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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Lexie*

  1. *Lexie*

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    I do love a good debate. What if it was HIV or if you needed surgery for urinary incontinence? Would you be quick to share this information with everyone you work with? I've known lots of people that are private about their health. I did not share my surgery information with the world. I also do not share details about any of my other surgeries or past health issues other than a random cold. I'm just not big on sharing. I also don't tell people how much money I make or how much I spent on my house. Not everyone is an open book.
  2. My surgery date was 9/24 and I've been on a stall for 14 days now. I've lost 13lbs since surgery. I've not had really any issues with any foods yet. Today I walked for an hour without getting too tired or having any stomach pain after. I feel pretty good. HW - 257 SW - 244 CW - 231 Where's everyone else that has surgery in September at?
  3. I'm 3 weeks post op and am down 13lbs. I was hoping to be down more but I am happy for the weight I have lost. I have been stalled for almost 2 weeks now. So discouraging. I hope I start losing again soon.
  4. *Lexie*

    Biggest Loser

    @@BeagleLover Thanks for the book suggestion. I just purchased the kindle edition. I need all the help I can get.
  5. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    231 again this week.
  6. I'm not self pay but I had my surgery at Community South last month and I really like Dr Clark and his staff.
  7. *Lexie*


    Maybe he is having a hard time accepting that you won't be fat because he's afraid you'll easily be able to go out and find someone better. And let's face it, you probably will. But what he doesn't get is that it won't be because you're skinny, rather it'll be because he's not supportive. Boys are dumb!
  8. *Lexie*

    26 months post VSG surgery

    That is very encouraging to me who is less than a month out from surgery. I hope I hit a normal BMI in 10 months. But more importantly is that I'm looking to maintain my weigh loss long term and your post makes me feel confident that it'll happen.
  9. I'm just going to put this out there. Surgery to lose "only" 90lbs could be the difference between living another 20 years versus living another 40 years. Is it worth it if you could extend your life by 20 years?
  10. *Lexie*

    2 weeks post op

    I stalled exactly at 2 weeks too and haven't lost for 10 days now. Completely normal and expected though that does not make it any less frustrating. Don't second guess what you are doing. It doesn't have anything to do with pureed foods. Hang in there, I know how you feel.
  11. I saw this thread for people who had surgery the week prior and thought it would be good to start one for everyone who had surgery last week. My surgery was on Wednesday the 24th. Had an unexpected hernia repair during the surgery which my surgeon said would make me more sore. He wasn't lying. I'm still pretty sore. First few days were a blur, I just wanted to sleep. My first three days I was only able to get down a 1/3 of a Protein shake. It was so much work. Today was probably the first day that regular food started looking appealing to me. Not having any issues with the liquid diet though, I generally get filled up pretty fast. My weight on day of surgery was 244 and this morning I was at 240. I have the next month off and I'm happy to have the time to bond with my baby sleeve. I have already learned that drinking too fast makes it chatty.
  12. I did not freak out thanks to my good friend Xanax that I spent a few days with leading up to surgery. Highly recommend it for you. No need to experience all that anxiety if you don't have to.
  13. Before surgery, I had multiple ranges of hungry to stuffed. I could be comfortably full, really full or couldn't possibly eat another bite full. Now it seems that I have only two states. Normal/not hungry and couldn't possibly eat another bite. Is this the new normal or will there be more notice on the stuffed feeling as I heal?
  14. *Lexie*

    Day 14 Post op and weight stall?

    @@Hockey momma Are you still stalled? I was the last I checked. I'm not weighing again until Wednesday and I'm hoping by then the stall is gone and I show some weight loss.
  15. *Lexie*


    Best of luck! This is the hardest part, it gets so much easier once you wake up tomorrow.
  16. *Lexie*

    bad halloween candy

    Good luck! I am waiting to buy candy until right before Halloween so it's not hanging around the house. I wanted to have a year of giving non-candy treats but my husband is convinced that the trick or treaters will turn on us.
  17. I was sleeved on the same day. What are you craving? What stage are you in? My doctor told me I could progress at my own pace at this point so I'm able to try different things and it's helped reduce my cravings. Definitely found out that I can't eat chicken yet. Too dense and made me feel horrible.
  18. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op. I've lost 13lbs and I've been stalled for 6 days (frustrating). Today I went for a walk with friends that ended up being an hour long. Once I got home, my tummy started hurting again. I've noticed that happens if I overdo it. I really overdid it today, ow! Have to remember to pace myself. I really hope to start losing again soon. I really try not to weigh myself every day but to no avail.
  19. I would threaten to cut my husband if he took the best part of any of my food. I don't see any reason not to share if you know that you have more than you need but just tell him to hang on and you'll give him what you aren't able to eat once you are finished. That gives him a few minutes to let his food settle. Probably not good for him to wolf down his food and eat more before he knows if he's still hungry. I don't think you're being too sensitive, btw.
  20. *Lexie*

    10 days post op.. HELP

    Totally normal. The feeling in your chest is the soup stopping before it gets into your stomach. Take much smaller spoonfuls to reduce this effect. And the bloating means you're full. You really just can't eat much right now because of the swelling. Just take it slow.
  21. I was all prepared for the stall I would encounter in my 3rd week post op as I've read extensively about it on here. What I haven't seen, is how long did it last before you started losing again? Right now I've been stalled for 5 days.
  22. *Lexie*

    Need post -op recipes

    For puree/soft, my favorite thing is pintos and cheese with a scoop of ground beef from Taco Bell. Tastes like heaven after a few weeks of only liquids. I also bought Tomato Soup At Hand which is pre-made and just needs heated up. One can would last 4 meals for me. Add a little pepper or a little shredded cheddar and it's delicious.
  23. So sorry to hear how tired you are. I was sleeved on 9/24 and my energy started coming back once I started getting some real food. I still wear out fast but it's not near as bad as when I was on the liquid diet.
  24. My husband said something similar. He's a wonderful guy that spoils me rotten. I just told him that I'm way too lazy to train a new guy so he's safe. We sometimes use humor to express ourselves. But, I have made sure to tell him more often how much I appreciate him. I think that helps a lot.
  25. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    Today's weight - 231

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
