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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Patricks_Downsizing

  1. <p>Figured I would share my update. Sleeved June 3rd and weighed in at 305 lbs. Today July 29th 56 days later and I weighed in at 255. Booyaa 50 lbs gone so far! No secrets or magic, just following the guidelines I was given. My typical day is way different than most I read on here, but it seems to be working, so I'll stick with it. My calorie intake is 550-650 per day. And over 300 of that is from Protein Shakes. Plus according to my fitness pal and fitbit, I am burning 500 plus calories per day by walking. I have a nice big 3 scoop shake everymorning to start the day. Then I walk for 1 hour, no if ands or buts about it, 1 hour. lunch is usualy some canned tuna with mustard and a boiled egg mashed up together (about 1 ounce). Or an ounce of baked talipia. Plus another 30 minutes of walking. Supper is the same thing, tuna or baked talipia. Never more than 1.5 ounces, because I can't eat any more than that. I have been trying to incorporate some salad in with Supper. But it is very minimal. Just not able to fit any in. Water consumption is off the charts. I drink 150 plus ounce's of water a day, everyday. I track everything on my fitness pal and use a fitbit to keep track of my steps and active minutes per day. I did try to go one day where I ate more and tried to get my Protein from food. Damn near killed me. I was not able to eat enough to get in the 80-100 grams of protein. And felt 'sick' / overstuffed all day. Daily averages are 80-100 grams of protein, and 20 or less on the carbs. Plus the Vitamins recommended by the doctor.</p>

    your routine is very similar to mine except my caloric intake is 650-750 a day with less than 25 carbs a day. Sleeved June 17th, lost 56 lbs since then. Keep up the good work.

  2. Starting BMI, body type, gender, muscle mass pre op, all are factors in the results. I expected to lose 20 pounds my first month. I'm a male 6' 6" that lifted weights regularly and weighed 444lbs. Needless to say, I lost 41lbs my first month. And on pace to lose another 30 my second. It would be crazy for a 5'6" female weighing 280lbs at start to expect that kind of loss. It's a life change, you have your lifetime to get and stay healthy and fit. Focus on the behaviors(diet,exercise) and the rest will fall in place inevitably in its proper time.

  3. <p>Hi, Everyone!</p> <p> I was sleeved June 18--I'm down 25# so far--and for the most part, I feel great. I do have a sort of "sinking spell" after I take in a Protein Shake or really ANYTHING with calories. Does anyone else have this?</p> <p> I've told only my husband and best friend. I trust them not to tell. If anyone asks, I say I had "scar tissue removed," which is partly true. I had an infection some years ago, and my surgeon did have to remove a little scar tissue.</p> <p> Why didn't I share with everyone? Um, well, I think I'm going through A LOT of changes--mental, emotional, physical. Why should I add social to that list? Also, let's face it, once it's out, it's out. It's tough to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Just a thought.</p> <p> I'm still on Protein Shakes, a tiny bit of Soup, and no-cal drinks. As for the drinks--trying Water, Gatorade, SF Kool-Aid. So far, nothing grabs me. It's a struggle, but I keep trying.</p> <p> Good to hear from all of you! </p> <p> </p>

    I have been pretty private about my procedure. Those that do know don't quite understand my need for privacy. I tell them it's something they would have to experience to understand. I for a while was worried I was over reacting until I got on here and see everyone feeling similarly. Thanks for sharing everyone.

  4. Hey everyone. Been a while since I've checked in. Today is my 1 month post op. I'm down 39lbs since surgery day. Had a bit of a stall for some reason but I expect those. So I have the my fitness pal app on my phone that also counts steps when I walk. It has a daily goal of 10000 steps which I had never reached yet. This morning I went to a state park with trails to get a big chunk of my daily walking. Decided to walk a 3 mile trail which is usually 6000 steps on this app. Got lost in the forest trail system, ended up doing circles and back tracking trying to find way back to the trail. After 2 hours I found the main trail and my car. Ended up only being 1 mile from my car the whole time. The good news is I got all 10000 steps in this morning. Lol. Thought it was funny. #silverlinings

  5. I was sleeved June 30 and started my full liquid diet on Friday. All went week Friday through yesterday then BAM, all the sudden nothing tastes the same and I want to gag at each sip of Protein Shake or Soup. Ughhh! Anyone else's tastes change suddenly?

    It did for me too but eventually when I got off the liquid phase it came back so to speak. Nothing pleasant about drinking our meals.

  6. I'm two days post op. And the first day after surgery I felt like I could take on the world. Guess the button at hospital was keeping down the pain. When I got home was in a lot if pain cause of gas and air bubbles. Learned to take slow deep breathes and sip on my clear liquids, on about two ounces right now. But still taking the prescription every 6 hours. Am doing breathing exercise after every sip of liquids. Each day I hope is better.

    I promise you it will get better each day. Just last week I was miserable and today feel great. Tired of liquid foods but that will pass soon enough. Hang in there. ;)

  7. Nice to see everyone sharing their experiences. I've used this thread a lot to cope with the changes this week. So I'm 1 week post-op today. Looking back I've come a long way since my first consultation with my surgeon. Looking back on my notes that day I measure in at 6'-6" 444lbs. The day of surgery I was 406lbs.

    1 week post-op. I'm 385lbs.

    That's 59lbs since March 13th

    21 lbs since June 17th. I am getting tired of the liquid diet already. I find myself having cravings for certain foods even when I'm not hungry. I'm glad to see progress and can't wait for the soft food phase.

    I was tired of the Protein shakes the day after discharge. I have tried yogurt, cheese and eggs, Soup and today a little tuna, the jury is still out on the tuna. I also ate some Peanut Butter with half a banana. It gets old quick.

    My concern is that I am eating right at 4oz but haven't pushed it to see how much I can tolerate. I'm full after one bite of anything so it's hard to read my body as far as being full.

    Best of luck to you!!

    i know what you mean about reading the fullness. I know in early out but I find that even with purée foods in not sure when I'm full since I wasn't very hungry to start with. I am looking forward to eggs, cheese, and tuna. ;)

  8. How's everyone doing?? Beautiful day today. Woke up with a little nausea but otherwise feeling good. Out coaching my athletes this morning and that always lifts me up. Trying to get creative with my diet during this liquid phase and still get all the Protein. Feel like a chemist when mixing my food potions in the vitamix.lol any ideas? I know it's everyone's struggle. I am doing better than I thought I would. Just a few days ago I was depressed and wondering what I did to myself. Now I feel it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. So to all those struggling in their first week, it gets better!!

  9. Nice to see everyone sharing their experiences. I've used this thread a lot to cope with the changes this week. So I'm 1 week post-op today. Looking back I've come a long way since my first consultation with my surgeon. Looking back on my notes that day I measure in at 6'-6" 444lbs. The day of surgery I was 406lbs.

    1 week post-op. I'm 385lbs.

    That's 59lbs since March 13th

    21 lbs since June 17th. I am getting tired of the liquid diet already. I find myself having cravings for certain foods even when I'm not hungry. I'm glad to see progress and can't wait for the soft food phase.

  10. I'm on day 4 post op. I have to admit the first couple of days were pretty miserable. Things seem to be improving as I find what works for me in getting my required Protein and Fluid intake. It seems this morning that I'm able to drink a bit more frequently using sips without a major pain. Still getting rid of fluids from the hospital stay I.V. Everyone told me it would start getting better and I believe it has. Thanks again to all those here supporting one another.

  11. June Sleevers: Add yourself by copy and pasting this list and reposting it with your user name, your (first name), what state you are in and your surgery date. <br> Make any changes to the list I have typed...as you can tell by my profile picture, I'm not very tech savvy.<br> This way we can all send well wishes etc on your surgery date. We ve got this! <br><br> Wadet67<br> (Taryn) OK<br> 6/3<br><br> Cutiecake<br> (Alisha) FLA<br> 6/9<br><br> J-F ord<br> (?) CA<br> 6/9<br><br> Patricia_sleeve<br> (Patricia) <br> 6/18<br><br> Mowgli19<br> (Sue) WA<br> 6/19<br><br> Relentless<br> (Liz)MI<br> 6/25<br><br> TiredMama<br> (Amber) PA<br> 6/30

    Patrick's_Downsizing (Patrick) CA 6/17

  12. I love the mantras. Thanks for the encouragement.

    patrick how u feeling .yesterday surgery today I'm home everything went smoothly I think lol pretty sore tho
    I'm feeling a little better thanks. I've been giving it my best to get the fluids down. I think I've been close today. Was able to about 40g of Protein in. Still have the bloated feeling. Walking and sipping away. Looking for the fast forward button to take me ahead. Lol.
    I'm glad things are going smooth for you. The soreness seems to be getting better with every passing hour.

  13. I love the mantras. Thanks for the encouragement.

    patrick how u feeling .yesterday surgery today I'm home everything went smoothly I think lol pretty sore tho
    I'm feeling a little better thanks. I've been giving it my best to get the fluids down. I think I've been close today. Was able to about 40g of Protein in. Still have the bloated feeling. Walking and sipping away. Looking for the fast forward button to take me ahead. Lol.

  14. Well I'm 3 days post op. Feeling a little but more human for sure. A few gas pains bust mostly just feeling bloated and general soreness. I'm not going to lie, even though I'm not interested in eating anything, I still see certain foods and feel some slight desire to taste. I'm able to get the fluids down for the most part. Thanks to those with encouraging words. Good luck to those having their procedures done today.

  15. Sitting here on post-op day 1. Lots going through my mind, but very little going out or in my body. Feeling the immediate "what have I done" feeling a bit. So I found this forum to help get me through these first days. Anyone going through the same thing? Encouragement needed. Patrick

    Hi Patrick, I am on day 8, days 1 - 3 were pretty tough for me, no complications thank goodness, but tough due to all the meds, sleeping in my lazyboy in the family room because laying flat in the bed was a "Nope!", difficulty getting fluids, etc. It can get to you, but with each walk and every sip it gets better, each day goes by and you feel more human! I drove my self to my 1 week appt, I went grocery shopping on Tuesday! It feels good to get outside and feel the sun (that is saying a lot here in the Pacific Northwest!).

    Two mantras for you:

    Walk, walk, walk!

    Sip, sip, sip!

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

    I love the mantras. Thanks for the encouragement.

  16. Sitting here on post-op day 1. Lots going through my mind, but very little going out or in my body. Feeling the immediate "what have I done" feeling a bit. So I found this forum to help get me through these first days. Anyone going through the same thing? Encouragement needed. Patrick

    I felt the same way, I wanted the sleeve so badly, then after surgery, I had some big regrets. For the next 2 days, I was in pain, I felt like I was hit by a truck, I couldn't imagine why I did this to myself, intentionally! Day 3 I started feeling much better. Now I'm 10 days out, and I am so happy with my choice. I feel great. I started jogging, and I'm eating right. Down 10 pounds since surgery. It will get better! Right now is the hardest stage. I hope you feel better real soon!
    Thank you tons for sharing.

  17. June 17th,yesterday, was my surgery. Feeling a bit nervousness about how this recovery is going. Can't seem to drink much, head games with myself hoping I won't have regrets. Maybe just some post op blues but hoping to find some encouragement. I know it's early. I'm perhaps a worry wart. I know I was prepared. It's done now, this is the hard work, pain, frustration beginnings? How is everyone else doing. I hear it gets better.

  18. Sitting here on post-op day 1. Lots going through my mind, but very little going out or in my body. Feeling the immediate "what have I done" feeling a bit. So I found this forum to help get me through these first days. Anyone going through the same thing? Encouragement needed. Patrick

    Getting sleeved in the morning in michigan I think I'm ready
    Good luck my friend. Sending you good thoughts.

  19. Sitting here on post-op day 1. Lots going through my mind, but very little going out or in my body. Feeling the immediate "what have I done" feeling a bit. So I found this forum to help get me through these first days. Anyone going through the same thing? Encouragement needed. Patrick

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