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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NavyMom6

  1. A few years ago when I threw the idea of weight loss surgery around, my husband wasn't on board at all. So I kind of stopped talking about it.. He is terrified that something would happen to me in surgery.. After all removing part of your stomach is a huge step and very big surgery..

    Then this past year I told him I was going to check with insurance and attend a seminar.. So I did, after the seminar I was sold!.. I started

    doing all the requirements insurance wanted me to do, after all they were paying 90%.. I told my husband I was having it done with or without him..

    He seen how serious I was and started reading about it himself.. My primary Dr. wanted me to start walking 30 minutes a day before surgery and when my husband seen me taking it very serious.. I am happy to say he climbed on board.. He started walking with me.. Talking to me about it..

    He actually lost 20 pounds just walking and cutting out a lot of junk and pop we were used to having.. He isn't really over weight but says he feels better just losing 20 pounds.. So on July 9th I had my surgery and to this date I have lost 42 pounds.. He even stayed overnight at the hospital with me.. He is still very supportive and proud of me.. He calls me slim shady.. haha.. That's my little story.. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

  2. So you had one chip.. You're okay... Life goes on.. Just follow your Doctors instructions.. You are going to cheat every now and then.. I really doubt there is anyone who doesn't cheat once in a while.. If you over eat or cheat at one meal, just make sure you don't do it the next meal.. Or the next day.. But try not to beat yourself up to bad.. We are only human!

  3. Don't even respond to statements like that.. Sounds like ignorance and youth talking... I haven't noticed my weigh loss either then hubby took a photo of me without me knowing and sent it to me.. When I looked at it, I was surprised.. I have shoulders! Don't get sad about what people said.. I'm sure there will be happy people and jealous people.. My girlfriend told me it took a lot of courage to do what I had done.. I never really thought of it that way, but she is right.. We all made a life changing decision to better ourselves..

    Don't take one persons comment to heart.. Keep on losing and Loving yourself...

    "You don't have to be perfect in order to be remarkable"

  4. How about grab a chicken sandwich instead and take off the bun and make the tea unsweetened or sweeten with Splenda.. But with all that said I totally understand what you said about going back into old habits.. I had a piece of cheesecake but it gave me a horrible belly ache.. I also had some MnM's while out one day.. I'm now telling myself things like, " I don't eat that anymore" Instead of I can't have that anymore.. Someone else came up with that on here but I liked it and now I say it.. Look at a before picture.. Go pick up three 10 pound bags of potatoes and realize how much 30 pounds really weighs.. Good Luck!

  5. I was sleeved July 9th and I seem to be at a stand still with the weight loss..

    I eat what I'm suppose to and I walk 2 miles a day in about 35 minutes.. According to My Fitness Pal once I put all the info in there I'm only getting about 250-300 calories a day.. My husband thinks I'm not eating enough.. I am on soft foods now.. Drinking Protein Shakes too.. I wonder if my body thinks I am starving it.. Any thoughts?

  6. I feel the same way as you.. I think we seen that first 30 drop off so fast we didn't want it to stop!.. My hubby tells me the same thing.. I'm also thinking if we walk and don't lose it so fast maybe we won't have the loose skin..

    I was just thinking this morning I really need to get to know my body better.. I need to get more Protein in also..

    Maybe change things up a little.. Hang in there!.. We made it thru the hardest part.. The rest has to be easier..

    well dang it, i fear i AM still in a stall and though the scale moved just a bit, it's still there after another 5 days. ugh! i've read MANY threads about stalls and i know that this can last weeks before it starts moving again. i told my hubs i'm a little disappointed, having lost 30 lbs total (pre op and since surgery) but he pointed out i have NEVER lost close to that on my own!

    he's right and i'm just keeping my eyes on the prize and working my program.

  7. I am 3 weeks post op and gained 2 pounds.. After reading about the 3-weel stall I think we are beating ourselves to much.. It seems we are right on track.. I started walking 1 week ago.. I don't think I'm drinking enough fluids to make up for the sweating.. Going to really push the fluids.. Hang in there! We can do it!

    3weeks post op and I gained a pound!!! Was wondering if its bc my BM diminished when I went to pureed. Lost 11lbs the first week and 11lbs the second week. Must not be drinking enough Water or eating through the surgery. So frustrating and disappointed in myself. Know I have ro exercise more.

  8. So glad to hear about the 3-week stall.. I too have stalled at 3 weeks and even gained 2 pounds.. I'm suppose to start soft foods on Thursday... I was worried I was eating to much soup..LOL.. But all this sounds pretty normal..

    The only difference is, I don't think I'm getting enough fluids or protein.. I need to work harder on that...

    So nice to be able to read about everyone and share.. Thanks!

  9. I absolutely feel the same way you feel.. I been eating Soup and I bought Baby Bell cheese and when I eat it slow and smash it up good it really goes down nicely.. I worry now about stretching my belly out.. I would have to think it would be harder than just soup to make it stretch.. I guess as long as we are walking and losing we are doing it right.. I'm loving sugar free bomb pops!

    Hey guys , sleeved on July 7th and pain is much less but still a little sore on the right side. I'm a little nervous bc I am eating the cream soup atleast 3/4 times a day and that may be too much . It's over 1/3 a cup . I just don't want my stomach to stretch or gain any weight but it's the one thing I enjoy. I like the Popsicles too. i get full easy but then i wanna taste food a little later on . maybe im bored. Anyone else nervous they maybe be eating more than they should ?

  10. Congrats to you and your weight loss!... I had my sleeve on July 9th and I'm only down 18 including pre-op.. I lost most of it during pre-op.. I guess I was starving myself the first week.. I know I got dehydrated really bad... Is that all you are eating is your Soups and yogurts.. Can you give me an example of your menu for the day?.. Someone said I need t eat more..I'm actually walking now for the last 2 days.. Thanks!

    My intervention was on 07-07-14.
    I'm 11 days post-op today and I feel 90% normal especially my energy level. I can walk around and do some work around the house.
    Still have a nurse come to do the injection of anti blood clots medicine everyday though. 5 more day to go,

    I eat 4 meals of Soup and/or yogurt with fruit pureed 60-70 gr. per meal and at least 1 litre of Water,
    In the past 10 days I lost 13.86 lbs and today I just stopped losing, Oh well, still a long way to go, I know, but boy, it's been fun watching the scale in the pass 10 days!! lol

    I start to fit into my old cloths (1 or 2 size down) it's the fun/amazing part! Boy I stored TONs of them for one day I'd fit into them and now I can see that that day will come!
    The new sleevers out there, don't be discourage, you will feel better and better every single day!!


  11. Hi there.. I just came upon this post.. We had ours the same day! How are you feeling now? How was your 1 week post op?

    I'm doing so much better.. I'm out walking a little.. I had Tomato Soup and it was runny but I had 4 tablespoons and it was to much!.. I now have a belly ache .. I cannot let my eyes over load my belly.. BIG MISTAKE!... I've lost a total including pre-op 18 pounds.. I'll take it!...

    <p>I had Surgery July 9th.. I came home this morning on July 10th.. I can't keep anything down.. Everytime I take a sip of Water I throw up and dry heave.. It really hurts my belly.. My neck and shoulders are super sore also.. Is the sickness normal?</p>

    I had my surgery the 9th too-I'm not throwing up the Water. But if I drink anything else -specifically Jello or gaterade-I throw up.

    Have you been walking? I heard that helps with the shoulder pain.

  12. Thanks for all your advice Ladies.. I know I'm not getting enough Protein in.. I added a scoop to my plain greek yogurt.. I been having 2 TBLS 3 times a day trying to get the whole 8 ounces of yogurt done and with the Protein it makes 36 grams of protein total.. I'm going to work on eating it 4 times today so I can finish it.. I really don't think I'm not eating or drinking enough.. I don't know why that weight really depressed me yesterday.. I should be happy it was as least 3 pounds, if I didn't have the sleeve it would have been 0 pounds.. Reading what you all wrote made me step back and be happy and just do things a little different..

    Have a great day to a New Happy Healthier You!

  13. So I had gastric sleeve on July 9th.. I had to do a 1 week pre-op diet and lost 15 pounds prior to surgery.

    I went back today for my 1 week post op check up and I only lost 3 more pounds since surgery..

    I was pretty sick for about a week.. I know I'm still a little dehydrated.. I started eating Malt O Meal today and Tomato Soup for dinner.. Just 2 tablespoons of each.. I asked my Dr. about the low weight loss and he said there are a few people that only lose a little bit but usually people lose more.. Has anyone else had this happen and is is a problem? What am I doing wrong, because I'm barely not eating anything.. Disappointed..

  14. Good Luck on a New Happy Healthy Happier You! You are so lucky to have this option at a young age.. Take full advantage of it and Live Your Life to the Fullest!

    Hey y'all! I'm Jenna and I'm 18 I just got sleeved yesterday July 14th so I'm still in the hospital! I didn't say anything yesterday because I was in pain but today I feel so much better! If you have any questions I'm here!

  15. Congrats! How are you feeling now? You will be all Happy and Healthy and ready to start the New School Year off right!.. I'm going for my 1 week post op today!

    Hey, y'all, from Mississippi. A week ago on July 7 I went to meet my dr and sign consents. I'd been jumping through all the hoops since October and had hoped to have this done the end of May since I teach at an elementary school. Dr said it looked like August for surgery....that wouldn't work because I go back to school Aug 1 and wouldn't be able to take off. That would push surgery to Thanksgiving. Dr rearranged some things and came in and said we were looking at Thursday!!! I considered that the best birthday present EVER!!! (July 7 was my birthday) Not much time for my "food funeral" though, because I had to do Clear Liquids from Wednesday-on. Great procedure, with no pain or gas pains. Started walking as soon as I got back from recovery. Already sick of broths and really looking forward to day 7 when I can add something new!!!

    Thankful that I found this group

  16. sugar free Bomb Pops!

    Hi! New to this forum. Had my surgery on July 7th. Didn't have any issues with nausea. Lucky I guess. Down 42 pounds. 20 on pre op diet.

    For those questioning doing this... I just got to pull out my skinnier guy clothes and I gotta say, playing pretty pretty princess was fun!

    I guess everyone recovers different. Only needed pain meds at night up till last night. Did get a fever of 101 night before last and the shaking was not fun with the soreness. I hospital for 3 days. Going into work tomorrow for a few hours. Hope that goes well. Then back to work on Monday.

    If you haven't found sugar free popcicles, leave for the store now:)

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