm sorry you had to deal with his epic unprofessional behavior. No none wants to say it, but he was fat shaming you. We have all been there at one time or another. But to have a doctor do it..........unacceptable. Continue to take care of you.

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