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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by cherylmonz

  1. Everyone has a story, some good and some bad. I had my surgery on June 25th. I don't know if I am lucky or what but I've had NO complications or problems. I did have a 3 week stall where I lost NO weight. Stayed the same. It broke the other day and now the weight is falling off.

    Only you can decide what is right for you. I am so much happier now and I'm only down 30 lbs. I feel great!

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. I am not going to weigh myself every day either. It sux.

    I haven't had trouble with my stomach since the surgery because I think I was put on regular food week 2. It seems that the longer you're on liquids and purees the harder it is to hold food down. It seems that way anyway from all the posts I've been reading.

    I guess we all just have to stick to it and we'll reach our goals!

  3. Hi everyone. I was sleeved on June 25th. It's been 4 weeks now and I've been stalled for two weeks. I lost 27 lbs so far.

    My story seems to be different than others. My doc put me on regular foods, meat and green veggies and greek yogurt the second week! He said that research has found that starting regular foods early helps speed recovery. I must say that I feel good. I went back to work after 3 weeks and was exhausted at first but I'm sure this second week will be easier.

    My pain was awful the first day. Second day was painful but not too bad. I came home the day after surgery and had to sleep on the recliner for a few days as I couldn't lie flat. I only took Vicodin at night for three days and after that it was ok.

    I am still a little sore but feeling great. I am off my blood pressure meds and doing good.

    I have my next visit with the surgeon this Friday, Aug.1st so I'm guessing he'll let me have carbs now! I am really missing fruit. I love it and it's been driving me nuts not being able to eat it.

    The unjury unflavored Protein is wonderful. I put it in my vanilla greek yogurt and it's absolutely tasteless! I also bought the chocolate flavor which I will use when I can make smoothies in my new Nutribullet! Can't wait to juice!

    Keep the faith everyone!

  4. My Dr. said nothing but sugar free Jello, 3 parts Water to 1 part Light apple juice and broth. I tried the white grape juice also but I don't know if it's me but it has a chemical smell and taste. So gross. Today I ordered some Protein powder from powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. A lot of people are saying it's not too bad. This way I'll have it when I can start my Protein.

    Kellie, that almond milk chocolate drink sounds good. I'll have to try it. I've been checking out sleevers on You Tube and found a few. I'll have to check out the one you're talking about also.

  5. It could dehydration or thrush ( yeast / candida) . Thrush is common after antibiotics or steroid usage. Since you are 4 days post op, this is possible. Dehydration is also possible but you would probably have other symptoms such as concentrated urine or poor skin turgor. Normally candida can be helped by yogurt or acidophilus capsules. At 4 days out , you need MD assistance for medical instructions.

    PS it will get better, promise!

    I am going to call my dr this morning and see what he says. Thanks for the post! It's helpful to have people to talk with who've been there, done that!

  6. Was everything easier or harder than you anticipated?

    I am 22 days away from surgery & have so many fears. I'm sure you did too. Just want to know what was better or worse than you thought it would be.

    Congrats & best wishes to all on your new journey!

    Hi. I am 3 days out and feel pretty good. I have some cramping and some pain but not too bad. I am from NJ but had my surgery in PA. I was a nervous wreck the week before my surgery. I was having panic attacks galore! Once I got to the hospital I felt calmer and was happy about that. Everyone is different and responds differently to things so don't get yourself nuts by reading all the negative posts. You should read the good and the bad but don't let it make you anxious! Good luck and keep me posted!

  7. Hi everyone. Two days post op and starting to feel human again. I was in incredible pain once I woke up after surgery. First day was awful and I kept asking myself why the hell did I do this to myself! Next day I felt better and was sent home. Today I took a shower with help from my hubby. Thank God for him. He is taking such good care of me! I am moving around and drinking and taking my Vitamins with no issues. I keep getting a crampy pain in my stomach on and off but I'm sure it's normal.

    My back is hurting from two days of bed and recliner sleeping but so what. I'm on my way to be healthier! I get tired easily and sleep a lot but the PA said that is normal after what I've been through.

    I seem to be coming along fine. Thanks for all the well wishes and I hope you all are doing good also!


  8. i can't believe it is so close already! starting pre-op 2 wk diet tomorrow and going to have my very last food funeral-my MOST favorite pizza in the entire world- tonight.

    i have the most supportive hubs and he is going to try and do the pre-op right along with me!

    anyone else? i have been watching the forums and haven't seen any other posts for 6/23 so maybe i'm the only one!!!!

    Hi. I'm going on June 25th. Very nervous and excited. I wish you the best on your journey!

  9. My surgery is so far scheduled for Aug 29th ... I'm very nervous as well...I've heard people say they've done well but would never do it again...is it that bad? I know there's going to be challenges and I'm up for that ... but I'm looking for a general idea of what I'm going to be up against ... I want to be armored for this adventure... :-)

    Maybe we shouldn't read the negative posts! lol I keep telling myself that everyone is different and responds differently. Just have to have faith it'll be ok! Since I'm going in before you I can keep you posted. We can commiserate.

  10. Hang in there, I had those same emotions and now that the procedure is done I feel relieved and am on the road to the new me. I had my VSG surgery on June 4th, if you have any questions let me know. My surgeon advised me 2 weeks on liquids only and then puree for two weeks and 4-6 weeks can introduce solids based on how I tolerate them.

    So far, I have had no issues keeping down Protein shakes & Water.

    Best Regards,


    Hi Chris. How do you feel? Do you have alot of pain? I just keep reading some posts and the negative ones scare the crap outta me. I know everyone is different so I shouldn't make myself nuts. Please keep me posted on your progress.

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