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Everything posted by munchkin392

  1. I think of The Beatles kind of how I think about dogs...I just don't know how you can't like them, and I am slightly distrustful of people who don't! There has to be ONE of their songs that someone likes! I personally like all the stuff from the drugged out era....go figure! My two all time favorite Beatles songs are "In My Life" and "Blackbird". I think a few weeks ago I wrote about the memorial we had for the friend I grew up with that died last year. He was a huge music fan, and more specifically a HUGE Beatles fan. He was a preschool teacher and taught all his students Beatles songs. Anyway, they had a prominent local musician play at the benefit, and he played "Blackbird". I started crying. I am sappy that way.
  2. Mini-So true...there could be much worse people sending him messages. I was devastated about John Lennon even at that young of an age because my whole childhood my parents listened to The Beatles and John Lennon. My dad died when I was two, and he was a huge John Lennon fan. There is a book of poetry by John Lennon floating around my grammys house somewhere. I have been trying to find it without success. I remember finding it when I was younger, and I would really like to look at it now!
  3. Well, even though I am a "youngster", I must not be that much of one because I remember ALL of that. The other thing that I remember VERY clearly, even though I was only in 1st grade I think, is when John Lennon was shot. The only time I have ever seen the Oklahoma City Memorial is on the show "Saving Grace" and it did look pretty moving.
  4. That is pretty wierd. I very clearly remember Oklahoma City also.
  5. Dee and Bahot-I also have thought a lot about tomorrow for the last couple of days. I will never forget that day as long as I live-so scary. I thought my boyfriend at the time was going to get called back to the Navy-he worked in Intelligence. And I have so many other military friends that had to go over there (many of them firefighters and paramedics I worked with). I thank God all the time they have all come back safe and sound. One of my friends crews was featured right at the beginning of the HBO documentary about the ER in Bahgdad. His crew was hit by an IED and two of them were killed. It could have easily been my friend. I personally am PROUD of my sister for the decision she has made-it did not come easily, she has struggled with it for months. So yes, to not have the support of her own parents (who she gets along with much better than I do) is devastating for her. I fear this will damage their relationship forever. Dee, she would love it if you wrote to her when she gets there. It means so much to the soldiers there to get communication from home. I actually got our unit to adopt a soldier as a unit project, and I collect things to send over for them. Bahot-thank you for your support. Tell your hubby that I am thinking of him and his brothers tomorrow. I have spent enough time in the firehouse to know they are like family, and I was devastated on 9/11 when so many were killed in the line of duty. I can't imagine the pain those firefighters endured.
  6. It seems a lot of people around me need to get over a lot of things lately. Seriously, I think they have all gone insane.:omg_smile:
  7. It's ok, I always seem to be put in the middle because my parents act like the kids and we act like the parents more often than not. My sister told me when she had to fill out POA papers for my nieces that the reason I was chosen to be POA is because I am the only reasonable, non-petty person in the family basically. It's sad, I tell ya!!
  8. Amen to that!! The only reason I got up today was because the 4th season of "Rescue Me" was already rented out!:omg_smile:
  9. Yep, she is pretty upset, and she is a tough little cookie most of the time. I don't understand how they can be so hurtful to her. Like you said, even I am not happy she is going, but that just makes me want to be able to spend more time with her in case something were to happen.
  10. I am so furious with my parents right now. My sister has decided to re-enlist in the Marine Corp, and she is going to be deployed to Iraq in January. My parents are mad at her for this and are acting like 12 year olds about it. They are basically ganging up on her (for lack of a better word) and have decided they aren't talking to her. They texted her a text that said "Good luck and we'll talk to you when you get back". She immediately started crying. I called my mom after this text to basically ask her what the hell she is thinking treating her own daughter this way, and so of course she got all mad at me then, telling me that she wasn't going to argue about it with me, blah, blah, blah. I basically told her that my sister is 26 years old, can make her own decisions, and I hope for her sake nothing happens to her in Iraq because she will regret treating my sister like this for the rest of her life. I got hung up on for that one. This was after they told me my sisters husband (who they thought was the anti-Christ as little as a month ago) "deserved a medal for putting up with her". They are not winning any "Parents Of The Year" awards with me tonight!!!!:scared2: Seriously, to all you parents out there, HOW could they treat her this way??? I think they have lost their minds! And they are going to alienate me in the process also because I am going to support her decisions no matter what!!:omg_smile:
  11. Brandy-I think you would probably be refluxing or PB'g if you had a slip, but if you still feel bad in the am, call Dr.K.
  12. Of course I was referring to other members of the group. I am also a very serious professional.... (I almost couldn't keep a straight face when I was typing that!!) You will like this one...I was driving today and I saw a lady driving a convertible with the top down...with a big ol Brutus dog in the passenger seat. It was so cute!!
  13. Green-I thought about the Nuvaring. One of my friends has it and she loves it. The gyne wanted me to try Yaz because of the mild diuretic effects (and she probably heard that I am a huge beotch when I have PMS so she wanted the effects for the PMDD)! Waa haa haa!! I wanted to tell you I saw a different, new podiatrist about my plantar fascitis today. He did an ultrasound of my foot to confirm the thickness of the fascia (which basically means the $1300 MRI I had was not necessary) and told me he also feels I have nerve involvement also (which I have been saying the whole time). So he gave me an alcohol injection, which is apparently supposed to sclerose the nerve ending. He told me there is usually about a 99% success rate with it. He also told me the surgery the other doc wanted me to have only has a 40% success rate, so I may have gone through all that time on crutches and the time off work only to have it not work. I would have been seriously PO'd. I go back next week-he said I should see about a 50% improvement just with the first injection. Since I have tried everything, I am very skeptical, but I will keep you updated on how it works.
  14. Glad your check up went well. I too would love to come dine but I also cannot justify the plane fare. :thumbdown:
  15. What's going on my fellow Dave fan? Sending hugs to you!!!
  16. Nah, you just fit right in with the rest of us! We are all a bit "off" if you know what I mean...Ok, maybe not all of us. But definitely a few of us, and you all know who you are!:eek: For inquiring minds...of course it WAS my neighbor who did my mammogram today. Seriously, aren't there any other techs? Why does my neighbor always have to squish my boobies? Oh well, at least I got to update her on the EVIL neighbors that live next door. She didn't know all the stuff that was going on. She has volunteered her 4 year old grandson to help paint the fence!:thumbdown:
  17. As for the discussion, that is just how Mini and I roll! :biggrin: I flew home the next day and it was fine. The 3rd day was definantly the worst for me also, so I was glad I was home by then.
  18. Sorry, they are all saggy now!:redface:
  19. AND it is my other neighbor from across the alley that does the mammograms...nothing like waving to the neighbor knowing they have seen your boobies up close and in person. Plus, the gyne started me on Yaz, and it is making my boobs hurt soooo bad, so the thought of having a mammogram is about as appealing as someone torturing me. (Sorry, TMI! But you already knew about my 80 boobs, so what the heck!)
  20. I have 80 boobs....just kidding. Freudian slip. Annual MAMMOGRAM. An anxiety producing experience every year because my mom had breast cancer at a fairly young age when she was premenopausal. That is why I was thinking about mastectomies probably....:redface:
  21. Grrrr...I just remembered I have my annual mastectomy tomorrow. I hate the annual squishing of the girls!!!
  22. Yes, since your diaper is full you need somewhere to change it. :redface:
  23. Yes it is, and it is great!! I can already foresee I am going to get nothing done on my days off because I am going to be watching this!! :redface:
  24. I would love seeing your rig pull into the Flying J. Or you know, about 25 minutes away from me is the countries biggest truck stop. They have award winning bathrooms. I'm not joking. Only in Iowa!:redface: It's too soon to tell if the fence issue will work out, but at least I have an attorney who is going to get things accomplished I hope. Because I am really frustrated with my divorce attorney and I think I am going to fire him! My divorce should have been done weeks and weeks ago! In July really...I sent him a letter asking him what was going on with my case, and he hasn't responded. The other attorney told me that at this point it is an ethical issue and he can be reported to the powers that be. Sigh. Why can't people just do their jobs?
  25. My new addiction: the TV show "Rescue Me". I never wanted to watch it because I thought it would be unrealistic, but I rented the first season last week and it is great! The most realistic portrayal of firefighters I have seen. Bahot, have you watched it?

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