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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jfc193

  1. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you are down to two sizes in your closet instead of 4 sizes because when every you used to lose weight you knew that soon you would not only use all the sizes again but add another one.
  2. jfc193

    what type of band?

    I have the 4 cc lapband and the port is about 3 inches below my ribs on my left side
  3. jfc193

    mens weight loss amounts

    My heaviest recorded weight was 320 have no idea how heavy I really was. In septempber 2007 my weight at banding was 285. I lost about 75 lbs the first year and have slowly been losing this year. Gone from a size 56 tight waist to a 36 inch waist.
  4. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When one size fits all includes you.
  5. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you avoid the appetizers at the restaurant so that you have room for the protean and still end up taking some home.
  6. jfc193


    Congrats on the start of your new journey.
  7. jfc193

    Things I never thought I would say

    I have gone from a 9 1/2 shoe to size 8 and one pair are 7 1/2. Size 56 pants to 36. 3X shirt to Medium.
  8. jfc193


    Under 200 is great but the fact that I went from 3X to a medium shirt is totally amazing.
  9. jfc193

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    What I find amazing even when I gain a little weight after a vacation. It is still nothing compared to what I would of gained before the lapband. And it feels really good to lose the weight again and not feel bad because of the momentary weight gain. Now it is time to get back on track because I am so worth it. I met someone today that I have not met for a year and used to be alot thinner then me. Now that person is alot larger then me.
  10. jfc193

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    What I find amazing even when I gain a little weight after a vacation. It is still nothing compared to what I would of gained before the lapband. And it feels really good to lose the weight again and not feel bad because of the momentary weight gain. Now it is time to get back on track because I am so worth it. I met someone today that I have not met for a year and used to be alot thinner then me. Now that person is alot larger then me.
  11. jfc193

    Things I never thought I would say

    Wearing medium size clothing is totally awesome. Especially since 3X were tight.
  12. jfc193

    pain after surgery

    I really did not have much pain. Since I was staying overnight in the hospital they had a pain pump which I could push when I needed to get up or felt pain. I did not use the pain pump many times but the nurses would alway pump it a few times before I convinced them that I did not need the medicine. They also wanted to put a bedpan underneath me and I kept saying no and got up to use the bathroom. I did not take anything stronger then Ibuprofen when I went home. I had a bottle of liquid pain killer that I did not use.
  13. jfc193

    My theories on how the lap band works for you...

    The band also causes you to slow down your eating. I used to prefer eating quickly and then having lots of time to eat allot more. If you do not chew properly then the opening tends to get plug up and then your body creates saliva trying to push it through and if it does not push the food thought then it will come up. You only do it a few times before you start listening to your body. The other interesting thing that happens is as I get close to being full my nose starts running or I start to hiccup, letting me know that I am close to being full or am full. Another thing that is helpful to me is to actually put the eating utensil down which helps me to slow down my eating. Not drinking with my meal help me to stay full longer. In case good luck with your journey.
  14. jfc193

    Recovery Time

    I do not remember having to sleep on my back longer than 2 days. I had my surgery on Wednesday, Stayed overnight in the hospital. Went home took it easy. On Friday drove 100 miles to take care of the grand daughter for the weekend. Back at work on Monday.
  15. jfc193

    Name Your NSV

    My son had to ask twice what size shirt I wanted. He could not believe I wanted a medium shirt 20 months ago I was wearing 3X.
  16. jfc193

    Carteret Surgical

    I have no regrets either for having lapband surgery. When I look at others eat I am amazed as to how much they put into their mouth. I remember once being in Nashville and having two people bet on me without my knowledge if I could finish a 30 ounce porterhouse steak with all the fixing. My friend said watch this and not long afterwords I was picking up the bone and started gnawing on it. That is when my friend won his 20 bucks. Ah the so called good old days.
  17. jfc193


    Creating and Participating in PollsYou may notice that some threads on this forum also include a section where you can vote on an issue or question. These threads are called 'polls'. How do I create a new poll? When you post a new thread, you may also have the option to create a poll. This allows you to ask a question and specify a number of possible responses. Other members will then be able to vote for the response they wish, and the results of the voting will be displayed in the thread. An example poll might be: What is your favorite color? Red Blue Yellow Green Sky-blue Pink with yellow spots To create a poll when you post a new thread, simply click the 'Yes, post a poll with this thread' checkbox at the bottom of the page, and set the number of possible responses you want to include. When you click the submit button, you will be taken to the poll creation page, where you can specify the question and the list of responses you want to include. You may also want to specify a time limit for the poll, so that (for example) it stays open for voting for only a week. How do I vote in a poll and view the results? To vote in a poll, simply select which option you want to vote for, and click the 'Vote!' button. Sometime you can choose more than one option. You can see the current results for a poll before you vote by clicking the 'View Results' link. Voting in a poll is entirely optional. You may vote for any of the available options, or cast no vote at all. Note whether or not a poll is a public poll. If it is, any votes you cast will be attributable to you. Generally, once you have voted in a poll, you will not be able to change your vote later, so place your vote carefully!
  18. I have had one unfill which I stuck out for eight days before I had the fill taken out. It is important that you do not get dehydrated. Yet at the same time sometimes the day after you are tight for a few days and then the fill settle down. My last fill was in November 08 and it took 6 days before it settle down. I have never been able to "gulp" down Water and have just gotten into the habit of sipping my liquids.
  19. jfc193

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    Because I never want to see 200 lbs on the scale again.
  20. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    You know you're a bandster when your laptop actually fits on your lap. You know you're a bandster when you can actually just get up from a couch without all kinds of exaggerated motions.
  21. jfc193

    Too much weight for Banding?

    Statistics are very important because they can establish patterns. You as an individual will determine how you will do. Some will succeed and other will not. Personally I did not want someone to cut into me so the Lapband was the way for me to go. What was helpful is my wife an I had the surgery at the same time. The Staff thought it was cute and we were put in the same room. I cannot say the process was easy but only worth it. I no longer have sleep apnea and have not had to take diabetic medicine in well over a year. I no longer have to take pain pills for back and knees problems. Good luck on your journey
  22. Congratulations for the weight loss. I have gone from a 56 inch waist to a 36 inch waist. From a size 19 neck to a size 15 1/2 neck.
  23. jfc193

    Banded on 4-16-09

    Congratulations on the Lapband. Remember to take it easy and follow your Dr's recommendation. Your on the road on a journey that will bring many benefits. I had sleep apnea and after 6 months I no longer had to use the CPAP machine. Along the way my doctor took me of diabetic medicine about a year ago due to the weight loss. Be realistic about your goals.
  24. jfc193

    Name Your NSV

    Realizing you actually fit in the seat in the airplane. Not having to ask for a seat belt extender on a plane. Being able to cross your legs on an airplane. Being able to place your carry on under the front of your seat and being able to retrieve it without passing out. Being able to walk to the bathroom on a plane and not have to go sideways hitting everyone along the way. My favorite is having to tighten your seat belt because the previous passenger was a larger size.
  25. jfc193


    Your pretty lucky depending on the pharmacy nexium can be quite costly generally 100.00 a month. My wife has to take it. She still has to remember not to each after 8:00 pm.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
