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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Lexie*

  1. *Lexie*

    Surgery tomorrow

    My surgery is tomorrow too! I feel the same way. I am just ready to get this over with so I don't have to be nervous anymore.
  2. *Lexie*

    Today was my surgery

    Congrats!! I think you'll find that most of us prefer the sleeve. Hopefully you do too.
  3. I've been on Bariatric Pal for a few months now and I'm a week away from surgery. I've read countless posts around fears about surgery, complications, losing hair, loose skin but my biggest fear is something that I rarely see mentioned. What if I fail at this too? Does anyone else worry about that or just me? I did okay going through an 8 week pre-op diet/skills class and lost around 15 pounds. But as soon as my 2 week pre-op diet started, I have lost my mind and haven't been able to stick to it. Which leads me to wonder if the same thing will happen afterwards. I really want to be successful but knowing that soon I won't be able to eat make me feel compelled to eat while I can. It probably doesn't help that my doctor's office told us that we have already shrunk our liver with the weight loss we have already had and they only expect us to lose another 2 lbs on the pre-op diet. I took that as permission to eat three meals a day versus 1 meal and 2 shakes a day.
  4. *Lexie*

    This is it!

    It's going to work and you are going to look and feel fabulous.
  5. *Lexie*

    Surgery Tomorrow

    So exciting, can't wait to hear how everything goes. My day is Wednesday, I couldn't agree more. It is worth it.
  6. I have had my gall bladder removed and a C section and thought both were a walk in the park and didn't use pain meds for either. (Pain meds make me vomit so I avoid them if I can) I sure hope you're all right that this is easier. (I was ready to cut my own gall bladder out to stop the pain of those horrible attacks, wouldn't wish that on anyone) Since my surgery is on Wednesday, I will know soon enough and can tell you all what I think. My surgeon is pretty cool, they feed a thin wire into one of your incisions and it has several ports that releases local anesthetic to your abdomen for three days. Once the medication bag is empty, just pull the wire out and toss it. I'm going to expect it to suck and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised that it's not that bad.
  7. *Lexie*

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    @@LipstickLady And I bet if any sharks came around while you were sinking in the ocean, they'd think you are too bony to bother eating.
  8. Thanks to all the good advice I have received, I have been able to get focused on my pre-op diet and stick with it. I now see that my pre-op diet was related to my insecurity and my failure on the pre-op diet further fed my fear of failure. Self sabotage is B! So here's the crux of the issue. If I never take a risk, then I don't have to worry about failure or change or all those other scary things. But if I don't take a risk, I'll never change and get the things I want. This process really works on your mind. I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface on some of these things. But I'm so happy to have a group of people that are willing to take time out of their day to help talk me off the ledge. You are not wasting your time, it really does help.
  9. *Lexie*

    Newbie and miserable

    Depends on the physician and your insurance requirements. It took me almost 4 months from consultation until my surgery next week. A lot of hoops.
  10. Mine basically started today too and I am hungry. I can have 2-3 shakes a day and a light dinner and snack. I am ready for my dinner!
  11. @ Touche! I will not complain. You are absolutely right, I am very lucky. I read a post a while back where someone said their insurance didn't cover surgery so they dropped it and signed up for Obamacare insurance and it was covered. Not sure what is entailed in that but it may be worth checking into.
  12. *Lexie*

    Finally sleeved!

    Yay, congrats. I came across an old post of yours earlier today about the pre-op diet and saw your surgery was today and wondered how it went. (It's easy to remember you with that Houston logo. I'm a Colts fan so I'm used to seeing us beat you.) Glad you checked in and are doing well. My surgery is the 24th too. I think you are the first person I've seen that has the same day as me.
  13. I really must revive this thread. It's helping get me in the right frame of mind for this pre-op diet.
  14. @@snowkitten And Tums gives you your Calcium carbonate that you need. You hopefully get relief and get an important Vitamin at the same time.
  15. All this feedback is so incredibly helpful. I really hope that I food is a chore and that I don't really have a desire for it like I do now. Tomorrow I am going to put my head down and push through this pre-op diet. I can do this.
  16. Premier Protein is my favorite too. I have found them at Meijer.
  17. @@Miss Mac Your post brought a tear to my eyes. Thank you for such insightful advice. In my 8 week skills class that my doctor's office requires, half of it is with the psychiatrist and she focused a lot on that devil you mentioned. She said that setbacks are learning opportunities and we should choose to learn from them (about our behavior, emotional state, etc) versus punishing ourselves. I should probably listen to her and your good advice and try to figure out why I'm suddenly feeling like I'm never going to get food again. I think years of failed dieting has shaken my confidence.
  18. They went over this in our pre-op education. Once you hit the pureed/soft food stage, an ounce of tuna which is typically in the pureed/soft foods category has 7g of Protein per ounce. But we can eat 6 ounces at most which if we eat all protein is 42g of protein. They ask us to supplement with 2 protein shakes per day with at least 20g of protein each. This would get us up to around 80g of protein. When we are on full liquids, we are supposed to have 60g of protein or 3 protein shakes per day. I like the Premier Protein which is 30g of protein for each shake.
  19. *Lexie*

    Mental Preparation

    I am keeping in mind that no matter how I feel right after surgery, it will be short lived and eventually I will feel so much better than I do now. I just have to get over the hump. I'm an ex-runner that really misses it, I am visualizing running with ease and how great that is going to feel.
  20. My first day on the pre-op diet was a disaster. I may have ended up eating endless shrimp at Red Lobster. I think it's so difficult because it's mental. Soon we won't be able to eat more than a spoon or two of food and the urge to live it up is strong with me. Today is a new day and I'm on track with my Protein shakes and I get a lean meal for dinner. P.S. My surgery is the 24th.
  21. I will not miss my double chin. I will not miss having big boobies. I know some people worry about losing their chest but I welcome a B or C cup. I look forward to running the Honolulu Marathon. It was my goal before I gained all my weight back a few years ago. I can't wait to lose enough to start running again. And if you're going to run 26 miles, is there a better place than Hawaii??!!
  22. I'm in the exact same situation. Birthday in mid-October and I'll be about 4 weeks out from surgery. We're going to see a movie. Even though I do love popcorn, I have stopped getting it while I'm pre-op so it won't be as difficult afterwards.
  23. You could be the poster child for gastric sleeve and people would line up for it. You look so good. I'm so amazed by the results in just one year. You look so much younger. Don't you love not having thighs that rub together anymore?? You are a great reminder of why I'm doing this.
  24. V8 is on my full liquid diet.
  25. My surgeon prescribes liquid pain medicine. You could always ask if they can prescribe that instead.

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