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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jfc193

  1. jfc193

    Another NSV

    While I am not into painting my toesies. I do enjoy putting on and taking off my socks without fear of passing out
  2. I am truly sorry that you almost lost your life. For me the risks involved with the surgery were worth the benefits that I am currently enjoying. My mother died at an early age, my grand parents died much to soon all due to diabetics, obesity, and other weight related problems. Having spent a year researching the procedure I made an informed objective choice. My surgeon originally suggested the Gastric Sleeve but I did not want to go down that road. He informed me that with the lap band or the sleeve that I would need to be entirely committed to a new healthy lifestyle and focus MY efforts on portion control and maintaining a consistent fitness program.
  3. jfc193

    Your favorite nsv's?

    My favorite NSVs are Not having to ask for an extension on an airplane Walking down an aisle of an airplane without apologizing for almost knocking someone out. No longer hearing a grown from the person I need to sit next to on a long flight Getting off the coach on the first try Crossing my legs Getting dressed without sitting down Being able to ride any coaster at an amusement park Not having to worry if the ladder is going to hold me or not Tying my shoes without almost passing out. Taking the golf ball out of the hole without getting on my knees first Leaving food on the plate without feeling guilty Keeping up with the grand children Realizing that my world no longer revolves around food.
  4. jfc193

    A Good week

    Congratulations with your NSVs. Losing weight is a terrific accomplishment but you can not beat a NSV when the scale seems to not want to move. I too need to get a new belt. It took me 26 years to get to 330 so I do not get discouraged even though I have not reached my goal. The last six years have been quite the ride when I gain weight it is usually me at the root cause of the problem. I recommitted myself at the beginning of this year after it took 4years to get back to 250 and continue to make strides in my journey.
  5. jfc193

    Exceeded my goal!

    Congratulations on reaching and on maintaining your goal. Thank you for sharing your story that it is possible to change the way we relate to food and how we proceed in that endeavor will determine if we are successful or not.
  6. Just went to a three week period with the scale moving up and down the same two pounds but now its moving again. Like you I try to focus on the inches lost and how much energy I have with no more back and knee pain and on no medications. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Wow very impressive, Thanks for sharing your success. It really helps everyone around you with your choices, you keep up with your children but I am having so much fun with the grand children.
  8. jfc193

    What to expect

    My psych eval was not to bad. Just remember to be your self and answer the questions and before you know it the session will be over. The NUT (nutrition appointment) will have a lot of information regarding your journey with food so take advantage and listen up and hopefully you will get some information to read at a later date.
  9. jfc193

    Running with Lapband

    I agree that you need to check with your DR, I usually just walk matter of fact when I jog I still get past by people walking. Even if I were to run It would not be a pretty site not to mention difficult on the knees.
  10. jfc193

    Open Letter

    Thanks for sharing, Very nice to have support from your spouse. My wife and I were both banded at the same time and it certainly helps to have someone to share the same goals.
  11. jfc193

    Updated "After" Pic's

    What a terrific transformation. I donated my big clothes to the Salvation Army. Started out in a 58 waist got down to 38 back to a 46 now back to 42 and maintaining. Great inspiration to continue the journey and hopefully by Christmas be back to a 38.
  12. I have had my band for almost six years and have yet to reach my goal but am very happy to have lost over 110 lbs. My mom and siblings have always have problems with weight issues. I started gaining weight at the age of 25. Over the next 26 years I went from 150 to 330. I developed diabetes type 2, sleep apnea, sever pains in my back and knees walking was a chore, getting off the coach was and an adventure It seems when I stay away from this board that I gain weight and find my way back Some of the benefits that have come as a result of the band is: No more diabetes medicine No more sleep apnea No moe pain in my back or knees I actually enjoy walking I can keep up with the grand children For me the band has worked and though I have had my ups and down it was one of my best decisions I have ever made.
  13. jfc193

    So happy to find this forum!

    Welcome to to the family and to your new journey and I trust that you will find plenty of support.
  14. jfc193


    Slept on my stomach by the third night along with my blankly.
  15. jfc193

    Buying clothers

    I would say that you need to invest in some duct tape to keep your clothes from falling off. Actually I tried to wait and see if I can skip two sizes. For instance I recently went from 46 to 42.
  16. jfc193

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congratulation it has been very slow for me too but indeed well worth it. I lost over 150 lbs in a little over two years but then after a complete unfill in year 4 I gained about 50 lbs in a little over two years but have lost 30 lbs since January. I will be going to the DR tomorrow for a check up and possibly a small fill in my 4 cc band.
  17. jfc193

    Night Time Snacker

    I loved to eat at night between 9 and 11 so in order for me to try to avoid the time frame. I have gotten used to getting up between 4:30 and 5:30 which means I am ready for bed around 9. Otherwise I find it difficult to not snack. In any case it seems to work for me.
  18. jfc193

    Time between bites

    I agree with Missy and Guy and wait around 30 seconds making sure I put the fork down and take small bites. Doctors probably say a minute hoping that you will wait 30 seconds. For me I need to make sure I take small bites and chew chew chew. Having been a member of the rapid eaters club for some many years it was the hardest thing to learn to slow down.
  19. I certainly have had my highs and lows on my band journey. Sometimes I am focus and sometimes I am on not. "For Me" the band has been a life saver I still look forward to reaching my goal but even after almost 6 years I do not regret my decision to have the band. Even if I never reach my goal I still consider myself a success.
  20. jfc193


    I like the restrictor plate analogy. Just like a governor on a Uhaul truck. Matter of fact I have driven a few uhaul trucks from hell so you could equate it with banister hell.
  21. jfc193

    Wedding Ring

    Before I got banded the wedding band was so tight and I almost got it resized to a bigger size am glad I did not I need to think about getting it resized downward. My wife who is also banded went the new ring route since it slip off her finger and the diamond fell out and she could not find it. Of course I teased here that she had to drop the ring 50 times before that itty bitty diamond fell out.
  22. I really do not enjoy when the scale seems to get stuck for a few weeks. Usually during that time I really concentrate on either NSV or how my clothes are fitting. Though in my head I am thinking that I look like I was a teen but the mirror says something else. I guess somewhere in between lies the real you.
  23. jfc193

    does it ever become second nature?

    Yes it does become second nature. In my case if I try to over eat I get the hiccups or nose start to run. Everyone is a little different.
  24. A big YES on more energy. Getting up out off the couch was a really adventure. Pain in all my joints. Now I can keep up with the grand children.

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