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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SBovee

  1. Things will get so much better for you! I was the same way and haven't had one issue since surgery and I'm 2 months out. I've been like that my whole life and then was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six months prior to having surgery. I can assure you life only gets better from here on out! :) good luck with your surgery

  2. I'm three months out and I haven't had an issue yet. I started spitting up Percocet into fourths on my 5th day (my back is seriously messed up herniated disc, bulging disc, scoliosis) so I cant live without them BUT they taste horrible crushed. I'm still doing fine never had a problem or one get stuck. You'll do fine. I think they (drs) make a huge deal out of nothing.

  3. My own personal GP told me not to tell anyone. And if anyone says well tell him to stow it and get a new doctor. This is not the USA. They are rare here. We have waiting lists for those as well. He is a new doctor for me. I got rid of the last one for this one because the other one I had was an a**.

    In fact the first time he met me I told him I was about to have WLS and he said oh I do not think that is good idea. I think you should go on these new diet pills that are out now..I don't even want to consider if that would have been better for me in the long run...lol

    I'm sorry you were told not to tell anyone. :(

  4. RJ- I am puzzled. How can someone tell you that you don't belong in a support group? Why would you take that feedback to heart? Of course you belong here.

    I know you have been through hell and back even though I don't understand why.

    What I also know is that state of mind and attitude are HUGE toward good health and healing. I don't know why it keeps happening, but it seems like every interaction you have iwth the medical field is fraught with negative and painful emotions. I realized you can't change THEM but you can change how you choose to feel about it, respond to it etc. I think you SHOULD consider some sort of counseling - and I don't mean talking to a shrink but perhaps learning some techniques like guided imagery or others that help enable your mind to help your body heal. It is a way of training your brain to bring in positive emotions and feelings which is healing over the stress and anxiety feelings that can make any of us sick.

    You always have a positive word for everyone. I hope you can find it for YOURSELF. I know that is easier said than done, but I also know it is possible.

    It was more about what advice I could offer that really upset me. Not about the advice others give me...Although it was implied that there is nothing anyone could say to help me either. I disagree with that and know I have received help and compassion from a lot of people here. So that is not even an issue for me...

    I got to thinking if that is the only thing I can talk about is a botched surgery then there is only a small number who can relate...So it got to me and I was upset.

    The Doctor saying I was a survivor not a success also bothered me. Because when I put that ticker down each time. I felt like I was winning and succeeding.

    I am seeing a lady who is helping me with my past and what that has done to me. I am hoping that she can help me let the past go. I have made changes but it is a slow go..Hard to change yourself when you are 56.

    I have said more then once that if I am not helping others I will go. WLS is my baby now. It is so important to me. It was a gift to breath life back into me and it did that. I live to aid and be there for others. Right now it is here on this forum.

    The medical field in this area. Well they are mostly against WLS. I am a reminder why I guess. They are quick to tell me that. I am only a tiny percentage. The majority do great but they are doing it on their own because there is no support for them here. It really P****S me off. And yet every time I try to push it I get the door slammed in my face. They only know about me because of my issues. Most of the patients don't talk about it.

    I was told not to talk about it. Not mention it and don't put myself out there. It is nothing to be proud of. Okay..I am not proud. I did what had to be done...And when that has been said to me I say back so who is there for all the WLS patients that are struggling? Who are helping them? Who listen to them?.....Who says you can do this?....NOT THEM that's for sure.....

    I'm curious who told you not to talk about it? Your Dr or people here? Sometime talking about things/venting is the only way to make it through a tough situation.

  5. I drink with a straw too with no problems. My surgeon never said anything about using or not using one. In fact, now that I think about it I used one in the hospital and was never advised against it. I know I've seen on here other people say their Drs say not to use one, I'm not sure why though.

  6. Post-op for the first 2 weeks I used Optifast. It was required by my Drs office. Now I use GNC Total Lean 25. I also mix in Women's Ultra Mega active to get my Vitamins. I tried a few Proteins at Walmart and hated all of them. I agree with the post above. I read preop my tastes buds will change and thought "that won't happen to me". It does happen. What you like now you may not like in a few weeks.

    Good luck with your surgery! :)

  7. Hmm...I would go to a consignment store and sell all the clothes that are too big on you or donate them.

    Then go out and buy yourself something new and form fitting to your size and fabulous!

    When you see her again wearing your new fabulous outfit and smile you can tell her "Thank you" if she hadn't given you all those clothes back then you would not have been able to purchase this new and awesome Size what ever smaller now outfit.

    You can add all that or simply just pass by with a 100 watt secret smile and say Thank you! It will kill her, it's not unkind, and it will make you feel good too :)

    Love this idea! I'm so sorry to hear how mean people can be. And how mean she was to you. But you're the one winning now. You lost the weight. Karma is a wonderful friend!

  8. Sorry let me clarify. I didn't mean you have the option of actually giving up. It's not like you can get your stomach back. I meant don't get down sometimes it can take a long time to see results. I was hoping to simply offer some up lifting hope instead of telling you to wait it out/stop expecting so much (like the person above). I was told the same thing when I posted the same question. And that's less than helpful when someone is frustrated. Best of luck. :)

  9. Please, please don't give up. I lost 10lbs the first week I was home and then literally stalled for FOUR weeks! I like you couldn't understand what I was doing wrong and I had read about 2-3 week stalls but never 4 weeks. Hang in there, one morning you'll wake up and another 5-10lbs will just fall off. I am 6 weeks postop

  10. I am a stay at home mom of a 16 month old who is 27lbs. I wasn't supposed to lift anything over 10lbs for the first 6 weeks. My husband wasn't able to take off more than a few days after I got home because he works for the railroad. I limited my picking my daughter up to three times a day, once in the morning, once to put her down for a nap and once to put her in bed at night. I sat in the floor to do everything else ( changing diapers/ feeding, etc). My Dr knew our situation. He told me to make sure I lifted with my legs as much as possible and lift very carefully. We did just fine :) you'll do great too, just be careful.

  11. I felt the same way. I think I felt down because I was divorcing food and there was no turning back now, this was the real deal. I'm postop and still struggle with my old friend good not being here for me. I'm glad to hear you have a support group, I would encourage you to bring it up. It's great to have people who can support you.

    I hope things get better, I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. :(

  12. I totally understand where you're coming from. I used to enjoy eating, now I simply dread it. Not to mention I'm still figuring out what my body/stomach will tolerate. Things I used to love I can't eat anymore without paying for it. I have two daughters, with my youngest being a year and a half I don't have time to always stop and dedicate a half hour to eating a meal.

  13. I lost 10lbs the first week home from surgery. I had surgery on Oct. 6th. I haven't lost an ounce since. Is anyone else in the same boat? Am I doing something wrong? I realize I didn't pack on the pounds over night but I'm starting to get frustrated.

  14. Random question - do any of you have an irrational fear of "What if the Gastric Sleeve doesn't work on me like everyone else?" I am 1 week post-op (woot-woot) and can't shake the feeling! I haven't weighed myself but can already see in my face that I have lost some weight yet I still have this voice in my head asking "what if I only lose 30lbs and it stops..." This is crazy right?

    This is my biggest fear! What if I did all this work and I don't lose all the weight? I'm scared of disappointing my husband and letting everyone else down.

  15. Yes. My surgeon is Adam smith at Fort Worth Lap Band. I LOVE him, but wasn't as happy with the surgery center staff.

    Jen, I'm so sorry to hear! I just got sleeved this morning and there's no way I could have left 6 hours later. I hope everything else goes well for you. And you heal quickly :)

  16. I was sleeved on the 1st too, and today was the first day I felt somewhat normal. I was able to get in 40g of Protein but not enough Water. I've had a headache for the past two days. This is much more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I also had a hiatal hernia repair, and my gall bladder removed at the time if my sleeve. Oh and they discharged me only 6 hours after my procedures were done. I kind of wish I had stayed at least one night.

    Did you have your surgery in the US??

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