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Posts posted by superbariatricbabe

  1. My holiday was a bit of a bummer. My dad has been ashamed of my weight for the last 15 years-(I'm only 30) and has tortured me about it for as long as I can remember. He's kind of an assh*le. I love him, but he is.

    So I hoped that he would be supportive of my WLS choice. He was not, but about a month ago after seeing my great results - he seemed to have this change of heart.

    My husband and I drive home to my parents house every Sunday for dinner, so I had to have a talk with dad about my new diet. I gave him the basic low fat, low sugar, Protein first guidelines and said "if there's ever any issue with dinner or you want to make something that doesn't fit my new plan it's not a big deal. Just let me know and I'll bring an alternative." The next Sunday he made an amazing and perfectly fine fish stew and I was elated that we'd had a civil conversation and he'd actually LISTENED to me!

    Fast forward to Christmas - DH and I talk to him about dinner the week before and he says he's making roast chicken. Yay! I can eat that! But when the day comes we go over for Xmas supper and Dad has made the greasiest most unhealthy pizza I've ever seen in my life. I wanted to cry. And dad got all pissed off that I wouldn't eat the pizza until I explained why and then everyone got all weird and it felt awful. I felt forgotten and left out and like a huge inconvenience to everyone. I ended up not eating anything all day and just feeling awful. (Also they live out in rural Virginia- I can't just pop in the car and hit a trader joes)

    I can't really explain why that pissed me off so much, but there were only 4 (mom, dad, hubby, me) people at Christmas supper and he decided to make a greasy pizza... Ugh. I feel like a whiney spoiled baby but at the same time I wanna be like "dude, your daughter just had weight loss surgery- you want to feed her pizza? WTF?"

  2. Hello Wildgoose and group, i can relate to why you waited for the surgery. I waited years, because I thought having a gastric bypass was too aggressive. I thought I could do the good ol' fashion way, diet and exercise.. making lifestyle changes. Needless to say, it didn't work for me. So, I had my surgery in Oct 2014, and have no regrets!! I'm grateful for a successful surgery. My hugest weight was 321, and now I am 255. Im not tech savvy, so I dont know how to download some pics to share with the group. Yikes! I drank some wine last night. A half of a glass was a bit much for my pouch.

    My struggle with this process is not drinking while eating. Does anyone else have this challenge??

    Yes!! It's so hard for me to not drink after a meal! Truthfully I usually have taken some sips during and after meals. I'm a ???? bad girl.

    Is that really bad?

  3. Poor broxmerci! I hope they find out what the bleeding is from- it sounds really terrifying.

    2 months out and I've lost about 40lbs! Still struggling to get all my Water but doing really well with food and Protein. Still foaming occasionally if I don't chew enough but overall feeling pretty great.

    Frustrated that 40lbs lost is only 1 size smaller! I feel like I should be smaller.

  4. Soo I'm being sent back to er now, my heart rate is 150 and I have a high bp now too, they think I might have another clot, this is getting real old ugh. Right before thanksgiving lol, so much for a happy ending. I hope they don't keep me.

    Hang in there Bronx! Sending you healing vibes and happy thoughts. Keep us posted, we're all going to be thinking of you. ????????????

  5. Omg...can someone please tell me how I gained 1.2 lbs??? I was stalled last week...I stopped checking the scale for like 5 days and decided I'd check this morning. To my surprise I gained 1.2! I'm so sad and so discouraged right now I want to cry :(

    Don't panic! 2 cups of Water weighs 1lb. You might have just been dehydrated the last time you weighed or well hydrated most recently.

    1.2 is a small and total normal fluctuation, so please don't worry too much.

  6. Hello Everyone. It's so refreshing to read all the posts,and know many of the things I am experiencing seem to be the norm... but, I feel like im pushing the envelope, so to speak. Im trying foods that I should not be eating... like i ate 3 fried shrimps, and french fries. I chewed the ff, and then spit them out, bc of the fear of them getting stuck. Im not measuring foods.. it is just crazy that I am not as compliant as I should be! Help! food sabatoged before gastric bypass! Why am I doing it again!!!


    First off- you need to stop spitting your food out immediately. It really messes with your digestive system and can cause serious ulcers.

    Testing boundaries is normal for some people- I definitely moved onto soft foods a little earlier than my doc suggested but French fries and fried shrimp are going a little too far. Thankfully our tummies are small enough right now that you can't do too much damage. But it will slow your weight loss down, and you only have a 6 month window of maximum effectiveness. Plus it's the perfect time to explore new options and build good habits which is what makes this surgery so successful for many people. Why waste it?

    I think you need to start going to support group meetings and maybe consider seeing a therapist who works with eating disorders. In my personal experience I know that I could not have been compliant without that outside help. Cravings and overeating are 99% emotional for me, and sadly that's something that the bypass can't fix. Learning to separate the emotion from the food is a key component to success for me.

  7. Hey Honeys!! I am home! My son is acting distant, it was a very long time. After all my complications, today I can say I feel great. I tried on some jeans that haven't fit me since before I gained all the weight after the baby and they were sagging and falling off. I went food shopping and it went pretty good, I also walked 3 miles not including my 2 hours walking in the store. I missed my freedom. I am going to have extra doctors visits weekly but I am so glad to be home, I get to sleep with my baby and nomore annoying roommates lol. I am also getting 16oz of Water down in less than an hour without pain. I figured if I keep stopping myself I will never get my water in. I drink until I feel slightly full and my nut said its okay and won't stretch my pouch because its going through me. So I drink like 5oz every 15-20 mins and 4 to 5 bottles of liquid a day so 64 to 80oz. I am also having 2oz of tuna, chicken, beef, or pork 14G and then I use GENEPRO with this juice (healthy balance made with splenda or diet oceanspray) water mixure for an additional 60G of Protein, I drink that one slower so that it can absorb. I'm sorry I wrote so much I am just happy to be home and to be pain free and alive. Since getting my protein and water plus Vitamin in I barely feel weak, I am going to be cleared for solids in 2 weeks and exercise. I had to wait longer because of the complications. I still feel some regrets, but hopefully it fades completely. Okay ladies and gents, I hope everyone is great I love you all.

    Glad to hear you are home and doing better! Wishing you a speedy recovery. :)

  8. Anyone foaming?

    I've had three cases of "foamies" after eating chicken or turkey. Sometimes it's okay, sometimes it goes terribly wrong. Most recently tonight. It's a weird sensation where my mouth is filling with saliva and my stomachs feels something stuck uncomfortably. Then it starts this whole burping swallowing burping cycle until I either vomit or get through it. I feel like a cat with a hairball!

  9. 5 weeks out: I'm afraid I'm eating too much. (800-900 calories) I can drink about 8oz per hour which is okay, and usually eat 4-6oz before fullness kicks in. But I'm trying to focus on low fat low sugar high Protein stuff.

    Some times things stick and make me feel super awful, but the majority of stuff I handle okay. I ate an entire 6" egg white sandwich - took 3 hours but it happened. Now that I'm on solid but soft foods I feel like I'm eating slowly all day long. Its a chore for the most part, but I'm starting to get some cravings back again especially late at night and it's frustrating. Maybe it's PMS but all I want is salt, carbs, and chocolate. Thank god for PB2. I just ate 3 saltines and they were AMAZING.

    In truth my eating habits are pretty good and I'm trying to make good choices, but it's rough! The freedom from food for the first five weeks is mostly over, and now my brain sometimes forgets that about the RNY and just wants to snack. Confusing and frustrating!!!

    Anyone else 5 weeks out feel the same way? What are you eating? How do you do feel?

  10. I am two weeks past surgery and I have not lost any weight in 3 days. In fact, this morning I had gained 0.6 of a pound. I only eat 2 tablespoons of food 3 times per day and 4oz of Protein Shakes also 3 times per day. I am moderately active. How is it even possible that my weight loss has come to a halt. I know, I always knew this surgery may not work for me. I will be the only person in WLS history who fails to lose weight. My worst fear is upon me. What do I do?

    Stalls are totally normal so please don't panic. As long as you are getting your 60/64 then there's nothing else you can do. Your body has undergone some serious trauma and your metabolism can respond in different ways. The stall will end before you know it, and you'll be fine soon ????

  11. Hi, it's been a while.

    The last few days I feel like my nerves are made out of

    strings... One bad sentence and I start to cry... I don't know maybe because

    I used to eat or smoke or have a coffee instead of crying, and now I don't.

    Does this happen to anybody else?


    It's ok! You've lost your two main coping mechanisms for stress, and there's going to be a time where you just can't handle stress well. I've been trying really hard to focus on what I'm feeling at times of stress and give myself permission for a little mini freak out. It's going to take time for us to learn how to deal with stuff without food or smokes, but trust the process - it will happen. :)

  12. Kim, it's okay to be in pain. I was a wreck for a full 3 weeks from persistent pain in one spot on my abdomen. It was sharp and almost burning- I asked the doc about it and he said it was because there's a stitch there holding the muscles together where the largest laparoscopic tool went in. He explained that it was going to hurt as muscles pulled against the stitch or tensed from being tired at the end of the day. He also said that it would dissolve and eventually I might feel a 'pop' and the pain would stop, but it's more likely that it will pop overnight and I won't even notice it.

    He was absolutely right!! Week 4 I woke up one morning and sat bolt upright with zero pain like a miracle! Overnight the pain stopped and I was back in action.

  13. Down about 25lbs since surgery (40 total) and still on purees for another week. I've definitely tried a few "advanced" foods and had no problems as long as I go slow and don't overdo it.

    Pretty excited that the doc has cleared me to exercise, I've done a couple deep Water aerobics classes with my MIL that were fun and surprisingly intense. Abs (or the spot in fat were my abs are hiding) are still sore from Saturday!

    Also- my physical hunger has definitely come back but only in the sense that I get super cranky if I haven't eaten.

    Anyone else craving chocolate?? If so I have the perfect snack that my pouch and I both LOVE. 2-4 tbsp of Just Great Stuff Organic powdered Peanut Butter (regular and chocolate flavor), with a pinch of salt and Splenda, mixed with enough Water to make it the right consistency. It tastes like Nutella!!!

  14. 3 weeks out- Is anyone else having weird stuff with their body temperature?

    Sometimes after I eat I get freezing cold. My hands and my feet are literally cold to the touch, and I get the chills. I've been spending an hour after each meal snuggled under a blanket.

    Alternatively I walked to work today (3/4 mile) and while it's not the easiest walk - it's not like a march through Death Valley. Nevertheless now I can't seem to cool off! I've been here an hour and my skin is still hot. My face is so flushed that the mailman just asked if I have sunburn!

    Anyone else experiencing anything similar?

  15. Best: "wow where is the rest of you!"

    Worst: "you know after losing all that weight your going to have tons of extra skin"

    Weirdest/awkward: my friend said to her husband "look how much weight Jess lost!!" he looks me up and down and smiles at me and my friend said "wait, did you just check out my best friend!?" Lol!

    Omg all my mother talks about is how much extra skin I'll have after this process is over- it's the first thing and the last thing she wants to talk about every time I see her- and she's constantly hatching new plans to "fix" me further. I had to stop her one day and say "one project at a time, Mom."

    She also seems to be obsessively predicting how great my life will be and how beautiful I'll become. It's pretty upsetting. While I am also excited about my future, I'd love it if my mother wouldn't make it so perfectly clear how disgusting she thinks I look.

    Truthfully I was pretty happy even at my largest weight- I had gastric bypass so I could have a child and be a healthy mom. Hopefully I'll be a more empathetic mom than my own lol!

  16. At a wedding reception right now and you guys would be so proud of me! I'm starting to feel a bit of hunger finally for the first time in 3 weeks!

    I didn't want people to ask questions at our table so I put some extra food on one side of my plate that was really for my husband. There was such a good spread that I actually had some good options which was a nice surprise.

    Over the course of the afternoon/evening I've had:

    1 deviled egg, 3 bites of pulled pork no sauce (went down surprisingly well) and 4 (thankfully overcooked) green Beans

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