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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Lexie*

  1. *Lexie*


    That is awesome! I don't think I would have the self control to not weigh myself so good for you on that one!
  2. *Lexie*


    I must be incredibly lucky, I don't have much pain. I have two feelings, normal and stuffed like Thanksgiving dinner. That makes me a little uncomfortable for a short time but it's in my stomach, not my chest. I can't figure out how much to eat so I get enough but don't feel so stuffed. Especially when I'm never hungry to start with. It's not like I can eat until I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied all the time thanks to this fantastic new frankenbelly.
  3. *Lexie*

    Wish Me Luck!

    Luck!!! Don't worry if you don't sleep much tonight, you'll sleep all day tomorrow. At least I did. I was enjoying that morphine.
  4. I think you could be being too hard on yourself. I had to lose weight pre-op but like 2 months. If I had been faced with a year or two of this, I don't know if i would have succeeded either. I mean, the whole reason anyone gets weight loss surgery is that they have been unsuccessful with traditional dieting. Expecting someone to lose and maintain for that long of period of time seems unrealistic. And we all have our food demons that we have to deal with. I took a pre-op class but that doesn't mean I'm cured. I'm a work in progress and am still going to meetings/support groups. If I waited until I had myself all figured out, surgery many have never happened.
  5. *Lexie*

    How did you settle on a goal?

    Forever fluffies...ha! That's cute.
  6. *Lexie*

    Food melt down

    @@willow13 Willow, stop teasing me with the bacon already. Every time you bring it up, I think about it for like 2 days. Mmmm, bacon... In all seriousness, I was sleeved on 9/24 too and I would say that you lasted a long time before having a breakdown. I think I had mine in the first week. Those food demons are evil!!
  7. *Lexie*


    If you're on pain meds, they can shut down business. Miralax and Colase together work very well. They were recommended by my doctor.
  8. *Lexie*

    100lbs down

    Did you ever imagine you would look so skinny in a white dress?? I love it! Thank you for sharing.
  9. *Lexie*

    Hiatal hernia repair

    The chest pain is normal. It just means you're drinking too much or too fast. Take smalls sips. For me, that only lasted a week or so and now I can take normal sized drinks. Every once in a while, I take too big of a drink and feel it in my chest. I was also more comfortable with room temperature at first. You shouldn't consume anything too cold or too hot for a few days/week. Not sure about the burning, I didn't have that. It gets better really quick, hang in there.
  10. *Lexie*

    Day 14 Post op and weight stall?

    I'm 14 days out and I have stalled for 2 days as well. You are right, it is discouraging. It's not related to started puree because I started that stage close to a week ago and my weight loss stayed consistent. Maybe we're just starting the 3 week stall early. Hopefully it doesn't last long.
  11. I'm a few weeks post op, enough that I'm eating soft food and feeling restriction. I feel like I'm overeating. I spend most of my time feeling stuffed. I am tracking my food and I'm lucky to break 600 calories. So clearly I'm not eating as much as I did pre-op. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
  12. How long ago was your surgery? I'm only a few weeks post op and haven't been brave enough to try Pasta or bread yet. They are both trigger foods for me so the longer I can wait, the better. But otherwise, I haven't had issues with anything I've eaten.
  13. *Lexie*

    I had a oreo

    Probably not if you feel okay. Of course, now Oreos sound good. Good thing I'm too lazy to go get any.
  14. *Lexie*

    Is this normal?

    I guess I'm afraid I'm already eating too much. For example, I had no problem eating a whole scrambled egg this morning. Everything I read says people can only eat a bite or two.
  15. *Lexie*

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Congrats! It's really nice on this side of the fence, looking forward to seeing you over here.
  16. *Lexie*

    Food melt down

    We're like a bunch of bacon and donut eating junkies. We'll be just fine.
  17. So glad to hear you had such a positive experience. Honestly, I really thought I was going to have the same type of recovery, I'm usually pretty lucky like that. I definitely knew I had surgery. I slept most of the day after my surgery, I don't even remember some of the conversations I had (must have had the good drugs). The following few days I mostly felt a little hung over, tired and foggy and moved a little slow. My stomach was sore but I also had to have a hiatal hernia repaired and they said that would cause a bit more soreness. But I was lucky enough to not have any gas pain and very little nausea. And now less than 2 weeks post op, I feel amazing. Overall though, not horrible or unbearable or anything. Anyone still anticipating surgery should just keep in mind that even if it does suck a little, it's finite and before you know it, you'll feel like yourself again. I think the fear of the unknown is worse than anything.
  18. *Lexie*

    Food melt down

    @@willow13 I would cry over bacon. Just saying...
  19. *Lexie*


    I had the same requirement by my surgeon. I just put my head down and pushed through it. The good news is that those pre-op pounds are gone and it's less that I have to lose now. If I can do it, you can do it. And you'll likely have surgery before you have time to regain any of that weight.
  20. @@❤️lovemysleeve My surgery was 9/24. Soups (without chunks) was on my full liquid stage. I got to start full liquids right away. I'm on puree now, a little early with my doctor's blessing. It's like a whole new world opened up with the puree stage.
  21. *Lexie*

    Vsg 3 weeks post op

    @@JenVsg2014 I just started puree and one of my favorite things is pintos and cheese with a scoop of ground beef from Taco Bell. I've even added a little light sour cream to it. It's really filling (I can eat about half) and it tastes like paradise. Maybe you just need a few things to try that change it up. I was having Soup when I was on full liquids and am so freaking sick of it now so I know exactly what you mean.
  22. *Lexie*

    Got my date

    Congrats! This month will fly by and that date will be here before you know it.
  23. *Lexie*

    Food panic attack

    @@Kathy812 Your surgery date is on my birthday! I'm almost 2 weeks post op and I totally freaked out during the pre-op diet. I just had to do 2 shakes and a healthy meal but most days I had 2 shakes and a big fat meal. Needless to say, I lost 0 pounds during my pre-op diet. You will eat again and don't think that you'll never get a certain food again. I'm already on puree/soft foods and haven't had an issue with anything I've tried so far. Except oddly, the Protein shakes give me a little belly ache now. Personally I think getting stuffed like Thanksgiving dinner off of 2 oz of food is cool as heck. Imagine, you can lose weight without ever being hungry again. It's truly an amazing thing. All we have to do is make healthy choices and exercise.
  24. *Lexie*

    Repulsed by food

    I think I have the opposite problem. I'm not sure food ever tasted so good as it does now. Something about eating small servings and tiny bites makes me savor food more. My surgeon says nausea is normal up to 6 months post op. Maybe you need a nausea medication to help manage this. They prescribed me these little Patches to put behind your ears. Worked like a charm.
  25. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    In the spirit of our Halloween challenge. This is my favorite Halloween commercial. Thank you to Geico for not talking about boring insurance and instead entertaining us. Enjoy!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrrw0wNLc2g

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
