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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by josiek1988

  1. Try the Nuance nasal pillows mask. Also, to be compliant, you need to wear it more than 4 hours a day. I put mine on sometimes 2 hours before I go to bed. I have my cpap for 3 years and sometimes I still freak out! It helps me to calm down while getting use to it on my face. I work for a sleep clinic so I get it!!! But as everyone has said, call you equipment company and get a new mask, there are hundreds to choose from. Good luck!!!!

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  2. Hi, my name is Josie and I am preparing for band to sleeve revision. I work for a Pulmonary and sleep clinic and I use a cpap. Let me answer a few questions for you. Yes, your insurance should pay for it or at least a portion of it. It all depends on your policy. As for paying out of pocket, if you buy a new machine, they are very expensive and that doesn't include the mask and supplies. You an get them used on ebay and places like that. Sometimes the equipment company may even have used ones you can buy or rent. But honestly, after you loose weight the need for the cpap may resolve. I can tell you the left untreated, apnea can cause enlarged heart among other issues. In our office, we see lots of bariatric pre-op patients. If your sleep study determined that you need a cpap, your surgeon may not do surgery until you have a cpap and show your compliant. Let me know if you have any other questions. If I don't know the answer, I can ask one of our docs. I hope this helps.

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  3. I'm telling everybody!!!! First because I don't care what anyone thinks or feels about me! This is my health and life. Second, I feel like there will be people holding me accountable for what I eat or don't eat. Third, my support system is everywhere, I can't escape it! It is a very personal choice if and who you tell. Just stay strong, be honest with yourself, and love yourself first and foremost! I am blessed to have the total support of my family, friends and coworkers! Best wishes to all of you!! ????????????

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  4. I am doing a band to sleeve revision all in 1 surgery. I am already on cpap and feel better with it but will be happy when its gone! I am only required to do 3 months of supervised weight loss. I guess because I have the band already. I dont have to loose any weight i just cant gain an ounce. There is no pre op diet either but i am going to do the same liver defatting diet i did before i got the band. I should be done with my last nut appointment the end of June. I am going on a cruise in early July. So I am hoping that end of July is d day. My birthday is mid August and I wouldn't mind a bit if I had to drink my birthday meal!!!! Here's hoping ????

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  5. I am in ohio and I have Aetna as well. I am doing a band to Sleeve revision because of complications. When I met with the Nutritionist I asked her if she knew how Aetna was. Her exact words were, "they are difficult at best" :( I am a month into the 3 month required supervised weight loss. I don't have to actually loose any weight I just can't gain an ounce. I am really nervous about being denied.

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  6. So I went to a mandatory group nutrition class for pre-op patients to learn about what and how we will have to eat after surgery. Having been banded I thought, "there is nothing they are going to say that I haven't already heard." Boy was I wrong!!!! I left there feeling like I didn't know anything. I was handed a plastic Easter egg and told that that is the approximate size of my new stomach. Of course with the sleeve it is shaped differently by that is it!!!! We were told just how little we would be able to eat and how important it is to only put smart food in your mouth. I left feeling smart and empowered. Then today I began to read the material over and really think about it. CAN I DO THIS???? AM I STRONG ENOUGH???? WILL I SUCCEED???? I have seen a lot of people go through this surgery and fail all because they made bad choices. Am I that person???

    I need people to be honest with me here. What is it really like? 3 week liquid diet post-op, meal planning and eating. I know the band must come out and my doctor is planning on doing the sleeve in the same procedure. I just feel like there is still more information to be had and I think the people who have en there are the only people who can help me. So please help! Share everything that you think I should know! Thank you from the bottom of my terrifies heart!

  7. @@liposuction68, i am actually not scheduled yet. I am about midway through the process of band to Sleeve revision. August was a guesstimate. I had been having issues but was without insurance for a minute because we moved from Indiana to Ohio. Once I got here I found a surgeon, had an upper gi and EGD. Now I am just working the program with the Nutritionist. Hoping for late July or early August.

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  8. Listen, all I can tell you about is true experiences I've had. I work for a Pulmonary specialists office and there have been several times that I have had to call insurance companies to get authorization for a patient's procedure, test or medications. One the authorization is submitted it goes to review. If it gets denied I have to call to provide additional information. I know what the guidelines are and what protocol is. But on several occasions I have asked the reviewer what their speciality is and they are dermatologists, ophthalmologists, nephrologists, etc. I think I have only spoken to a pulmonologist maybe once or twice. Tell me what a dermatologist knows about a bronchoscopy??? That is my point, I don't think it's right to have a case reviewed by someone who is not completely aware of all that it entails. And I can tell you, that anytime I asked the person I was speaking with about their specialty, the tone changed and approvals were quickly achieved.

    Not looking to upset anyone or start a debate. I am simply telling you what I know from experience. Take or leave it, it's up to you!

  9. Just some info. that might help. Most insurance companies have people who just review cases for approval. What they don't want you to know is that most of these people have either no medical background or if they are doctors they are not bariatric specialists. Now tell me what sense is it to have a dermatologist reviewing cases for wls?? So call your insurance company and ask them who reviewed your case and what their credentials and qualifications are. They will tell you some type of specialist doctor. If it is not a bariatric specialist request one. But most of the time they don't want to tell you because it's not a doctor at all. It is just some random person like you and me. Be forceful and do not take no for an answer! You want your case reviewed by a wls doctor! I would be very surprised if you didn't get approved... good luck! I hope this helps!!!

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  10. I just got a letter from the surgeon's who did my band in 2014. They are no longer doing Lap Band at all! That was in Indiana and I now live in Ohio. When I got the band I was very limited. I lived in a very small town and my insurance only covered 1 hospital. And they only did bands there. So it was that or nothing!!! When I got to Ohio and went to the surgeon here, he said that the doctor never should have agreed to do the band on me. He said that the band is really only good for people with lower BMI's who need to loose let weight. I was surprised to hear that! I think if things were explained to me more clearly and honestly, I would have made a different decision. Anyway, I'm h and working it out for the second and last time! No more pain and discomfort in my future!!

  11. This is information most people are unaware of. If you get an insurance denial, call the insurance company and ask them who is reviewing your case. Most companies don't want you to know that is nothe someone qualified to make that decision. These people get paid to say NO!!! BUT if you call and question them on it, you will almost always get an approval!!!! I work in a specialists office and we see this all the time. NEVER TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!

  12. iwanttobethin brought up a great point that most people are unaware of. If you get an insurance denial, call the insurance company and ask them who is reviewing your case. Most companies don't want you to know that is nothe someone qualified to make that decision. These people get paid to say NO!!! BUT if you call and question them on it, you will almost always get an approval!!!! I work in a specialists office and we see this all the time. NEVER TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!

  13. I too am in the process of band to Sleeve revision. I was banded in 2014 and about 6 months in started having issues. I actually lost more weight prior to being banded. I moved from Indiana to ohio and after a trip to the ER and lots of discomfort I am starting the process over! Upper GI says band slipped. And EGD says the the band removal and revision can be done in 1 surgery. Meeting with the Nutritionist on Thursday. Hoping for a June surgery date!!! As far as the insurance goes, it's new insurance for me but the doctors office says it shouldn't take long. She says the doctor knows how to write the office notes for easy approval. So I guess we'll see. Good luck to you on your journey!!!

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  14. Ok, so everything was going so well. I joined the Y and had all kinds of big plans to get back to the treadmill and lots of cardio. Then my knee starts hurting.... a trip to the Orthopedist and now I am looking at a total knee replacement. ???? I have been band from the treadmill, elliptical and almost all unnecessary walking. How am I going to get through the next 3 months without gaining any weight? I am still going to the Y and spending lots of time in the Water. But I'm freaking out a little.

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  15. Well, I had my EGD today and it was all good news. I am able to get the band out and do the sleeve revision all in the same surgery!!! I meet with the Nut next week to start my 3 months and psych in May. I am praying for approval and surgery before the end of June! I'm going on a cruise in July and I would like to have it done prior to that.

    When I had the band put in, it was about a week of post-op recovery. Can anyone tell me how long the recovery is with the sleeve?

    Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App

  16. Hey I have a question, has anyone here gone from the band to the sleeve? I got the band a year ago and have lost no more weight than I did prior to the surgery. Eating right and going to the gym all the time did nothing!! I'm considering the sleeve but am not sure how to proceed. I have also moved to a new state so I have a different doctor and different insurance. Any suggestions?

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