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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by finediva

  1. My doctor also wanted to be sure I understood the risk involved. He asked me what is the worst thing that could happen as the result of having the surgery? I replied "I could die". Interview over.
  2. Hi, I was sleeved on July 18th. What was your surgery? Don't be disheartened, I don't know about being a mentor, but we can be buddies if you like. How has your progress and recovery been so far?
  3. finediva

    Walking after surgery

    Really? Right out of surgery?!!!
  4. finediva


    Oh, the life of a sleever! Girl you better run for that bathroom! Lol.
  5. finediva

    my teenage daughter is sick of me

    I am a single mom to a 16 yr old boy. I told him I was having a hernia repair. After surgery I called him and did not give him a clue that I was in any kind of pain and discomfort. Yes, I was. The day before surgery I cooked three different meals for him and made some omelets for him to reheat for breakfast. The two fridges and freezer was well stocked with his frozen pizzas, etc. I started cooking simply things for him about 10 days out, but basically kept it simple with cold cuts and salads. I did all laundries. Basically I tried to make sure his life would not be interrupted. I came home and while he was supportive and very helpful to me. I basically took care of myself unless I needed a window pushed up or something heavy picked up. He was a little confused by my eating stages, but I explained that's the way it has to be until I heal. Teenagers are self centered and friend obsessed. They love us, but at 16 it's tough for them to absorb and process why we would willing do this surgery. Yes I'm overweight, but I still ride roller coasters with my son. He wouldn't want me to do this. I just asked God to please bring me back to him and he did.
  6. finediva

    8 weeks post op!

    I'm jealous. I want a flat belly!! Congrats on your journey.
  7. finediva


    It's not PMS. They are getting on your nerves. You are being asked to survive on liquids. Hang in there girl.
  8. finediva

    Sleeved this morning!

    I hope you don't have to deal with any negative talk. I'm one month out yesterday. This has been a tough month. I'm tough enough on myself . I'm glad I didn't have the added stress of being watched. I've lost 25 pounds. Funny, no comments as yet. I always dressed in lose clothes and kinda been hibernating a little in my home. I've focused the entire month on recovering and trying to get my fluids and protein in. Still struggling with that. Besides reading and posting on here, I'm all by my lonesome, but I like it. All the best and I hope the negative nellies stay away from you.
  9. finediva

    Sleeved this morning!

    Yeah, smh also. Every time I read post like this one where people are being mean and judgemental about someone's decision to have WLS, it reaffirms my decision. I TOLD NO ONE.
  10. finediva

    Pre op help

    You are welcomed. I'll be a month out on Monday. I was right where you are now. It will be over soon. The best news I can give you now.....I care very little about food. I have to watch the clock to make sure I eat. Also I was on two weeks of clear liquids after surgery. I breezed through it hunger wise, but had very low energy. Best wishes.
  11. finediva

    Pre op help

    Of course you are tired with low energy. You're having to exist on probably half your normal daily calories AND your body is detoxing from carbs, sugar and, I don't wish this on my worst enemy, caffeine. The good news is it will get better by the 4th or 5th. Drink water and try to stay busy. Also, go to be early if you can. Let your body rest. Most of us who have had surgery had to do a version of a pre op diet. I had a two week liquid diet. Lord knows I struggled the first week. Had a strong coffee habit that I was instructed to kick. Hang in there. Keep your eye on the prize.
  12. finediva

    8 days post op cheater :/

    Ok, where is your doctor? Making protein fruit shakes for patients? I'm jealous.
  13. You are a normal woman. I have had fat arms and very heavy legs all my life. Even as a young girl. To this day I refuse to wear sleeve that do not go to my elbow and my legs are always covered pass my calves. But as I got older, even if I still refuse to change the way I dress, I began to be thankful for having arms that enable me to care for myself and my children. I once was a TV show about a woman with no arms who had a baby. Another woman lost her arms from some type of blood infection that took over her entire body. I'm thankful for legs...period. I'm not in a wheelchair and I do not use a walker or cane. My legs work great. Do I feel comfortable showing them? No, but that's my issue. I know we all strive for perfection, but what is that? I hope you will come to terms with the scar and embrace the wonderful progress you have made so far. I know my arms will probably be horrible after I lose the bulk of my weight, but what can I do? I don't have the money for plastics. So most likely I will continue to wear sleeves that go to my elbow. Be encouraged.
  14. finediva

    how often do you weigh yourself?

    I weight myself EVERYDAY. I will never stop.
  15. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    Oh, OK. I can see why you maybe worried about the recovery. No way possible to take another week huh? Best advise would be to make sure and take every thing you need with you. Soups, shakes, Gas X strips..... see where I'm going with this. Do you have to be very physically active while at work? I was super low on energy after my surgery. Mainly because my surgeon had me on 4 ounces of Clear liquids every four hours. Basically I was drinking plain Water and broth. I could no longer handle the sugar free Jello and Popsicle. Still can't....just taste too sweet to me. I'll say one good thing that came of my surgery.. I was able to get the sugar monkey off my back!! Anything else I can answer, let me know.
  16. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    You drive eight hours to work every day?!
  17. finediva

    H pylori

    you take a great nap and don't remember a thing when you wake up...except, why the hell did they wake me up from one of the best naps ever! I've had three, you don't feel a thing!
  18. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    Tough how? Do you mean the recovery or losing the weight? There are people in their 60s having the surgery and losing the weight. I've lost 24 pounds including the pre op started on July 5th. I'm great full for every pound. Whatever you decide I wish you all the best. Make sure it's what you really want.
  19. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    correction * turned*
  20. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    Girl I turnes 53 this past May. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not lose weight like a 25 year old. Also, I have been overweight ALL my life. I did this surgery to give myself a chance to experience what it may feel like to be a normal size and weight before I die. I feel so good about most of the aspects of my life. I just want a chance for normalcy. I'm not even looking to be the weight on the chart. I just don't want to be morbidity obese. Which is how I'm currently classified. I want to go old and be as healthy as I possibly can. You already had your surgery?
  21. finediva

    My revision day is aug 21st

    Well actually nothing is really. I just kept drinking broth. Oh, and tried t o stay in bed as long as I could in the mornings and went to be early at night. I was on a two week liquid diet. Basically if I could I would've slept the two weeks away. Hang in there, the pre op liquid is rough for most people. Funny thing, by my 9th day, I didn't care to eat or drink. Just want to get to surgery day and get it over with. Best wishes for next week.
  22. OMG! I watch him on tv. Cool!
  23. finediva

    Preop meeting had to go to

    I totalling agree with you. I read these post where people say they have only lost 50 pounds in 2 or even three month since their surgery. They complain of being frustrated that the numbers are not greater. I am 27 days out and have lost 20 pounds since surgery date. Since my daughter was born almost 27 years ago I have been trying to lose weight. The most I've lost is 9 pounds and promptly gained all back. I told my doctor I hope to lose at least 10 pounds a month. I hope I do that, but I'll take 5 a month. Either way it will be 100% better than what I have tried to accomplish over the past 27 years. Heck, I'll take any downward movement of the scale.
  24. finediva


    So very sorry to her of her complications. I can only imagine the fear and stress you must both be experiencing. I am happy that she is now under medical supervision and I pray that she has a very speedy recovery.

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