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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Saramarie1023

  1. Saramarie1023


    So since my surgery I have been losing a pound or 2 everyday. Since my surgery I have been progressively struggling with getting protein into my diet. I simply HATE protein shakes! In the last few days I am getting more tired and today I gained .02 lbs. do you think they are relAted?
  2. Saramarie1023

    Showering after surgery?

    Probably depends on how your incisions are covered. I had surgical glue so I showered as soon as I got home. They just told me I couldn't wash the incisions.
  3. Saramarie1023

    Surgery is done!

    I remember my ride home... Not fun! Happy for both you and you hubby! Your hubby is lucky to have someone as supportive as you-these next couple of days were not easy for me, but it gets better. Good luck to you both.
  4. Saramarie1023

    Liquid Diet :(

    My only advice is to stay busy. I planned busy days for myself so I wouldn't have as much time to think about how much I hated it. I organized/cleaned, took my kiddos to park literally anything I could think of. Will also tell u that going to store-even Walmart is difficult...try to avoid if possible. It will pass! You can do this!
  5. Saramarie1023

    Full liquid phase

    I do diet snapple for a treat...make my own Popsicles with v8 splash, broths, tomato soup and sugar free jello. Good luck! I hope you don't hate this stage as much as I do!
  6. I am only 1 week post-op so I may not be the same...but when I asked my doctor about hiccups (because they hurt so bad!), he said to be careful with things extreme temperatures. He said if things were too hot or too cold it may cause hiccups. Not sure if that is your case, but thought I would throw it out there just in case it may help.
  7. Saramarie1023

    Odd things about my surgeon.

    My surgeon was the same way. In our big informational meeting they told us they would do those things...but at my appointment they told me that my particular doctor did not do them.
  8. Ok, I had surgery June 2nd. When I first got home I could only handle sips. I feel like I want to take larger drinks (not gulps). I have taken a couple and it doesn't seem to hurt anything...will this stretch out my stomach? Also I am going to buy some sugar free Popsicles. Do I have to wait until they are unthawed before I eat them? Dr had told me to beware of anything too hot or cold. I have so many questions! Thanks for your input!
  9. Flaco88 keep us posted! Best of luck
  10. My doctor told me that if something like that happened I could go straight to ER or have him paged. My docs office has an after-hours emergency number on it. I wouldn't wait until after weekend to get help!
  11. Saramarie1023

    DAY 3 Omg, The pain...

    When I left the hospital I asked the nurse how long that would last and she said it depends. Most of mine has passed but she said some people still complain a week later. She only recommend walking to me. . Hope you feel better soon!

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