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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TheWife

  1. I was just gonna let someone with experience coach. Not sure how much help I can be im 28 never really experienced low sex drive. Even at 370 I was still very driven. Now 70lbs lighter its even worse my girl can not keep up at all. I will share what I have notticed bout libido. When u go a long time without using your member you will loose libido. trying to get him off every every once in a while will raise it. I know the more I use it the more I want it. Also check his diet if hes slowly goin back to high fatty foods, steaks or pork. It shocks the body from what ive notticed since it takes so long to process. Also slows down weightloss. Im not a nutritionist just things I have notticed.

    He has never done this either. Even at his largest, our sex life was still great. I'll look into the diet, he is at work most of the time, but I will bring it up to him. Thanks.

  2. You really didn't give any details from which to form a hypothesis. Are there other complications like pain or general lethargy? What happens when you try to initiate sex? Does he refuse you?

    He has no pain, no lethargy. He's lost 60#. He feels much better, but he said he just hasn't felt like having sex. I don't initiate it, but there has been a few times we have talked about it. He just says he hasn't wanted sex at all.

  3. Lol.. im sorry but I found this funny. A woman giving other woman advise bout guys. Im sorry dont mean to offend but.... yeah.

    Then hop in there and help me out! No one else did except her!

  4. Hi all!!! Hubby had his surgery on Tuesday. Everything went well. His gallbladder has to come out in 6 months. The doctor couldn't get to it during surgery. We came home yesterday. The trip home was a little rough on him. The bumps hurt a bit. But he slept good last night. He's moving around good this morning. He took a shower and pulled off bandages this morning. He has only had 10 oz of Water since we left hospital at 2:00 yesterday. Overall, he is doing amazing. He lost 24# during 10 days pre op. He's lost another 3# during surgery. I am so damn proud of him.

  5. Actually for 5 days of it. My husband is working out of town so we brought him the stuff for the five days he will be gone. Lots of shakes, Soups, Popsicles and sugar free Jello. This makes our journey so much more real!! I'm terrified. He's my strong man and I am so scared to see him in a hospital bed. In all our 12 years together, he has never been sick. Never been to the hospital. Very healthy. It's quiet terrifying. I know he will be healthier and I am behind him. Luckily I am able to hide the terror from him right now. He's such an amazing man. I'm prepared for anything. I'm going all liquids in support so if we are going to be crabby, it will be crabby together!!!

  6. I agree. U the exceptional spouse in a supportive role. While my husband is extremely supportive of my weightloss journey, not sure he would ever even think of posting on a support board.

    Ur a very rare one! And I love it! Just know that it's a long road and u and he need to have patience. It doesn't happen overnight. At least for most of us it doesn't. And plx be patient with his new eating habits (and lack of eating habits). I about bit hubbys head off the first month when I was only allowed full liquids. He ate real food and I was jealous. So I let him know that. And he sucked it up! Ur husband might be cranky, especially in the beginning when his diet is so limited. He'll probably be hungry (many of us never lose that hunger) and want real food.< /p>

    Good luck! Hope to hear more from u as he progresses...

    I am going on a 10 day liquid cleanse while he is doing his 10 day liquid diet so he doesn't feel alone! Of course I have to feed the kids, but I will be doing it with him. I think it will be easier for him if he isn't alone.

  7. I couldn't imagine not being supportive!! He's my world. He wants a healthy self to watch our kids grow up and walk our daughter down the isle when its time. *BTW, I lost it when he told the doctor that. I had a split second image of him no longer bein with us and I can't handle that.

    I wish everyone here had a spouse or partner who was as supportive as you. Thanks for taking the time to educate yourself! My husband has been awesome too, and I'm so blessed by it!

  8. My husband is having the gastric sleeve done on June 10! I am so proud of him for making this huge step. We have been married for 10 years and have two amazing children. He has always been big (which has never bothered me at all), but recently it hit both of us that he was at his biggest. We went to Dr. Felix in Houston and he weighed in at 425. Thankfully, the insurance is covering his surgery and we don't have much to pay for out of pocket. I am here to learn all I can learn about the surgery, pre-op, post-op, emotionally, physically, etc. He starts his 10 day liquid diet on Saturday the 31st. Thank y'all for all of the info y'all post. I will read it and I am sure I will have questions. Thank y'all!

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