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Heather Joy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Heather Joy

  1. Heather Joy

    Larger Band

    What exactly is the vanguard band anyways?is that the anme for the larger band,or just a "brand"or somthing to that effect? for some reason i know a ton about the band and i did a loooot of research but im just not sure on that one!=-) LOL
  2. Heather Joy

    Larger Band

    i also had the larger band...My doctor said he prefered it because he did a small band for someone who was bigger and he couldnt eat or drink anything after surgery and he had to re-operate and put in the larger one. So it has more room and also alows for more fills which is always a plus...im up to 7 cc (in a 10cc band) right now. hope that helps!
  3. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    i gained a pound this week!grrrrrr.....oh well,it was my b-day last week so,i guess thats not TOOOO bad considering all the bad bad food i ate
  4. Heather Joy

    Your hobbit name?

    Wooowhooo I am: Prisca Loamsdown of Deephallow yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!LOL =-) It has a good ring to it-I like that,its my new name!! The Fiancees is Gorbulas Chubb-Baggins LMAO
  5. Heather Joy

    Weigh-in and 3rd Fill today!!

    LOL,is that Caroline? I went there last thursday and my nora,al nurse is on vaca so it was Caroline and OMG what a personality!!!!!!!!!!!LMAO
  6. Heather Joy

    Weigh-in and 3rd Fill today!!

    Congrats!!! I went and the scale went up--i gained a pound..lol but thats not too bad considering i ate tons of bad food for my birthday (and almost everyday since my birthdaywhich was sunday) LOL =-) way to go,you deserve it
  7. Heather Joy

    Picture Page

    oh my goodness what a beautiful little girl!!!!Watch out mom-shes going to be a heart-breaker(if not already!) =-) how beautiful,again!
  8. Heather Joy

    What Type Of Exercises To Do

    Im so sorry to hear!!I hope you start feeling better soon! Is that like a very band strain on your achilles? Ive gotten that bad sometimes and its painful!i can never imagine having a serious problem with it!=-( Good luck and hope you feel better!
  9. Heather Joy

    What Type Of Exercises To Do

    Thanks everyone for the great ideas and imput! Parvathi, i will DEFINATLY let you know about the video-the more im thinking about it the more i want it! LOL. pole dancing lessons huh? that sounds so fun! i should look into that as one of the numerous treats to myself when i hit my ultimate weight loss goal =-) i would love to swim more but im sooo self conscience i think if i had a pool at my house it would be difficult! But, heres to kicking myself into high-weight-loss-mode! HEHE
  10. Heather Joy

    What Type Of Exercises To Do

    Anyne have any fun exercises(i think that is an oximoron just in itself!lol),once i get on top of my bills(i know,another oxymoron) i am going to subscribe to the gym which will be awsome so i can vary my exercises with all the cool equipment,but for now i am in a complete rut!i was thinking about getting that learn-how-to-strip video that carmen electra put out,hehe-but i was wondering if anyone else has some cool ideas-any imput will be great!=-)
  11. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    I lost about 1 lb this week-kinda bummed but not too bad considering sunday was my birthday and i had lots of cake and icecream! (and of couse a trip outn to eat to our fav restaurant),so i guess im not doin to to bad! Good luck everyone! Christina-i totally understand!I hope your feeling better!
  12. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    If i looked at the scale a certain way,i lost 1/2 lb..LOL. So,i guess that counts as a big "0" I had .."woman problems" this week,so hopefully i`ll lose more next week. Going for another fill august 11! Ive been able to eat WAAAAY to much!!Plus hopefully im gonna start going to the gym too (i HATE the gym!! I need to get gym-motivated hehe)
  13. Heather Joy

    Is this normal

    for me that was xactly what happened!ive heard they dont fill the band since you are going to swell and they want you to comfortable and allow healing,once the swelling goes down they will fill the band and you will usually feel much more restriction.it may take a few fills or more sometimes to get the restriction correct... also remember you will get hungry and be able to eat all kinds of foods still,jjust much smaller proportions.a lot of foods wont agree,it will take time to figure out the"bad"foods:) good luck!
  14. Heather Joy

    Insurance came back..

    i remember one of my ins requirements was that i had to have a medical condition DUE to my obesity.WHAT?!?!?!I dont have any medical problem like diabetes,high cholestoral and id prefer not to wait until i did to have this surgery!!i wrote them a letter pretty much stating that(along with all my other medical proof) and got approved i think maybe they might have changed that part since thats not right at all,considering how young i am and are lots of people trying to get this surgery!!
  15. Heather Joy

    Insurance came back..

    i had soooo many documented weightloss --i went to weightwatchers,2 different gyms,2 nutritionists,LA Weightloss,Richard Simons,Xenical,etc... Stuff like that. If you know youve toldd your doctor youve tried losing weight through such programs and usually they are willing to send over a few pages to your surgeon. Good luck hopefully that will help. let me know if you need anything else:)
  16. Heather Joy

    Oooo baby, baby!

    wow congratulations!!!! im so excited for the both of you!!! i am nowhere near ready to have kids yet,but i am really looking forward to it! Congrats again keep us posted on how your pregnancy is!!
  17. Heather Joy

    whats your secret wish or fantasy?

    Wow that is another great idea!!! When we get to that point---i`ll show you mine if you show me yours!LOL
  18. Heather Joy

    whats your secret wish or fantasy?

    LOL,that has DEFINATLY been my idea too!!!! A little different though- I would love to go to a professional and take lots of sexy pics of me in all kinds of lingerie and make a cute photo album to give to my fiancee for valentines day or our anniversary.... but i`d love to also get one blow up and put it on my wall in the livingroom too!!!!!=)
  19. my sister-in-laws father told me how great i look a couple weeks ago and then said "abou 100 more lbs to lose huh?" which is true but god you dont have to remind me!!!lol
  20. Heather Joy

    what is the actual surgery like?

    For me it was just like what DeLarla said. That tranquilizer stuff they gave me was AWESOME!!!LOLi was so nervous i started crying when they first got me to the pre-op room,but i calmed down once i saw my mom and fiancee. then they gave me that shot-i hadnt a care in the world!!!it was such a blessing since i was so scared!!when i woke up in recovery my heart rate was 150 bpm so they had to give me meds that brought it back to norm-not to scare you into thinking thats how you will be... i have problems with anestecia(that was horrible spelling sorry lol) my body just doesnt like it!!i was in no pain luckily and no throwing up, on a good note:)everything for the most part went great and i had a quick recovery-i stayed with my mom-moms always make things better!
  21. Heather Joy

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Woowhooo-3 lbs this week-almost down 50 lbs!!! :-D it is according to my weird scale,but it does soung pretty on par-or so i hope!!lol 5 more lbs to go!!!
  22. Heather Joy

    Smoking Question...

    I am currenctly a smoker, but 2 weeks pre-op the doctor told me to quit so i did. after a week i was having such bad cravings--and other external stressers(my fiancees ATV was stollen,which i bought for him for x-mas last year) and my brand new 2004 maxima was bebee'd. so i smoked a few cigarettes. but defiantly follow your doctors directions! A few days after my sergery(when i finally started caring i was craving big time i started smoking again,very causiously. I really wish i had quit but it so difiacult to quit when your "dieting" so,im going to try quitting again hopefully soon now that my healing,etc is done and im feeling better.... im not saying go ahead and smoke right up till your surgery,please follow the directions of your doctor-it will help your surgery go much smoother!!! Congrats on your approval that is wonderful!!!!
  23. Heather Joy

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    mousecrazy-good luck to you as well!! Let us know as soon as you feel up to logging onto your computer=-) welcome to the banded life--its so wonderful!!!!I hope you have as much success and happiness as i have had so far and so many others. we all deserve it;)
  24. Heather Joy

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    wow good luck to you!!! I wish i couldve gone somewhere beautiful like the beach to recover--or just go to the beach in general! LOL I wish you a speedy recovery and good luck on your new banded life!!! Let us know how it went when you return! oh-my surgery was at 12:30 it suuuucked not being able to eat or drink anything for that long!!! I had the worst cotton mouth when i got to the hospital!!LOL

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