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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by annisa

  1. I am 3 and half years post VSG
    Lost 69-75 lbs initially and did not reach my goal.
    I really don’t feel like I got the best support from my team.
    Long story short I am beginning to feel like a failure. The scales are going the wrong way!!!!!
    I have slowly over the past year put on about 15-20 lbs.
    I really am looking for any suggestions.
    I still have not eaten any bread, or Pasta. Which I feel is pretty good.
    I can eat crackers etc. which is my downfall.
    I am a carb junkie. I also am a stress eater.

    Also there are times when I eat meat rather it be chicken steak or any kind of meat, my stomach feels funny. Does anyone experience difficult with their stomach feeling different.

    I just want to get back on track.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. I had surgery 3 weeks ago, doing great. As of this morning I am down 18 lbs. since surgery, and 46.7 lbs. since my highest!

    My question is about stage 2 foods, any suggestions. I still would prefer really soft soft foods, don't really like eggs or cottage cheese. My stomach tolerates foods better in the morning. I eat one container of yogurt for a meal, have done tuna fish. Had a little chicken but I really prefer the Protein puddings, Soups or shakes ( never thought I'd say that). Just curious does it get a little better. I am happy a out the surger, but I do get hungry to chew something. The program I am in tells you NO CARBS! So I have been trying to follow their guidelines. Any other suggestions.

    Thanks, Annisa

  3. haha...... we are also need new scales and have been doing research. mainly reading reviews. Our scales right now are digital and did work well. However the numbers are obscured right now with only a line or 2 showing up.....right now before surgery that is GREAT cause I can't look at that awful number but need one for after. Just told the fiancé to hide it fom me for the first month

    I have a Fitbit to track my steps so I bought the scales that sync with my Fitbit. It is as accurate as the dr. Scales. Gives your body fat % as well. I really like it, especially since the numbers are going down.

  4. @@annisa I'm a little nervous cause I start mushies one week after surgery. I'm grateful it's early but nervous about how my baby belly will tolerate it.

    Kathy812 that's exactly how I feel. Am I going to overeat, mess this up, hurt the sleeve not know when to stop.

    Just taking my time, paying attention to my body, not being distracted while I eat. One of the hardest things I have found, is not fringe able to drink whe I eat! I suppose I'll get over that!

    Good luck!

  5. Wow lots of different opinions here! I agree with the majority. Being in the health care I totally understand everyone's right to privacy and respect it! As for me, at first I didn't want to tell anyone for several reasons. 1. Being a failure, hey most of us feel we have failed, and we will fail at this too, right!? 2 embarrassed I can't do it on my own! Oh yeah we've heard it all, diet, exercise etc., etc., etc. come on, change places with me, you eat more than I do!

    I choose to tell my immediate family up to surgery time, the is hardening a couple of coworkers. They all know now, and that's ok with me,

    I am truly blessed with the live, and support of my family! They are the best. My friends are happy for me, at least the ones I have seen up to this point. If they aren't, I am not here to please everyone. Walk in my shoes,the we can discuss how you feel.

    Great discussion, I couldn't stop reading. Carry on be successful!

    Good luck to all

  6. This is true, and the more the merrier! Here is the message I've been sending everyone:

    Since the group is secret, direct links to it won't work so I have to invite people via email unless they're Facebook friends. If you'd like to send me your email address, I'll send out an invitation right away.

    Kimrod. Add me to the Facebook page. I wAs sleeved October 7th. I live in Ok.




  7. Congrats to all who've been approved. I go to my last appointments today and then starts my wait for approval. Im starting to have second thoughts about it. Did anyone have second thoughts? I think it's just fear of the unknown or failure.

    Oh yes I had second thought! Even up til they rolled me back to the OR. it's done now, no going back. I am going to look forward from this point on! Good luck

  8. Called the insurance again still under review. It's getting old. A sure test when someone is an emotional eater. My doc wants me to have a liquid diet (5 liquid meals a day) 1 week preop, who knows when that will be.

    I decided today I was going to eat 1 meal a day in addition to my liquids until I am approved. So frustrating.

    Patience patience patience.

  9. Haven't checked in lately. My surgery was initially scheduled for the 30th. For you medical people you will understand, Joint Commission is coming this week! Plus I have not been approved by my insurance. So frustrated.

    I have almost 20lbs, I attended a golf tourney today. I haven't told very many people about my surgery, but most of my friends know after today. It always amazing to me, when people ask/ say, well you've lost 20lbs, why do you need the surgery. Then my head goes crazy and begins to ask if I am doing the right thing!!!?? But I know I am doing the right thing? I have done my research, and am ready for the new me.

    Oh, yea, surgery hopefully oct. 7th. Keeping fingers crossed!

  10. I am 54 years old, and have fought the battle of the bulge for all my life. I remember when I wad younger I couldn't find clothes to fit me right so I would buy my jeans in the boys section. I started Weight Watchers at the young age of 16! I married at the age of 19' we had our first daughter after I graduated from Nursing School. I weighed 132 at the beginning of my pregnancy. Never could get back down to my ore pregnant weight again! By the time I realized it, I was pregnant with our second child. They are 13 months apart. I loved being a mother, worked part time. Life was good. Always joining rejoining WW, or trying every new fad diet available. We have another daughter 3 years later. Family complete!

    Still back and forth with the diets. Never being able to drop the weight. Around the age of 40, I think I weighed around 200 lbs, hoping to see the wonder100's again. It never happened. I was always the biggest mom in my children's classes. I love being around people, and I think very outgoing, but as the weight continues to go upward, I went inward. The beginning if a very deep depression, which I sought counseling for, and still am. But the weight keep going up and up. Jenny Craig came into my life, I between Weight Watchers, etc, etc, etc...you know the picture.

    2000 rolls around we have a lot of family tragedies, loss of brother inlays and sister in law in bridge accident, son lost 2 best friends, my comfort, food food, and more food, to bring me comfort! Weddings come around, my husband says, we need to lose the weight, so we aren't fat in all these pictures! Pictures last forever. nicely put. We all joined WW! My daughter (the bride ) made her goal! Me however gained everything they lost!

    Now for my sons wedding, I found a new "weight loss diet". Medifast! Did good for awhile, lost about 30 lbs, wore a size 16 dress! Quickly gained the weight back after getting off the diet! No surprises.

    Our last daughter got married in November of last year, husband once again, same statement. But life gets in the way! My mothers health was failing rapidly, my prayer is she would live to see her youngest granddaughter get married. She passed away on my daughters birthday, (yes the one who got married) 1 month, and 10 days before the wedding! 8 days after my mom died, we had a new granddaughter, so there was our ray of sunshine! 22 days later, my husbands best friend died from a brain tumor, then 11 days later, our daughter was married. Well what does one due in those situations you know eat, eat, eat! I had to let my dress out. How embarrassing! I just bought it in August! I was just too much!

    January of 2014 I weighed 261 at the dr. Office I as devastated. She was so nice, get the weight of she suggested Weight Watchers! Lol! In March a dr. Approached me asking me if I ever thought of doing the sleeve! I always swore I wouldn't do Bariatric surgery!

    Well never say never! One more diet, try Herbalife, well that lasted 2 months, I was in the dr. Office! My initial weight at her office is 255 so that is my official weight!

    That is my long drawn out story!

    I am ready to begin my new chapter, am hoping September 30th in a new start. Still awaiting insurance approval. Hopefully hear tomorrow!!!

    Sorry this was so long!

    Thanks for the support on this board. It is most helpful! [


    My husband and I I had lost 13 lbs. here!


  11. When is your surgery? I did the same thing Fri. We were at the fair and I couldn't walk another step so I ate salad with turkey and cheese. Much better choice than fair food! Just get refocused. That is what I have done. I am scheduled to have surgery the 30th. Awaiting insurance approval.

    Good luck!

    Guilt is part of why we are here! DO NOT beat yourself up? Refocus.

    We can do this!

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