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Everything posted by *JASMINE*

  1. Hi Ann,


    Sorry for not responding quicker. I had to go exercise and then take my son to his swimming lessons. The other site is called Band2Gether.Net. You will find nothing but support there. There is no rant section there. It's not as big, but it is very cozy and everyone is very supportive. Hope you like it.



  2. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    Jachut-While you may not have actually said her name, you were talking about her. Please see post #48. What a coincidence that you started this thread right after you had that fight with her on another one. I understand what you are saying, I do. I know you're not like this all of the time. I've seen your posts in other sections. And maybe you've had time to cool down since then. I guess I just don't see how complaining about complainers helps anyone. Laurend- I appreciate the level head, and you are right. I guess I feel the need to protect people in distress. But only they can help themselves. But I will never, ever start a thread to complain about anything I read on the support sections of this board. I know it can get irritating. Sometimes reading mocking posts irritate ME. I will not do that because I don't need the added stress of fighting with a stranger on the internet. But I guess I was feeling froggy today. I will probably be completely mute tomorrow, who knows. Anyways, I'll leave it alone already...or maybe I won't (I just finished exercising and feel completely at peace right now).
  3. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    No, we are responding because you are talking specifically about other members of this support forum. Even in R&R, there should be some rule about that. This isn't highschool. I'm a member of the other lapband site you initially mentioned, as well. They would definitely never tolerate this type of thread over there.
  4. *JASMINE*

    Wake up extremely tired whenever I dream-

    Hi Pix, Thanks for the advise. It should be an interesting journal for me. My dreams are SO RANDOM. Some of them are more like 4 minidreams in one night with really no point to them whatsoever. I never thought about sleeping pills doing the trick. I will look into that, and the sleep studies, too. Thanks again!
  5. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    I used Brandy as an example, but the fact remains that there will always be those types of people, that someone will feel the need to start a thread about. Don't you think that this type of behaviour is unnecessary? And it wasn't a "threadjack". That was the OP's initial statement...
  6. *JASMINE*

    6 days out and lost 10 pounds!!!

    Congratulations! Only 55 more to go. You'll get there in no time.
  7. *JASMINE*

    Anyone else have a fickle band?

    Don't be discouraged. Just expect that it will happen from time to time. Once you make peace with that, you will be less stressed about your ups and downs with fills. On the days that you feel looser, give yourself some wiggle room with your calorie intake (if you keep track of that). Surviving on mushies and liquids is no way to live. Yes, I know it screws with your mind, but it is what it is. Keep up the good work. You're almost there.
  8. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    Hi BJean, Sorry, I had never heard that word before, I had to look it up. So now that I have, let me get this straight. They are complaining about complainers? What's the sense in that? Just to get if off their chests and make them feel better?
  9. *JASMINE*

    Psychiatric Medication

    Hi Nanook, I've only been diagnosed with depression. But I can honestly say, it's not always there. It's manageble, so maybe it's something else? For example, today, I feel great. No negative thoughts. But then some days, it all I have. I guess I haven't really done anything about it lately because it is manageable right now. It just comes and goes, but when it comes, it's full blown.
  10. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    I completely agree. Starting a thread to call out certain members of this board is very unnecessary, which is exactly how this thread started. Brandy hasn't been back for days, I wonder why:rolleyes:. I guess what was set out to be accomplished, was. That's one less "whiner" for you all to have to "put up" with...
  11. *JASMINE*

    Psychiatric Medication

    Well it's good to know I'm not the only one. It's a horrible feeling. I never want to feel that way again.
  12. *JASMINE*

    Psychiatric Medication

    I was on Effexor for a couple of months and had to get off of it because it caused me to have psychotic thoughts. I also gained about 8lbs while I was on it. It initially made me feel like a zombie. I couldn't feel any emotions the first couple of days. When I tried to get off of it, I would get dizzy. I had to be weaned off of it by taking Paxil for a couple of weeks. My doctor had never heard of anyone getting dizzy when not taking it every 24 hours. Now I am on nothing. That experience kind of scared me, so I haven't tried anything else since then. Anyone ever had dizziness or psychotic thoughts with their meds?
  13. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    Hey, not to pull away from what you all are talking about, but I wanted to say that this thread has seriously had a weird effect on me. I was thinking about this thread as I was on my elliptical trainer earlier, and I guess it motivated me in the sense that BrandyII motivated Jachut while she was running. As much as it burns me to read the lack of compassion for the people that post on this support forum, I kept telling myself "no excuses, no excuses". You guys have drilled that into my head. I still will never take that approach in offering support, but somehow it has worked for me. I guess there's room for both compassion and "tuff love"
  14. *JASMINE*

    To unfill or not to unfill...WWYD?

    Good for you. I know the feeling. Eating slider foods all of the time is no way to live. It will mess with your head. Glad to hear you are doing better.
  15. *JASMINE*

    To unfill or not to unfill...WWYD?

    Yes, I would get an unfill. I went through the same thing for months and ended up eating slider foods and always felt hungry. It was very frustrating. It can cause you to get used to eating junk food, which is not good if you are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Believe me, you'll be happy you did. I was.
  16. *JASMINE*

    Six (a rant)

    That's true. And there are so many little symptoms that we have, that aren't disclosed because the doctors don't even know about them. I have had symptoms, went to my doctor, spent a whole lot of money, only to be blown off and told it was nothing after the diagnostic tests show everything was fine. Well, what the hell were they then? Why would I take time off of work and spend all of that money, if I was making it up? I really think you have to be a banded doctor to really get it. They do make it look like a cure. They also don't advertise that it will take several fills before you get the right restriction. They should atleast do that.
  17. *JASMINE*

    Time to get real and face reality

    Good for you for putting yourself out there. Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh. Yes, let this thread hold you accountable and come back and post your progress. Each day will get a little easier. I'm in the same boat and in day 5. Aside from a mild headache, which is slowly going away (from sugar withdrawal) I am feeling a little better every day. Good luck to you.
  18. *JASMINE*

    Self fulfilling Prophecy?

    Nanook-I believe I do suffer from depression. It runs in my family and in the past, I have been treated for it. I was on some antidepressants that made me start having psychotic thoughts and as soon as I realized that, I tried to wean myself off of them. I couldn't do it. If I tried to go a whole day without them, I would get really dizzy. I had to go back to my doctor so that she could help me get off of them. Since that experience, I have not gone back on any type of medication. If the depression gets really bad, I will go back and try a new medication. For now, I will use exercise as a way to maybe balance those chemicals. I've heard this works with some people. See, a positive response to a negative situation:thumbup:. Thank you for the recommendations on where to get therapy. I will see what I can find in my area. Sometimes just talking it out helps a million. Tommaney-That's a great recommendation. I will make it a point to read that book while I am alone. I don't think that by getting some book, I will be all cured, but it can only help. Thank you both for letting me ramble. My husband tries to be supportive when I try to talk to him about this, but I can tell he just doesn't get it. It's great to be able to talk to someone who understands:biggrin2:.
  19. *JASMINE*

    Lapband Slippage

    Thanks for the info. Your perspective is so enlightening and motivating. Thank you for that. I hope all goes well for you and I'm glad that your insurance is covering it. If I ever have to get mine removed, I hope to come away with your strength and positive outlook. It trully is not the end of the world. Good luck and keep us posted:).
  20. *JASMINE*

    Lapband Slippage

    Starrgirrl, I'm 3 years out and have regained 37lbs. I know exactly what you are talking about. Our outlook is a little bit different now. We're past the "honeymoon period". If you don't mind my asking, will you have to pay out of pocket to have the band removed? And how much did you get down to before you started regaining?
  21. *JASMINE*

    Self fulfilling Prophecy?

    Thanks so much Mrs. Sabre. I will definately look for that book. Tommaney- I have narrowed it down to when I am alone. When I am around my husband and son, I love the person I become. From the outside, I am a happy go lucky person. I pull it off great. They make me happy. But when I am alone, those thoughts return. I do think it has to do with having a lonely childhood. I always felt lonely. There are a million things from my childhood I can blame it on. But blaming things from the past, will not help me now. Hopefully that book will help me change my thinking. Thank you guys for the support. I really needed it. I am picking myself up and wiping myself off:)
  22. *JASMINE*

    Self fulfilling Prophecy?

    Thanks Nanook. I haven't seen a therapist. I don't have very good insurance and with the medical bills I have recently racked up, I just can't afford it right now. I guess this place is the next best thing. I do have an eating disorder. I don't know why, but I feel so empty inside and this is why I keep trying to eat. I don't know why I feel that way. I think I always have. I have a great and supportive husband and a wonderful little boy. My life is great. I just need to find the right coping mechanism for dealing with negative thoughts. They're just always there.
  23. Hi, I've been banded since 2005 and am in the same boat. I had a massive fill back in January of this year and was too tight. That really screwed with my head. Had an unfill and am now in the same place as before the January fill. I never want to be that tight again. The financial and mental stress of fills has gotten to me and I have decided that I'm just going to have to measure everything because that's the only way I know how to stop. There is no full feeling, until it's too late. And then there is just pain, no PBs. Some of us will just never find that sweet spot, I guess.
  24. *JASMINE*

    Which type are you?

    You are right. I am an example of this. Three years later and up 37lbs pounds to be exact, I am finally working on these issues. It just finally bitt me in the a$$. But if you had spoken to me in year 1 of my journey, I would have sounded exactly like most of the people agreeing with the OP on this thread. You just never know what the future holds. You could end up like me. But I am not a lost cause. I just did things a little backwards. I wasn't aware of how severe my issues were until after I was banded. We all have issues. Some people just chose to acknowledge that they're there...
  25. *JASMINE*

    Self fulfilling Prophecy?

    Sorry guys, I was just rambling about some thoughts in my head. If I could have deleted the thread, I would have. I'm basically trying to change my thought process. I used to be ruled by fear of losing my band, but that fear just up and left (don't know how that happened). I've recently gained 30lbs. When I was down to 133lbs, thoughts in my head would tell me that some day I would end up fat again, and here I am. I actually never felt thin inside. I had a hard time adjusting. I did it to myself and thought someone might know of a good book regarding self fulfilling prophecies. I'm back on track again and I keep telling myself that each day will get a little easier. That's my new mantra. So just trying to work through some head issues and thought I might find someone who could relate. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to respond to my initial post. I read more than I post. I have a hard time putting myself out there, so I really appreciate the responses:).

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