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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by tabby76

  1. Haven't been on in a while. Im working nights on a neuro intermediate unit now and have started my BSN classes. I have a follow up with the doc this month.I'm having trouble staying hydrated...went to clinic to be seen for viral syndrome and ended up getting a liter of fluids...is chronic dehydration a diagnosis lol. Exercise is still a struggle but I have to do it. Hope everyone is doing well

  2. Hi everyone! Haven't been on here in a while. I was sleeved in June, down 40 lbs. my concern is that I have been eating more at meals than the standard one cup. It varies, sometimes it's a cup, sometimes 1 1/2 to 2 cups. I'm scared. I do not want to regain the weight. I know I also need to exercise more and eat smaller more frequent meals and 99% Protein which is difficult. Anyone else been there and can I get back to being satisfied with one cup of food? ? :(

  3. Pirate RN I have lost about 35 pounds including preop weight loss. I stalled for almost 4 weeks but it was because I wasn't getting in the right amt of Protein. I'm feeling good though, loving putting scrubs on that I couldn't wear and some of them being a little baggy too. The scale isn't dropping fast enough but as long as I'm losing I guess I'm ok with it. How are you doing?

  4. Hi! RN in NC. I had sleeve on July 15th. So I currently am about 3 1/2 weeks out. So far I have lost 18lbs. I really see more in inches though. So frustrating be a use I thought scale would move a lot faster.

    Hi! Pirate RN!! Congrats on ur progress. Are you in Gville? I am and would love to talk and compare notes. The scale moves too slowly for me and I have found that a pound up or down depends on the amount of Protein and Water I get in during the day. Good luck to you on your journey!

  5. The nutritionist said that gummies did not have the right amt of Vitamins that we needed after wls not did it have the minerals in it that's needed. I refuse to buy the bariatric vitamins, so she did say Centrum silver was a good substitute. Also citracal instead of viactiv because viactiv is Calcium carbonate and we need calcium citrate, no Ca carb due to us having a decrease in hydrochloric acid after surgery. They make a citracal petite which should be easy to swallow and I'm going to cut the Multivitamin in half and try it. My doc said I didn't have to crush pills if I didn't vomit them after trying to take them once, so we will see.

    As for Protein Shakes, the nut told me no, she wants me eating food, well damn that's not always possible, especially in nursing. But I am going to look at the special K Protein bars.

    I am very frustrated at this stall, i didn't think that protein only was good for you for an extended amount of time, but I am going to cut out the sweet tea and sugary drinks and see if that helps any. I managed to get in my 40 grams today, but I also ate the bun with the burger I had for dinner. :( I just hope the stall passes very soon.

  6. So I went for my nutrition appt yesterday and left feeling very defeated. I am one month post op and can eat basically whatever I want. I thought I wasn't getting enough calories since I was in a stall and haven't lost anything in almost 3 weeks, but the nutritionist said that she thinks it is from not getting enough Protein. Now let me admit that I was drinking things like sweet tea, but not daily and had started drinking gatorade and/or G2 and apparently this is a no no too. :wacko: So I am supposed to get 40 grams of Protein daily, I think I was getting an average of 25-30 but was eating carbs and some frutis and veggies, again a no no. She said strictly Proteins and zero calorie drinks. Did I mention I work 8-5ish and she wants me to eat 5 times a day, really?! I want this surgery to work, so I will do what she says and hope that the weight starts coming down again.

    Also just to share, my surgeon told me that flinstone gummies and viactiv were okay to take, she said NO, no gummies and no viactiv so today I have to go search out some Vitamins that has everything in it that needs to be there along with Biotin.

    How do you all handle eating so often during the day, as nurses we can't constantly eat or drink and that is what she is asking me to do. I really do not like eggs, so that doesn't help me get that high source of protein first thing in the morning. Suggestions and other experiences with stalls and protein intake.

  7. Hi all. My surgery is july 22. I am so excited to get this journey underway. Has anyone else had problems getting the Protein Shakes down? For the most part they smell how tube feeding smells and I have a hard time drinking them. Open to suggestions to get over the visual in my head that I'm drinking tube feeding.

    I hated Optifast, so I bought the special k vanilla Cappuccino, they were a lifesaver preop, post op I drank them for 4-5 days, after that my body would not tolerate them, unfortunately because I really liked them. Good luck to you!!

  8. Yes! I am! I cannot wait! I'm getting sleeved at the end of November! I'm so excited! Today I got my medical clearance and have only 5 more meetings to go with my surgeon! Someone shoot me a Facebook message. Facebook.com/wilsonstephanie. ... This is a private decision for me, none of my friends know, but I would love to find an online WL pal that I can talk with! (Just remember it's private for me so don't post anything online; please!)

    Stephanie- sent you a pm on Facebook.

  9. I have lost a total of 30 lbs and I'm 2.5 weeks post op. didn't lose anything this week, I know I need to start exercising but fatigue has been a real issue. Did anyone else slow down after the first huge weight loss and if so when did it pick back up or is it going to be a pound or 2 a week now??

  10. When I started I was 260 lbs and wore a 24 jean and 3X or 24/26 tops(I like loose fitting shirts that don't show my rolls). I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op, down 30 lbs and still in a 24 jean, which is frustrating but I do see that my shirts are baggier. I also carry my weight in my abdominal area. I have noticed that I've lost some of my boobs and butt, lol. Gotta start exercising to tone up the flab. Good luck to everyone.

  11. Okay nurse friends, I have some concerns/issues. Being a nurse makes me the worst patient ever, as is usually the case with all medical professionals. I was over Protein Shakes the day after discharge. I am 1 week post op today and since discharge I have had yogurt, scrambled eggs and cheese, a mozzarella stick and a half, watermelon a half a banana with Peanut Butter, Soup and tea. So I always limit the amount that I eat, making sure it's between 4 and 6 oz, and usually cannot tell if I feel full or could have eaten a little more. So I guess my questions are what does it feel like when you have eaten enough and shouldn't take another bite and am I really harming myself by progressing my diet so fast even if I tolerate it? Plus I have no energy, suggestions?

  12. Nice to see everyone sharing their experiences. I've used this thread a lot to cope with the changes this week. So I'm 1 week post-op today. Looking back I've come a long way since my first consultation with my surgeon. Looking back on my notes that day I measure in at 6'-6" 444lbs. The day of surgery I was 406lbs.

    1 week post-op. I'm 385lbs.

    That's 59lbs since March 13th

    21 lbs since June 17th. I am getting tired of the liquid diet already. I find myself having cravings for certain foods even when I'm not hungry. I'm glad to see progress and can't wait for the soft food phase.

    I was tired of the Protein shakes the day after discharge. I have tried yogurt, cheese and eggs, Soup and today a little tuna, the jury is still out on the tuna. I also ate some Peanut Butter with half a banana. It gets old quick.

    My concern is that I am eating right at 4oz but haven't pushed it to see how much I can tolerate. I'm full after one bite of anything so it's hard to read my body as far as being full.

    Best of luck to you!!

  13. Hello All,

    I was sleeved June 13th in Mexico. For the past couple of days I've had a really fast heart rate. I went to the doctor and it was tachycardia. I've had issues with my heart before surgery but it was never this fast. I know this is one sign of a leak but pray to a God it isn't. I haven't been able to get more than 10g of Protein lately due to not being able to stomach it. So far I've only been drinking Water but not very much. I'm awfully thirsty and hope my tachycardia is to due my dehydration or electrolytes. Others than that I feel absolutely great!!! What are your thoughts ? #PrayersPlease

    It sounds like dehydration but wouldn't just take it for that! I actually got out today and did some things, my heart was racing too and I broke out in a serious cold sweat, but no pain. If yours continues I would get evaluated again! Good luck!

  14. RN in April, previously LPN for 15 years. Just had my sleeve done 4 days ago. Doing pretty good I think, quit using my pca pump after first night, only took lortab once for a HA and some upper chest pain from gas. Gonna try to stick with liquids until my 2 week post op f/u. I have reached my life long goal of becoming a RN, now to get smaller, healthier and comfortable in my body. Good luck to everyone!!

  15. 3 days post op, feeling a little sore, gave up the Protein Shake this morning for yogurt, did well. Still having what feels like spasms when drinking anything cold. Love the refried Beans and cheese idea. Wasn't really told what to eat or drink until my 2 wk check up except liquids, and a total of 2 liters a day (I didn't drink that much before surgery) gonna get out and start walking first of the week. Any food tips from other recent sleeve ppl is appreciated. Good luck to everyone going thru the post op and getting ready for your turn! So glad I did it!!

  16. So I am 3 days out from my sleeve and have a few questions:

    Did anyone else have spasms after drinking liquids, especially cold liquids?

    The Protein Shakes that I loved before surgery are now repulsive.

    I tried yogurt this morning and did okay with it, what did everyone's immediate post op diet consist of?

    No one has told me how much I should be 'eating' at one time, does anyone know?

    How much weight did you lose your first few weeks post op?

    How long were you sore from your larger incision? I had 5 incisions, one of them larger which is the most tender.

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