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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Krispiekreme

  1. Krispiekreme

    Major reflux after Sleeve and herna repair

    I had hernia repair with sleeve, I had a lot of nausea too, I took Nexium 40 mg, and found that it just did not help, try and switch, or get the prescription strength omeprazole. That made a really big difference when I quit the Nexium and got something stronger.
  2. Krispiekreme

    Stomach stent to straighten angle

    So far no more spasms or pain since stent came out! What a relief! Haven't noticed too much difference in the ability to eat yet, guess stomach is still swollen after procedure. That is very interesting on that sewing technique that u mentioned, makes sense. Hopefully I am on my way to recovery and can enjoy life again real soon!
  3. 6 months since surgery, but had nausea if I ate solid foods, especially meats. Had EGD, they found my stomach was shaped like a horseshoe instead of a banana. So had stent placed last Tuesday, I was great in the hospital. But now only fluids, constant pain and bloating. Take pain meds every 4 hrs, and have to sleep in upright position. I only keep it for 14 days, but I am just worried that this won't work, I should have just done nothing and lived with the nausea.
  4. Krispiekreme

    Stomach stent to straighten angle

    Thank you for ur prayers! Now on the 31st I get the stent removed, hopefully it straightened my stomach out and I can eat without nausea or pain! This sure has been an experience. Thank you again!
  5. I am at 3 months, and it has been as you say, "exhausting"! I have lost but only cuz I could'nt eat or drink without feeling nauseated. I am so happy that I have lost the weight, but it has not been any picnic! It has gotten better, but I still battle with the nausea at every meal. I agree with kimpossible67 that this is no easy way out. I am just hoping that the nausea goes away soon, and I can just concentrate on the basics.
  6. Krispiekreme

    TMI - Gas :(

    Totally understand the gas problem! But at least they don't stink! Or at least that has been my ordeal, since I can hardly eat! But this problem is very annoying and different than the gas I had before surgery. I am at 9 weeks.
  7. Krispiekreme

    Frustrated with nausea

    I still take Zofran if I have a special occasion so I can at least enjoy myself watching everyone eat! Just worried about the consequences of not enough protein or fluids in a day and losing muscle. I try to drink protein shakes but never can finish them. Sipping fluids but only 20-30 ounces is all I can get down. I will keep taking it day by day. Thank u for all the support!
  8. Surgery June 24, 2014. Every single time I eat anything or sometimes drink water, I feel nauseous and almost throw up. I was hoping to feel better by now and at least able to eat. Had a vacation planned with husband this week and having a miserable time! I hate food, hate eating but yet miss food and miss just going to dinner with my husband and miss feeling good/normal! It is so embarrassing to sit down at nice restaurant, eat 3 bites and run to the restroom, or sit there in pain or misery with people thinking you have some stomach bug. Asking myself if this was really worth it? Having a lot of regrets right now!
  9. Krispiekreme

    Frustrated with nausea

    Well I still have nausea at the first few bites of food, but not choking it back or not as severe. I still hate food and hate to eat cuz it makes me feel so miserable. Any further remedies? I do better if I have one bite, then wait at least 5 minutes then continue, I do okay but then food is cold/or everyone is done waiting on me.... . Jeez!
  10. Truthfully, 8 weeks out and I am still wondering if it is going to get better. I never dreamed that I would feel this crappy (nauseated, difficult to drink even water, love/hate food & so far special occasions have not been that special) I have heard it will get easier but still waiting. Maybe I am just impatient, but barely getting down 3-4 bites of food and then the nausea starts. Eating at restaurants is not the same and not as enjoyable or satisfying. Sorry to be so negative, just my experience so far.
  11. Krispiekreme

    Frustrated with nausea

    Hey Braininem19 & Hollyr, it is actually working! I take a Zantac mid morning and at bedtime and I am starting to feel so much better!! WooHoo! I quit the Nexium totally. Just thought I would let u know!!! Thank u for the tip!
  12. Krispiekreme

    Frustrated with nausea

    I am gonna try the Prilosec/Zantac twice a day & stop Nexium to see if that helps! Thank you Hollyr! Hopefully it will work. Braininem19, I understand how you feel, I just want to feel good and being thinner and to feel this way is not what I had in mind. I am actually angry with my friends that told me that I would not regret having this surgery. I hope you feel better soon, and I will post for sure if this works!
  13. Krispiekreme

    Frustrated with nausea

    Yes, Nexium everyday. I wished I could just figure it out! doctor just says to get more fluids in, but it hasn't really made that much difference. Protein, food, and fluids are all pretty hard to meet when u feel like crap most of the time.
  14. Krispiekreme

    Finally see results!

    Thank u for sharing, u look great!!
  15. I truly needed to hear these responses! I am 4 weeks post op and was feeling all of these emotions, regrets, and actually I don't even like to eat in front of other people now (as weird as that sounds). I am embarrassed because of how little I can eat (2-4 oz.) and I feel like others are focusing on me? So I just eat at home. It is a chore at this point. But reading these posts have helped me understand these feelings and I am looking forward to the future a little bit easier. Thank you for posting!
  16. Krispiekreme

    Nausea after surgery

    Surgery on June 24, 2014, having horrible nausea! I eat 4 bites, or drink water, or take vitamins, or attempt to drink a protein shake..... It starts! I am still losing but can hardly eat anything or eft down the things I should in a day. Should I call doctor? Really tired of taking the of zofran
  17. Krispiekreme

    Struggling :(

    I was sleeved 06/24, and having the same issues. Protein shakes, some mushy foods, and even water makes me nauseated! So only getting 350 calories a day. Very hard to get protein above 30 grams. I tell anyone that ask me how the surgery has been and I say, "it hasn't been any picnic, it has been really tough so far"....
  18. Krispiekreme

    HELP! It's finally going to happen

    Had the same feelings, 2.5 weeks post-op and still wondering if I made the right decision. But all I hear from this website and from my friends that have had this done, they all say the same thing. (It will get better and easier as time goes on and you will have no regrets) So I just keep working towards that goal! I agree with jessiquoi, just keep searching in the pre-op discussions and u will find a lot of good advice! Good luck!
  19. There just hasn't been enough hours in a day that I can fit everything needed! By the time I finish breakfast with no drinking 30 min after, then it is time for protein, no drink 30 min before lunch, then wait 30 min after, then protein again, then the same for dinner! I have found that I am too full if I drink my protein shakes or run out of time so I usually skip the protein..... I cannot even concentrate at my job because I'm spending more time thinking of my sleeve. Any suggestions?
  20. Krispiekreme

    Not enough hours in a day

    Thank you for the suggestions, I will try the phone alerts. Good luck to you too whitegerbera, looking forward to figuring this out!
  21. Krispiekreme

    Nausea & Vomiting

    I only have nausea when I try to eat, 2-3 bites and I'm done eating! Even with protein shakes. Clear liquids & soup are ok. How long can u live on clear liquids? 3weeks post-op
  22. Krispiekreme

    Hiatal Hernia repair

    Surgery 06-24-14, had a large hiatal hernia repair and no problems. No heartburn or acid reflux. But surgeon wants me to take Nexium for 6 mo. I agree with the previous posts, no difference.
  23. Krispiekreme

    June sleevers, check-in!

    Still only able to eat about 2-4 ounces a meal, HW: 234 SW: 218 CW: 206
  24. Thought I would have less feelings of hunger and cravings. Food commercials and some food smells are still driving me crazy! Maybe cuz I know I cannot have them! Hope this gets easier....

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