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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Lexie*

  1. I figured I'd have a few pieces of Halloween candy today only. I had a Snickers Peanut Butter and went to My Fitness Pal to log it and it's 130 freaking calories!! So not worth it, I'm not eating another bite.
  2. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    Final weigh in - 227
  3. *Lexie*

    Free apps till Friday

    Thanks for the info!
  4. *Lexie*

    Weight loss

    OMG, I am so sorry. This is our worst fear. It's just so wrong that you have worked this hard and not gotten anywhere. How close to goal are you? I know it gets harder the closer you get but it sounds like you have been very patient.
  5. @@mefosburg @Danie1114 At least this isn't just happening to one of us. There must be a reason for it. Maybe we'll be late bloomers and the weight will start coming off in month 2.
  6. @@Danie1114 I've only lost 2 pounds since October 6th. I feel exactly the same as you. I log every bite I eat and am usually around 800 calories (sometimes a bit more or less). I did go through my food journals today and I've been short on my protein a few days but I have a hard time believing that is the issue. I've been exercising regularly too. I feel like I lost faster than this before surgery. Very frustrating.
  7. I am going to a kickboxing class tonight. It'll be the most intense workout I've done post surgery. I'm a little nervous... I might wear my binder just to keep my stomach supported.
  8. A pity party, that is. Ha, I tricked you! Okay, I need to whine and complain for a few minutes and then I promise to tell you what I'm going to do different. I am a month out from surgery and lost around 15 pounds the first week and a half. Went into that wonderful stall that we all complain about and after 2 weeks of that, I started losing again. Oh, but only 3lbs over a few days and then it stopped again. I track every bite I eat and I'm under 1000 calories every day. Do I sometimes have something I shouldn't? I certainly do, but I write it down. I have also been exercising 4-5 days per week. Before surgery, I would have dropped weight eating at this level of calories and exercising. It's so frustrating to see the scale stuck. It's frustrating to see others lose 30 pounds their first month. I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day and I shouldn't compare myself to others but I do... So I just went back to work today and I'm using this as an opportunity to be more structured with my meals. I'm going to continue to exercise and set small goals so I don't get so wrapped up in the number on the scale.
  9. @ @@LAG50 I don't always get 64 ounces of Water but I do try. As for calories, I'm typically in the 600's but sometimes 700-800 depending on the day. I had one day that was close to a thousand. I am willing to lower my calories but it will mean that I won't hit my Protein goal. @@proudgrammy Thank you for your great feedback. I have been following the rules. I haven't had any pizza or anything like that. I've had a few painful experiences that has taught me to be wary about straying from the plan. (I had an experience with a half of piece of toast that made certain that I'll not be tempted by a bread basket for quite some time. @@tawnya71 - Thank you for making me feel better. I know I'm being impatient. It's comforting to know i'm not the only one that is a bit neurotic about this. Thanks to everyone and I welcome all suggestions. I think two things I'll take from the feedback so far is to make sure I get my water intake at goal every day and to make sure I hit my protein goal (which I do most days but I'll work on that).
  10. @jessiquoi That's a good question. Right now I'm walking and doing the elliptical which is challenging but not strenuous workouts. But I don't see how it's possible to eat more than 1000 calories right now unless I ate slider foods that I should not be eating. I'm still only able to get 1-2 ounces at a time. Could I do better with getting Protein? I sure could but I've lost faster in the past with a much bigger stomach. I just keep waiting for the dam to break and the pounds to just start dropping and that hasn't happened. I also have the fear that I'm eating too much (which is why I'm so strict about writing down every bite) and that's not it. If feeling sorry for myself burned calories, I would probably have lost 40lbs this month. I'm just sayin... The only choice I have is to keep on keeping on and try to trust the process. But I'm telling you, right now my sleeve is outside the circle of trust... LOL
  11. *Lexie*


    Well if you have kids that can help, I would say you shouldn't vacuum for at least 6 months.
  12. *Lexie*

    Losing weight, feeling bigger

    Self loathing, disgust...oh wait, you're looking for helpful suggestions. Well I am going to follow this post because I would like some too. I have lost close to 30lbs and I am more self conscious than ever. I think you're right though, we've pulled our head out of the sand. I think I know why I stuck my head in the sand in the first place...
  13. *Lexie*

    Huge Tip for Post Op

    That would be good feedback to your surgeon during a follow up. I was lucky enough to be given a binder and it does make all the difference.
  14. *Lexie*

    Should I expect a stall?

    What an amazing offer you have made to your employees. Not very many people would do that.
  15. I can eat eggs, ground beef, tuna, cottage cheese, etc. I cannot eat bread in any form. I tried a little toast and was in pain. I tried flatbread and it was awful. Does anyone else get pain in their chest and back if they eat something that doesn't agree with them? After a tiny piece of flatbread, I was in pain for like 3 hours.
  16. *Lexie*

    Halloween challenge

    This week's weight - 228.
  17. I feel the same. Protein shakes are making my stomach upset so I don't always get my Protein and I never get all my Water. I have had some things I shouldn't and I have eaten too fast and gotten to the point of pain. I am going to make more of an effort to get all my protein and slow down. If I do those two things, I should be on track. Everyone has an occasional treat, don't beat yourself up.
  18. I agree with @@Thinkingthinner1109 Tonight for dinner I ate 2 oz of lean ground beef with taco seasoning, a sprinkle of cheese and a dollop of sour cream. I ate one bite too much and was so full I had chest pains and had to walk around for a few minutes. And my stomach hasn't growled in a month.
  19. Thanks for posting this topic and for the suggestions. I've been looking for a good unflavored Protein. I'll be ordering this tomorrow.
  20. That is fantastic! And in less than year. I will be beyond happy if I lose 100 pounds ever and ecstatic if it's within a year.
  21. *Lexie*

    Feeling Guilty 4 days out

    Completely normal. You don't feel restriction when on liquids. I was sure the surgeon made a mistake and only took out like half my stomach. I was able to drink a lot starting around day 4. I could finish a Protein shake in like 10 minutes with no trouble. But a guy that had surgery the same day by the same surgeon as me had all sorts of trouble getting his liquids and at one of our support groups told me that I had just drank more than he could all day (I drank a 24 oz Water in an hour). As soon as I started eating all bets were off. I got all sorts of restriction now.
  22. This cracked me up. Here's how I read it. I drank it, it hurt but I pushed through the pain and love it. Only a fellow diet soda addict would understand. My doctor says that there is no studies that prove that it's harmful post op or that it stretches anything. However, caffeine can irritate the stomach so they don't recommend it. But as they so eloquently put it, we can have anything we want after surgery. It's not like we'll explode if we drink it. It's a choice just like exercise and eating Protein. Personally, I'm choosing to follow the rules about exercise and protein but I do like me some Diet Pepsi (and I try to stick with caffeine-free).
  23. I got to give it up to my surgery team. Their goal is that a patient is never surprised by anything. I was required to go through an 8 week skills class prior to surgery. It was 2 hours per week and the psychiatrist covered things like emotional eating and the dietitian covered the long term eating program. The Director went over exercise. I am only a month out from surgery so I may still be surprised by something down the road but so far it's what I expected. They also have an advanced skills class for post op people that continues the education and I've been attending. I figure I may as well take all the help they are willing to give.
  24. I survived my first stall. It was a long two weeks of that scale not budging. I hope it's a nice long time before this happens again.
  25. I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow. I typically get around 600-900 calories depending on the day. I'll list what I ate today as an example, I got 59 grams of Protein and 700 calories Breakfast 1 egg scrambled with a tablespoon of sausage and a tablespoon of cheddar lunch 1/2 of a Taco Bell Pintos and cheese with 1T of light sour cream dinner 1 oz smoked sausage 1/4 cup mac and cheese Snacks Premier Protein shake 1 slice of cheddar cheese 2 sugar-free popsicles

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