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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jfc193

  1. i was heading down the path of my mother who was also overweight and I was starting to have allot of pain. I used to have to get cortisone shots in my neck.


    I was taking 800 ibuprofen and at time I would have patches that I would put on my legs.


    losing over a hundred lbs really help with all my pain and I walk doe 2 hours most mornings.

    My mom had to have both knees replace and she

  2. 1. Don't drink a half hour before or after you finish eating 2. Chew Chew Chew 3. Put your eating utensil down after every bite. 4. Eat your Protein first. 6. Limit carbs 7. exercise.
  3. Below is one of the links to the story regarding the recall. Slim Fast recall affects 10 million ready-to-drink cans - Dec. 4, 2009
  4. Congratulations on both the weight loss and the loss in sizes. I know that when I get stuck and not lose weight for awhile I do realize that my clothes are a little looser. I have gone from 3X shirts to Medium shirts, form size 56 pants to 36 pants. The greatest NSV is that I am no longer diabetic and no longer have sleep apnea or pain in my back or my knees.
  5. jfc193

    Flying on Saturday and scared

    I fly a great deal and the only time my band has any reaction is when I am under a great deal of stress or worry. I normally eat as slowly making sure to chew and wait between bites to make sure. And for emergency I make sure the barf bag is close by but I have never had to use it. My longest flight was twelve hours to the Philippines and I ate three times on the plane and no issues.
  6. jfc193

    Loud Digestion?

    I was banded in September 07 and my little alien makes sounds all the time. My grandchildren and children think it is funny.
  7. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    you know your a bandster when you can actually wear your blackberry in its case and not have to worry if it going to jump off your belt and hurt someone. You know your a bandster when you not only can fit in a seat on the airplane but have to tighten up the seat belt.
  8. I did not keep any clothes at all. Only because it was part of my old thinking. I used to lose weight and then gain it back and them more. So now once I get rid of a size and the clothes I am wearing start to get tight then it forces me to stay on target. Plus I have a good friend who people used to refer to us as bookends so I can always borrow one of his pants if i choose to reminisce.
  9. jfc193

    2 year bandaversary!!!

    My 2 year band anniversery was in September. Though I would of loved to been one of the few who lost it all in one year I am pleased my progress and look forward to being at goal at my 3 year anniversery.
  10. jfc193

    I hate fat people!!!

    It is amazing to me to see how much some people eat and not gain weight. I know some ladies that eat more than twice as much as what I used to eat and not gain any weight. I just need to remember not to compare my self with other but just stay focus on the task on hand. I am fortunate that both my wife and I had the lapband at the same time she has lost 85 pounds and from my heaviest weight I have lost 130 lbs.
  11. jfc193

    Stuck in the same spot

    It not unusual to get stuck. I figured that at the rate I was losing when I first got the band in September 2007 that I would be at goal with in one year. While I am still not at goal I have lost significant amount of weight. I have had many times where I was stop losing and sometimes even gain. My longest period was 4 months. I found that during those times of not losing that I would get discouraged. What kept me going was before the band and I would lose 50 lbs in 6 months it would take me three months to put on 60 lbs. At least with the band the most I gain back was 12 lbs over a 4 month period. Somewhere along the way I would get back on track and the weight would seems to fall off and then I would go through another period of not losing weight. The very fact that I am stealing losing weight after 2 years makes this whole journey worth it.
  12. Whatever it takes to make it work. I know that I needed the band to assisting in keeping me straight. It certainly has not been easy but well worth it. So if it is cheating so be it. I have not been at this weight for 27 years. I no longer have diabetes or sleep apnea. No back pain or knee pain.
  13. Remember to keep your Protein intake up. My doctor suggest that you get Protein Powder and mixed in coffee or milk. Drinking a shake will help with the food cravings. Remember you are just starting out and the band is only a tool.
  14. jfc193

    New guy getting the band for xmas

    Welcome to the Men's room I started my journey in 9/07 and have never regretted getting the band.
  15. jfc193

    Looking for motivation!

    I agree that sometimes it really difficult to stay motivated especially if you have had success early in the band process. Now that I am officially in the overweight category I have to look back at how far I have come and really focus on the non scale victory. No longer diabetic No longer have sleep apnea No more back pain No more knee pain No longer lose weight only to gain the weight back plus an additional ten pounds. (the old way was to lose 50 lbs but gain back 60) going from a size 56 pants to 36 pants. from 3X shirts to medium. As a result of the above and many more changes I need to keep reminding my self that the journey is worth it.
  16. I also have a little gurgle monster inside me. The Grand children thinks it funny. The little guy made some sounds at the doctor and it brought a smile to his face as well. So it is not a problem. I have had two unfils as well along the journey.
  17. jfc193

    Need some advise and a pep talk!!

    My wife and I were banded on the same day and for the longest time people would make comments about how weight I had lost. I had a lot more to lose then my wife and so it show on me earlier. I remember once when I had lost about 75 lbs and my wife about 50 lbs and some turned to my wife and said that she should consider looking into having the same surgery. between the two of us we have lost around 220 lbs and she looks great. She will be having a tummy tuck and arms reduction sometime in the near future, I have gone done from 3 x shirts to medium shirts and she has gone from size 26 to size 14 and we are both still loosing. We still see ourselves from being fat but both of our BMI are finally under 30 so there must be changes taken place even though our eyes can not see it. All this to say do not get discouraged.
  18. I generally take about 20 minutes to eat. Even when I have a protein shake in the morning will take me about 15 minutes.
  19. jfc193

    You know you are a bandster when....

    I fly allot and am always getting the second look when they look at my photo and the way I look in my passport and how I look live. Next March my license expires so I may break down and go in and get another photo and get the correct weight on my license.:sad:
  20. jfc193

    Breakfast Issues

    generally have a cup of coffee with a tablespoon of benefiber. Followed by a Protean shake with a banana blended together. My doctor feels that it is important to get the protean into your body so it will help with the munchies.
  21. jfc193

    Banded Diabetics

    Right after my surgery my metformin dosage was cut in half and then a little bit every three months and the end of 9 months no meds at all. My last AC1 about 6 months ago was 5.7. I also do not snore anymore and do not have sleep apnea and have not used a breathing machine for over a year and a half.
  22. jfc193

    men banded in september 09

    I was banded in September 07 and it was the best decision I ever made. Good luck to all you 09/09 bandstars.
  23. jfc193

    Was a loner At my support Group again!!

    Humming Bird is correct when you reach most post by going to new posts that you may end up in the mens room. When I used to attend WW it was not unusual to be the only mail. When I attended the two support groups I went two I was the only male as well. I am fortunate in that my wife and I had the lap band put on the same date in 9/07 one hour a part, the hospital thought it was cute. Kinda hard to be cute at almost 300 lbs. Having my wife on the same page is far better support team for me. I also spread the word regarding the benefits of the lap band in my case: no more sleep apnea, no more diabetes, no more back pain, no more knee pains, breathing is no longer consider exercise.
  24. jfc193

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Do not worry about the plateau, they are not uncommon and even if you gain a little wait. I got a fill last week after one year and am now back to where I was 3 months ago.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
