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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by finediva

  1. finediva


    Congrats!!!!! I'm 7 pounds away. I like the scale picture. I'm so gonna take a picture of me on the scale too!
  2. finediva

    Feeling Awful

    I had the sleeve surgery on 7/18/14. For the first 10 days I was allowed 4 ounces of water or clear broth per hour. I could also have jello and popsicles, but couldn't handle either. My docter was pretty strict. On the eleventh day I moved to full liquids and on the 14th day to pureed. I have to do a month of pureed. I'm happy with that because I honestly don't feel my tummy is ready for the next stage. Get your protein from your shakes and drink fluids to stay hydrated. Stay in the the different stages as long as you have to and by all means seek medical care if your body is telling you to. I send good wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
  3. finediva

    So... I CAN eat like pre-op... but I WON'T...

    So no restriction from the sleeve?
  4. finediva


    what date was your surgery?
  5. finediva

    Bad day!

    Glad to hear the good days are winning the fight. And yes we are human and will continue t o have roller coaster days and sometimes weeks. As women we have a lot to deal with. Stay encouraged and claim your success.
  6. OK. So work the plan my love. Start by cutting back on your sugar intake. Make small changes. Work on reducing your carb intake. You will see immediate results and yo u r cravings will start to diminish. A little trick I used......keep pieces of grill chicken, hard boiled eggs and small shrimp in the fridge at all times. Reach for small portions when you feel hungry or crave carbs.
  7. finediva

    Bad day!

    You will have to stay focused, and be forever vigilant. For me the very thought that I laid on an operating table, allowed myself to be put to sleep, and asked a doctor to remove a large portion of a perfectly healthy organ still amazes me. I realize today that I'm grieving the lost of my stomach, but it's forever gone. I plan to honor my surgery by making a lifetime commitment to the process.
  8. finediva

    Bad day!

    How were you able to eat two slices of pizzas? Were they tiny slices? I'm only 3.5 weeks out, and I have difficulty drinking 3 ounces of soup.
  9. finediva

    BMI, Self-Image and Unexamined Thoughts

    There are normal weight people with heart disease, HBP, and diabetes. I happen to know quite a few of them.
  10. finediva

    almost 2 month out and stalled

    So you lost 48 pounds in two months and you are not doing the very happy dance? Congrats on the 48 pounds and you look amazing, BTW!
  11. Were you given a diet plan to follow? Example protein shakes and lean and green meals? Were you just told to lose the 29 pounds so you could be considered for the surgery? Who told you to lose the weight? Maybe if you provide a little more information so help can he advanced to you.
  12. Those eggs might not be so yummy once you try them. I'm just sayiny. But we are all different......
  13. finediva


    All I c an say is .......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....lol
  14. Once I decided to do my surgery I became obsessed with completing the battery of pre testing assigned to me. I took no prisoners along the way. After meeting with the surgeon I promptly completed two diagnostic test then took myself to Spain for a 10 day vacation. But not before scheduling all my pre testing appts. If one doctor's office or diagnostic center did not have a date I decided I wanted I moved on to the next. My surgeon gave a list of doctors to use. When the psychiatrist on the list couldn't see me until almost three weeks, I promptly c alled my insurance company and requested a list. They emailed me 250 doctors in my general area and two days later I had completed my psychological eval. Getting a surgery date was all I could think about and I put the two possible dates I wanted on my calendar. Yes, I got one of them. When I was not running around town completing appts and test I spent the rest of the time obsessively reading post on this site.
  15. finediva

    I finally made it!

    I'm 8 pounds away. I'm coming for you, lol. Congrats!!
  16. You are welcomed. Reading these posts really helped me be more prepared for the process of surgery. I hope it's the same for you.
  17. Ah, the liquid diet.....if you are a coffee addict, prepare to feel the pain of withdrawal. If you are a sugar addict, well...either way the first three or maybe four days maybe the most difficult for you. By the fifth day you probably won't care as you would be so focused on your up coming surgery. I was on a two week liquid diet. While it was difficult.....I went through serious caffeine withdrawal and wished for death.....by the 9th day I had simply lost interest in food and had to force myself to drink the shakes. I believe the two weeks prepared me for the two weeks liquid after surgery. I am now on pureed and have no desire to move to the next stage. Follow your surgeon's plan and see yourself as an individual and try nit to compare your results with others. Even if it would be rifficult not to.
  18. Welcome, and congrats on law school and rocking the bar exam.....I know you did. Well girl you are alive and here for a reason, so go forth and start living the healthy and fabulous life God spared your life for. I also lost my mon and sister in 2005. I share your pain, but I know they are happy that I'm choosing to change my life.
  19. Sorry about the lost of your god mother. You are also experiencing grief. Try to still focus on your recovery, the best you can, and take care of yourself. Carry around a water bottle at all times. Peace and blessings
  20. finediva

    Psych evals

    correction * lost*
  21. finediva

    Psych evals

    Hello, my intension is not to take you there....but so sorry for the list of your baby girl. I cry with you. Peace and. Blessings
  22. finediva

    Extremley tired

    I was reading these posts of people who went back to work in a few days to one week. I was amazed because I was completely exhausted for the first 10 days. I felt so weak one day I cried. I was also on clear liquids and probably getting about 40 calories a day from chicken broth. Tell her to say encouraged. She will begin to feel better. Bt the 12th day I suddenly began to feel more like my self. I was also having protein shakes and real soup. I'm three weeks out and while I feel back to my old self, there are times when I suddenly feel exausted.
  23. finediva

    Ekg & chest xray

    Don't sweat it. I had both as part of my pre op testing. It was required for me. Best of luck and try not to stress, all will be fine.
  24. finediva

    Sleeved this morning!

    Congrats! Just sleep it off and enjoy your pain pump. I had some of the best mimi naps the day after my surgery. Lol. Again, congrats.
  25. finediva

    Feeling like a failure

    but are you able to eat just about anything now? What's interesting is mentally I don't really want to add anything much besides the hot cereal, homemade chicken soup and my two shakes a day. I have a fear of throwing up and just don't want it to happen to me. Also, I can barely manage to eat the few ounces of cereal, soup, the two shakes and the 64 ounces of water. I'm still trying to get my water in at 10pm. It's exhausting. I'm so thankful that I'm not having any cravings. Makes it easier for me to stick with what I'm doing mow.

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