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Posts posted by Capegin

  1. My surgeon has a strict no smoking policy, before and after. Like someone else said, he obviously can't control it when his patients are out of his sight, but he makes it clear it's even more dangerous than it was before. For the record, I agree with the initial posts that you are going to great lengths to change your health and change your life. It seems counterintuitive to continue to do something so deadly. Even if there is no clear connection between your sleeve and the cigarettes, what doctor in the world is going to encourage you to light back up?

  2. This is a minor rant! But, I want to preface it by saying that by and large, my friends and family have been AMAZINGLY supportive. Even my mom, who doesn't "get it" has kept her mouth shut and been positive about this.

    My rant, however, is about just why people like my mom don't get it. What's so damn confusing about this choice? My mom is one of those people who gets a little overweight from time to time, realizes it, goes to WW, get down to goal, and that's that. She's lucky, and that's great! She doesn't see why I can't do the same. She has seen me struggle with my weight for almost all of my 35 years. She's seen me miserable shopping for clothes. She has seen me lose 114 lbs on Biggest Loser, and gain it all back. She has also seen me reach a number of other goals by not giving up. My point is, that if getting to and maintaining a healthy weight were simply a matter of my drive to do so, I'm the type of person who would have done it by now. It's obviously bigger than that. When I was explaining the process and the science behind why for many people it is a better and more long lasting choice than traditional "dieting" she asked, "Well, if you're still going to have to make those healthy choices every day, why not skip the surgery and do WW again. Isn't that the same thing?" No, Mom, it's not. I've done that AGAIN AND AGAIN for years. I have lost and regained the same 30 lbs, and spent thousands of dollars on that. I have been to therapy, I have sobbed and cried routinely over that. Clearly, it's not the right approach for me. I explained that studies show that only about 3% of obese people can maintain weight loss, compared to 50-60% with surgical intervention. That still doesn't seem high enough of a percent for her. I'm her child, so of course I'm beautiful at any size to her. But that is not the same as being healthy at any size. My overweight (obese?) dad has Type II diabetes and sleep apnea. I explained to her that I'm lucky that I don't have any health problems, but I can't reasonably expect to stay that way if I don't fix my obesity. Her reply, "Well did the doctor actually say that?" *Sigh*

    Honestly, she has been as supportive as it's in her capacity to be, and that's huge growth for her. I know she just wants me to be happy and healthy... I just don't understand why she can't see that this will help get me there. If I had a heart problem, I'd have heart surgery. I am obese, and I'm having surgery to help me combat that. Case closed.

  3. Warning! This is definitely a rant and a whole lot of whining!!

    Ugh, I am in rough shape emotionally this week! I'm on day three... yes, just three measly days... of the liquid diet and I feel like it's the end of the world. Even typing this, I see how ridiculous that is. People have much bigger problems in the world than this, but I'm miserable. I've been treating my husband like crap all weekend and I've been snapping at my absolutely adorable kids (3 & 5 years old). Right now, my brother in law has cancer and he and my sister are going through so much more of a hardship than I am, but I still can't seem to bring myself out of this. food is my only vice, and it's just GONE... cold turkey. Yes, I'm committed to the lifestyle post op, yes I'm committed to making healthier choices, but at least those involve food. My husband thinks I'm just anxious about having surgery, which may be a part of it, but mostly I am just pissy because I can't have food (and my surgeon's plan is zero food... Protein shakes/diet drinks only). I feel antsy, my stomach is in knots, I'm edgy. I'm just in a general BAD mood.

    Did anyone else experience this? I've attended OA, and I know I'm an addict, so I feel like this must be what it's like for an alcoholic or a smoker to give up their drugs of choice. This is nuts, though. It's food! It's not drugs or alcohol or cigarettes... it's something as basic and every day as food. Still, I feel like I'm going to go crazy before my surgery on the 13th. I'm just in the worst mood I've ever been in!

    Probably time to visit my therapist, lol! Thanks for taking the time to indulge my whining!

  4. VSGAnn,

    I share some of your strong opinions! But, it wasn't all bad. I did learn a lot of healthy information about nutrition that I never would have known before... which gives me a solid foundation going into this. The part that messed with my head was the pressure to be perfect and extreme. 1300 calories a day with a 2+ hour workout a day is not realistic or healthy. :-)

  5. Hi all, happy Sturday!

    I started my pre-op liquid diet yesterday, and two days in I'm sick of it, lol! I had some chicken broth for "dinner" yesterday because after a day of Protein Shakes, I was craving something salty. Also, I think I've always known that part of my food compulsion has to do with the feeling and texture of foods, and this is really testing that. Having a break from it for a month or so will definitely do me good, but I'm thinking about it constantly right now.

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks for coping with the pre-op diet? I'm using Bariatric fusion protien powders, and I do love the flavors I bought, but I can see them getting old fast. Oh, and I did try mixing the unflavored powder in the chicken broth and it was HORRIBLE. It caked all up and didn't dissolve, so there were giant powder chunks in it. Nasty.

    Anyway, I'm open to any and all tips!



  6. Hi all, happy Sturday!

    I started my pre-op liquid diet yesterday, and two days in I'm sick of it, lol! I had some chicken broth for "dinner" yesterday because after a day of Protein Shakes, I was craving something salty. Also, I think I've always known that part of my food compulsion has to do with the feeling and texture of foods, and this is really testing that. Having a break from it for a month or so will definitely do me good, but I'm thinking about it constantly right now.

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks for coping with the pre-op diet? I'm using Bariatric fusion protien powders, and I do love the flavors I bought, but I can see them getting old fast. Oh, and I did try mixing the unflavored powder in the chicken broth and it was HORRIBLE. It caked all up and didn't dissolve, so there were giant powder chunks in it. Nasty.

    Anyway, I'm open to any and all tips!



  7. THANK YOU ALL!!!! J bond... that hope is exactly what I'm looking for with this as my last option. I have lost up to 100 lbs on other plans (that was when I was a contestant on season 3 of Biggest Loser), and here I am. It is a vicious, nasty cycle! I know it's the right thing to do. I'm having a tough time sticking to healthy eating in the last few weeks, (start liquid tomorrow) but I know that once I get down to something and put my mind to it I'm all in. Like I said, I have amazing support, too. My husband is behind me 100%, and I have the BEST friends and family. They're not going to let me fail myself any more than I am. Thank you all for your helpful words!!

  8. Hi all!

    I GOT A DATE! I have been crossing my fingers since the beginning that it would be this summer as I'm a teacher, so it would minimize sick time. With almost every step, things have miraculously fallen into place, and I've been able to fly through and get appointments earlier than expected, etc. Well, the surgeon's secretary called today to say they had an opening on August 13th, and I took it. This is what I've been waiting for for months (a lifetime maybe?).

    And now I'm scared. I know the science behind it. I know why it's better than my previous attempts (whi*****lude everything out there). I know why I want to lose the weight and how much easier and healthier my life will be when I do. Suddenly, though, I have this nagging voice in my head. It says, "This is the easy way out. This isn't the right choice. You're rushing into this. You're still not going to keep the weight off. This is NUTS." Did any of you go through this? I know I have a great surgeon. I have read hundreds of success stories on here. I have unbelievable support from my family and friends. Still, though, I can't shake this feeling.

    Anyone else?


  9. You just made my day! First, of course, congrats on your accomplishments. Amazing. My favorite is your list of food and other experiences that are different now. I can only dream of a day when pizza (a major trigger for me) is unappealing. I know everyone is different, but your list hit on all of my concerns, ALL of them. Thanks for the inspiration and hope, and keep up the great work!

  10. My first consult with my surgeon was May 20th, I'm so excited because I feel like I'm flying through all of the pre-surgery appointments! I have met with the cardiologist, the Pulmonologist, the therapist, the nutritionist, had the upper GI and blood work yesterday and my sleep study is tonight!! Sooo excited!

    Anyone have any thoughts on what comes next? Any other requirements I may not know about? My insurance is Harvard Pilgrim, which is notoriously fast and doesn't require a 6-month diet.

    So hopeful!

  11. I had GREAT first visits with the nutritionist and the pulmonologist today! The NUT completely validated what the surgeon said about my body fighting against me in my years of serious and dedicated weight loss efforts. She thought WLS was a great option, really the ONLY option for my long term success. That just completely boosted my confidence about pursuing surgery and helped me cut myself some slack about my past "failures!" Now I just can't wait to get this show on the road!!

  12. Hi! I have the SAME concerns!! I don't have a date yet; I just started on the process, but I am so worried about failing this like I've failed every other attempt. I've gotten great advice from others that I need to work on what drives me to overeat rather than just rely on the surgery. I'm going to OA and my therapist for that and hoping the combo of that and surgery does the trick! Best wishes!

  13. Hi I'm new here! I was searching about sleeve about one year ago...now I think I'm ready....Anyone had Dr. Sandor in MA? Good or bad feedback will appreciate.

    Hi! I realize this post is old, but I hoped to hear about your experience with Dr. Sandor. I met with him yesterday, and so far I'm impressed.


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