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Heather Joy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Heather Joy

  1. Heather Joy

    Heat Wave, Humidity & Tighter Band?

    Its so strange that you mentioned that--i was just talking to my fiancee after we got back from eating out.i barely ate anything and im still stuffed 3 hrs later(it was a great feeling!!).i was saying how its strange that im not able to eat as much lately.i havent had a fill in a month either!i can only think that its the heat--or just a very weird coinsidence!! but im DEFINATELY not complaining!!!
  2. Heather Joy

    Mental case: side effect fat

    WOW!!!I had no idea you were only 17!!! (Or,at least i missed that part). you seem very mature,i totally agree with Kathy on that one! Its the people who have been through SO much who always mature very early and are typically the sweetest people in the world! Then,there are the others who are just down right mean and think they diserve an award!LOL
  3. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Oh i cant WAIT until im down in the 220's way to go Christina plus your so close to ONEDERLAND it must be very encouraging!! thats one of my big goals is to get out of the 200's. way to go again...but im sorry it happened mostly because of the flu: knock on wood i havent had the flu in about 2-3 years
  4. Heather Joy


    OMG That was a good one!!!!LOL i`ll have to remember that--oh,btw I just got some physical therapy--hehe
  5. Heather Joy

    A Big Fat Pig

    I was reading all your posts and thinking,obviously other than why do we have all the rude people in this world?!,but also i could not remember when i ever got made fun of for my weight. The next day i remembered-it was my fiancees sister (and in law),they just said how pretty i used to be when i was skinny, or something to that extent....and just now i remembered that last year i worked at walgreens as a cashier and a guy forgot something and asked me to hold onto his candy. He handed it to me then pointed and said"now dont eat that on me!" and a bunch of people in line chuckled under their breath.....it was so embarrassing that i tried to believe it didnt even happen...but anyways i just thought i`d mention my repressed memories!!!I hope everyone is going wonderfully
  6. Heather Joy

    Right before surgery...?

    mousecrazy-- i dont remember if they weighed me or not,i dont believe so,but i was just weighed about a week before,with no pre-diet. with all my nervous-ness i forgot to ask!! so make sure you do,if they dont.
  7. Heather Joy

    Location of port? Ideas?

    I had no choice either,drs prefernce. mines about 2 inches right above my belly button. not bad,can DEFINATLY feel it...i keep thinking theyll have to push it back once i lose a lot of weeight but doc said no ! well,good luck and keep us posted=)
  8. Heather Joy


    LMAO thaankyou--you just made my day-that was probably the funniest thing ive heard today--this isnt at all in a mean way---it just made me laugh Oh and my answer is also what he said!! LOL
  9. Heather Joy

    A Big Fat Pig

    I am so sorry you work with such a terrible person who has to be mean to other people =( I am thinking of you tonight and i hope your day was good and you had more confidence-because NO ONE should ever speak to you like that--just remember we can change our weight those kind of people cant change the ugliness of themselves-inside,outside or both!! :| LOL. I wish you the best of luck today-and always! Please let us know how it went and remember we are always here for you. Even when it comes back to bite her in the A$$ and your rejoicing!
  10. I went to Dr Fiallo in Springfield( Baystate), and he is excelent!!! Im sure he does fills for people who had the surgery in MX but im not positive. He is VERY good!
  11. Heather Joy

    I'm a teen getting banded*

    Wow! Good luck to all younger-than-I !=) I WISH i couldve gotten banded even younger-I am 22 (almost 23 woowhooo..oh,its not so exciting now lol),but would never have to lose this much weight if i had learned about this earlier.Oh well,it could be much worse! Good luck to all of you in your newly banded adventures! Keep us posted
  12. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    I was having such a rough monday morning i COMPLETLY forgot to weigh myself (which used to be a raaaare occurance for me).Although i did just weigh in thursday i will weigh myself tomorrow on my unreliable scale...asking for a digital scale fo my b-day:) Well,congrats to all banders it seems like everyone did great this week!!no gaining and thats always a plus!!
  13. Heather Joy

    April Bandsters where are you?

    I was banded on April 29th and have lost 40 lbs to date!Im feeling pretty ok,I went to my doctor last thursday and he suggested that i get re-opened and he take the stitches out. Luckily it wouldnt be under gen anesthetia(?) since i dont do well with it,just a local and a sedative. Im thinking about it since my port has been painful from about 3 weeks post op and especially painful the last couple weeks. There arent many risks involved and hey i might actually start feeling better=) Other then that i am now enjoying shopping and its not so terribley upseting to go out in public. I have many fears especially with my port,that they will have to take the band out or something weird will happen and i wont be able to have it. My doctor reassures me that i will though.Its just such an amazing thing it makes me scared to think about it being taken away! Also, I had bad hairloss during the liquids and puree shase but it has gotten better-i have very thick long hair so ive always lost a good amount in the drain,so know i'd say its pretty normal... Anyways theres my update!!!I hope everyone is doing wonderful!!!=-)
  14. Heather Joy

    Anyone experienced this?

    Since y surgery94/29/05) i have had on again off again port pain. my doc said it was the stitches-they sometimes irritate the nerves around theport and that if it doesnt go away he will have to go in again and take out the stitches. i really cant afford to be out of work again and have more curious minds.has anyone had this kind of pain for a few months after surgery? Let me know if anyone out there has experienced this,and what they have done about it--thanks!=-)
  15. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Jonathan-- I have to correct my weightloss-my weight is on par,but my starting weight isnt. I actually started at 260 (Im going by Doctors scale since mine isnt at all acurate anymore). Today i went to doctor and weighed 250!!! :-D Im so ecstatic that ive lost 10 lbs!! So,if possible could you correct that? Thanks:)
  16. Heather Joy

    Hit a Plateau - Any Advice?

    Ive never thought about it that way.I have been on a plateau for about 2 weeks but everyone keeps telling me how much smaller i am,and ive lost a pant size(and a belt loop),but havent really lost weight(well tomorrow i`ll officially find out my weight LOL),so your comment makes total sense to me know!!Im connecting the dotes!!=) Thanks!LOL
  17. Heather Joy

    Anyone experienced this?

    Thankyou Madelines Mom I have been trying so hard!I had some Pasta last night and my stomach was killing me!!LOL. Going for a fill tomorrow and weigh in and hopefully ive lost more since ive been at about the same weight for 2 weeks! I have gone down 2 pant sizes too! :-D I actually ENJOY shopping now!!!=) Good luck all!
  18. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Im not weighing myself on my scale this week since its cheap and constantly fluctuates. But i am going to my doctor on Thursday and will get weighed there. Since ive been so active this past week everyone keeps telling em ive lost even more weight so i cant wait to see what the numbers are;)
  19. Heather Joy

    Anyone experienced this?

    Thanks for all your replies=-) Ive been doing a LOT of cleaning the last week since my boyfriends lazy brother was kicked out and now its CLEAN TIME!!! So i have been extra sore. Thanks again,now i feel better knowing its a very common thing=-) Happy losing everyone!
  20. Heather Joy

    Anyone experienced this?

    thankyou so much!!!now i feel better nowing it can be painful for a while! does lifting or pushing heavy things-or just getting stressed effect the pain too?i experienced both this past week and it HURT!lol thankyou SO much again!!!!!!
  21. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    EH,I had a terrible week!!I was in a contant state of stress because my manager was in everyday last week!!! I "grazed" a lot this week,and didnt exercise=-( we are kicking out my fiancees brother out tomorrowso after that is done both of us will be in a LOT better of moods and feel like being much more active (its a long story with his brother). I also have been soooo hungry this week!!i can eat a "big" meal,then a while later eat more....but i dont want another fill just yet...if i get oughta hand i will but im still losin so,i`lll just try to restrict myself more=-) Happy weightloss to all!!!!! And a happy 4th!!!!!!!
  22. Heather Joy

    Oh my G*D I've got a sooner date

    jen that was a good idea-female "procedure"--i shouldve used that!!LOL i just said i was going on vacation =)
  23. I have read a LOT of posts about people getting approved today!! I didnt know where to begin so i figured i`d start a thread and respond to everyone at once!LOL I am so happy for everyone who has recently gotten approved for the lap band-congratulations on the start to a wonderful new life!!! I am so happy that i got i love reading about people who got approved and they will be as happy as i am with their results! If anyone has any questions dont be afraid to ask-if you have a problem-im sure at LEAST one of us here have experienced it-no matter how "unusual"! Good luck to you all on your surgeries i wish you the best of luck and lots and LOTS of happiness and self-esteem!!!! Let us know as soon as you can!!!
  24. Heather Joy

    Oh my G*D I've got a sooner date

    Seppi- I also chose not to tell anyone at work but the people who HAD to know-of course my mom(but i also work with her),my other co-worker and my boss. Its a more normal weightloss so its not OBVIOUS you had something done.i originally took a week off but i stayed out an extra 2 days,but i defiantly could have gone back after a week,i just wanted to make absolute sure i was alright! I did awesome with my surgery it was kinda painful but they gave me pain meds (i belive morphine),and the next day percocet which made feel MUCH better lol.Also,my best advice to you (and im sure everyone will agree) for post op care-take a shower the next day!You feel kinda nasty from all the pain meds and iodine that when you actually get up and get in the huuuuge hospital shower you feel WONDERFUL afterwards! Such a small thing can improve your attitude so much! Also some kind of gas-reliever is good (i think they will give that to you in the hospital,or at least tell you what to get whn you leave). I got very "bloated" in my stomach and wished i knew that would happen so i could prepare for it before surgery!LOL I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery!!!Please let us know as soon as you feel up to it on how you are doing!!
  25. Heather Joy

    Mind vs Body

    My advice would be to avoid lean cuisines/smart ones,etc.....i have eaten those and they NEVER make me feel full--if so im usually starving in a half hour!Even before my surgery i could probably eat 4 lean cuisines and feel semi-satisfied, LOL. I like "real"food--i had a turkey hot dog in a bun and some whesat thins and i was stuffed! I love turkey hambergs too. plus there is a LOT of salt in those frozen "entrees" which isnt healthy in itself! thats just my advice i hope it helps!!Best of luck P.S.---A lot of times the craving for sweets or bad food gets so bad i just grab something,but latley ive tried remembering what my mom told me--you have worked so hard,and been through so much pain through this surgery and you can DO THIS. Don't keep giving into Snacks,etc... But,again obviously there are lots of times where you just have to eat extra,or something not on the "list'! alright,i think im done my rambling!!!!LOL Good luck (again)!!!! =)

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