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Heather Joy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Heather Joy

  1. Heather Joy

    Quote of the Day - Fun Thread

    Gee,isnt that just the story of my life!!!!LOL
  2. Heather Joy

    Picture Page

    Chrstine(tramanurse)-nice to see your pic!!!you look wonderful!!!and your doggie is too cute!!!! Im such a sucker for animals!!! i`ll hopefully will have a pic of me here soon!
  3. Heather Joy

    Picture Page

  4. Heather Joy

    Picture Page

    Princess_in_thep---- wow,not to sound weird or anything-but you are beautiful!you dont look like you weigh 180 either!!! congrats on your success!!
  5. i CAN eat a lot of the foods i love,but mostly i choose not to,or have very little of them.strangly my tastes have changed-now i crave fish and pickles and wheat thins!LOL surgery is such a big thing that when i had it done i VOWED to change my life and eat healthy and lose weight,so its not like another one of my diets that i KNOW im going to fail,you know? Its a huge lifestyle change and you have to be ready,and if you think you are then go for it,but if not wait another month-the lap bad will always be there-but you have to make sure your ready for it. Good luck with either of your decisions!I wish you the best of luck!
  6. Heather Joy

    Okay, I'm freaking out, here...

    i want to be at that point in my life where im ready for a tt or someother plastic surgery!!LOL...i cant wait for that time--might sound weird but that means ive reached (or almost reached) my goal!!! good luck on your tt i`ll be thinking about you!!!
  7. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    i weighed myself this morning-247? have i really lost 3 lbs since yesterday? LOL probably not but i`ll believe it!!!LMAO
  8. Heather Joy

    I was an Angel today....

    wow that is so wonderful!!!! you WERE and angel today!!!! i only wish i could have such an opportunity to do that for someone too!well,my fiancee is hoping to get it once we are married so i`ll be there for him!LOL once again you should feel SO proud of yourself!That must be the nicest thing ive read in a long time! Best of luck!
  9. Heather Joy

    Okay, I'm freaking out, here...

    I think that was your grandma! My father passed away june 18,2003. My 21 b/d was aug 7,and i missed him soooooo much -we went to the casino to Celebrate and played bingo-i never win on bingo. and this time i won $700!! Me,my boyfriend and his mom were all crying! Miracles are a form of communication with people who have passed who we miss so deepley
  10. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Count me in!!!! Alright,I'm gonna go by *my* scale and not Doctors! LOL Right now i am at around 250 (i just read this tonight so i didnt weigh myself this morning,of course;) lol),i`ll officially weigh myself tomorrow morning. Im going for 20 lbs 230,wow i havent seen that weight for a couple years....I cant WEIGHT (cheap joke i know hehehehe) to get down under 200...THOSE are numbers i havent seen in a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time!!!! Good luck all!
  11. Heather Joy

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I work at an insurance agency anlong with my mom!I have been there almost a year( as of Aug 13),I love it and have progressed more then anyone imagined,including me! I am hoping to get licensed in a year or so and eventually take over for my mom when she retires! Monday thru friday 9-5....loooooove those hours!!!
  12. Heather Joy

    Denied- maybe I went about it wrong?

    Hello! Hey,I called my insurance to see if i had gotten approved for my surgery (after Dr submitted everything),and the lady said "yup,you were approved!) and i was SOOOO excited!!A couple days later my doctors office called me and said i was denied . I called my ins co and complained and they cojnfirmed i had indeed been denied and that the lady just "must have been looking at the wrong screen"....But i eventually got approved because i wrote them a letter and sent a bunch of other proof i needed this surgery. So,in closing dont always take their word for it,sometimes THEY dont even know what theyre talking about!LOL I wish you the best on your weight loss journey and let us know what happens!
  13. WOW that is awesome!!Im jealous!LOL. I had my surgery April 29th and according to doctor have lost 27 lbs, but according to my home scale ive lost almost 40..lol...i like the later...lol;) Good Luck and congrats again!!
  14. Heather Joy

    what is the actual surgery like?

    ".. I was out! I woke up in recovery asking "Am I skinny yet?" " LOL i asked my family that when i saw them in recovery too!LOL I had them laughing in an otherwise tense moment:-D
  15. Heather Joy

    Girly Problem/pill question.

    Are there a lot of you guys out there who take liquid pain meds? I did when i was in the hospital,but now i take all my pills in regualr form and i have yet to have a problem-thats just me personally and thats what the Doc told me to do.My luck one of you will read this and try it and get WICKED sick,lol. So,again thats just me and what my Dr told me lol....Honestly im sooo thankful b/c i have to take a couple pills everyday! Get this-I didnt have my period for about 6 months(looong story) and of course they tested me for everything,but nothing wrong....so after my surgery they gave me a script for something that would make me get it..and OH MY GOODNESS!!! Luckily i was still on my pain meds because it STILL hurt!I can only imagine if i only had tylenol at that time! It was make-up time for my ovaries!!!LOL. Now everythings good and back to "regualr" =)
  16. I am wondering where i would go or talk to about starting a group for people in their late-early/mid 20's!A lot of people think its a great idea and im just wondering if its possible =) Lemme know!
  17. I was wondering if there are many people in their early 20's (like me)in here who are or have gotten banded-From what ive seen and heard on-line and around where i live that most people banded are late 20's-30 +... Not that theres a HUGE difference-Just curious =-) Thanks!
  18. Heather Joy

    Questions? Inquiring mind needs to know

    ahhh,i see. i havent experienced that yet..thankfully! i can only imagine if i had that-ouch!! thankyou very much!! =)
  19. Heather Joy

    Questions? Inquiring mind needs to know

    what is a PB?? im so LOST............
  20. Heather Joy

    Pre-op Cheater!!

    am i the only one who wasnt on a pre-op diet?hehe,well,my surgery went great!=D
  21. Heather Joy

    When was it for you?

    oh i looooooove sleeping on my belly!!!! The "dead- mans" position is my favorite!LOL It took me at LEAST a week before i could sleep on my stomach,probably closer to 2. It was a long 2 weeks! The first few days i slept on one of those upright "couch"things with the arms in my bad (hopefully someone knows what im talking about!lol,i cant think of what theyre called right now). those first couple days it rocked too!lol i passed right out.
  22. Heather Joy

    Hi!! all

    nice to meet you!!where are you from xstar?
  23. Heather Joy

    Question for April bandsters!

    Srangley enough i have had absolutley NO acid reflux since my surgery,and i definatley had before. I have had one fill and i couldnt hold down any food for about a week,now pretty much everything goes down ok,but still losin! when i press on my stomach i can feel the port...it feels pretty cool!ol still on pain meds for port pain-am trying to avoid another surgery!!!
  24. Heather Joy

    Any early 20's people getting/gotten banded?

    How would we start a group for younger people anyways? I think thats a great idea
  25. Heather Joy

    Any early 20's people getting/gotten banded?

    i think thats a great idea!!!! i was thinking about that too but i wasnt sure!! Im all for it! thanks! Heather

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