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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Lexie*

  1. At least you all are doing good sticking to your pre-op diet. Today is day 1 of my pre-op diet and it was an epic fail. I think I actually ate more than if I wasn't dieting. I think the knowledge that very soon I will be full on a scallop and packet of Sweet-n-Low is making me nervous. (Anyone get that SNL reference?) I'm going to try to do better tomorrow.
  2. 2 weeks and 4 days until surgery. But who's counting?? So excited!
  3. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    241 for today
  4. *Lexie*


    12 more days! I had my pre-op testing and education today. It was a full day of blood and urine and barium (sounds much worse than it really was). The barium is so delicious that I get to have it before and after surgery. Actually, I didn't think it tasted that bad. My surgeon's office told me that I'm the only person who has ever said that and that most people say it's worse than the surgery. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow and it actually includes food. Two Protein Shakes and a healthy meal or more commonly known as the Slim Fast Diet.
  5. *Lexie*

    My VSG Journey

    Good luck today, I hope everything goes smoothly. Let us know about your surgery experience. Mine is in two weeks and the days seem to be flying by.
  6. *Lexie*

    surgery today 9/10/2014

    Congrats, I hope everything goes smoothly.
  7. *Lexie*

    Sept 26!

    Yay, congrats! I am having surgery on September 24th. I keep alternating between excited and very nervous. But there's no backing out now. I have jumped through way too many hoops. I'm happy to be part of a support group. I saw a thread for a group that all had surgery the same week and they kept posting for a few months after with weight loss updates, etc. I thought it might be a good idea for everyone having surgery the week of September 22nd. Having a thread for everyone having surgery the same month gets really big and overwhelming.
  8. I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to most, having surgery or taking 4 weeks off from work. I have two more weeks until surgery and my motivation at work is non-existent. I'm not normally like this, maybe it's because I know time off is coming.
  9. *Lexie*

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Good luck, be sure to tell us all about it, especially since it's new.
  10. @@NJSleeveboy - Ha, is that your way of saying "I told you so!"? Kidding. It made for very interesting reading, thanks for bringing it back up to the top.
  11. *Lexie*

    Tomorrow's My Day!

    Yay, good luck. Can't wait to hear how it goes. I feel pretty lucky to have a 12pm surgery time now.
  12. *Lexie*


    @@BetterNai88 What day is your surgery? Mine is the 24th at 12pm.
  13. Trust your instincts and do not give your hard earned money to anything less than the perfect doctor. I have insurance coverage but am still paying some out of pocket costs. My surgeon's consultation was free and it lasted over an hour and he answered every question. And the 8 week skills class they require us to take with the dietitian and psychiatrist was not billed to me or my insurance. You deserve better.
  14. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    I submitted my starting weight and goal weight already. Today, I weighed in at 242. Thanks
  15. *Lexie*

    So far I feel good!

    What a great attitude. I think it's wise to expect to have to deal with those little emotional eating demons. If you expect it, it's not as tough.
  16. When I was pregnant, I promised myself that during labor, I would not scream or say "I can't do this". Seemed a little cliche and that baby is coming out one way or another so by golly you can and will do it. I was one of those lucky people which epidurals did not work on so I got to experience all those labor pains. I sweated a lot and said the F word once but I did not utter those forbidden words or scream. I knew I just had to get through the tough part and at the end I would get this amazing reward. I'm scheduled for surgery in a little less than 3 weeks and of course I'm nervous. I've read all the stories, good and bad. I have decided that I'm going to have the same attitude I had going into labor. I just need to get through the tough part and at the end will be another amazing reward. The pain and discomfort will not last forever. And what I am not going to do is question my choice for surgery. I know that is common but in every case I have read, it's been a fleeting feeling. There's no going back once I'm out of surgery so it doesn't do any good to think that way. And that's all I have to say about that. I will expect you all to keep me honest if I start complaining.
  17. *Lexie*

    What your look forward for?

    Oh my gosh, so many things. I could probably write a book. Out of all the things, I think I most look forward to no longer avoiding activities because I'm self conscious. i.e. Going on vacation, going swimming, going to an amusement park, getting family photos taken, etc.
  18. So exciting! Just make sure to ask for that "I don't give a crap" medicine straight away and then you won't have a care in the world. I plan to get that stuff in an IV for a good week prior to my surgery.
  19. *Lexie*

    Life after surgery

    Wow, you are wise beyond your years. You have got the right attitude.
  20. Wow, a 7 minute mile! Now that is amazing. I hope I get close to that one day.
  21. *Lexie*

    Labor day Challenge

    final weigh in - 245lbs
  22. *Lexie*

    Anxiety is setting in!

    My surgery is September 24th and I alternate between really excited and terrified. Some of the most amazing and memorable things we do are the most terrifying; Riding that big roller coaster, white Water rafting, skydiving, getting married, having children. This is going to be life changing and completely worth a few butterflies.
  23. *Lexie*

    September Sleevers!

    My official surgery date is September 24th. Is anyone else on the 24th?
  24. Don't sweat the small the stuff. No one will remember in a day or two. Welcome and don't worry too much about loose skin. I have previously lost most of my weight and gotten down to around 155 (oh yes, I gained it all back thankyouverymuch which is why I'm here and getting surgery) and I had a little loose skin but it wasn't excessive or painful. And I didn't have any rashes or anything. It was nothing a little spanx couldn't fix. It's better to feel good, be healthy and look good in clothing.
  25. *Lexie*


    I agree that you shouldn't have to work out that much to maintain. It feels like you're fighting to keep your head above Water and it's exhausting. This is a good choice and you don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. Congrats! In a few weeks I'll be hitting that OR.

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