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Posts posted by tmspears3

  1. I also have to do 6 months physician supervised dieting. I am 2 months in and it seems like forever. I have went through the blood work, phys eval, ultrasound, endoscopy, I confirmed with my insurance(BSBC AL) that they go off the first initial visit. So they want you to show weight loss. I agree 6 months seems like forever but it will be worth it.

  2. I too have to do a 6 months physician supervised diet. My bmi is 44. I have already met with the surgeon and first dr appt. I have had my lab work and am scheduled for scope and gall bladder ultra next wk.. I also have has my physc evaluation. I am so readt for this journey to a new me and a new life. I agreed its going to be a long hard road but we can do this. Im almost a month into it and it seems like a year. I started making a skinny bucket list for things that i want to do when Im fit and fell good about myself to do them. Good Luck!!!!

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