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Change it up

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Change it up

  1. Hi Kindle.....like I said in an earlier post, I think he's a proponent of nothing but Protein to keep you in Ketosis, like in Atkins. But, I will definitely be giving my surgeons office a call this coming week.

    Makes no sense that your surgeon won't allow other food options once you are physically able (and at 1-2 months you definitely are). Sounds like a good recipe for malnutrition. Your body needs more than just Protein to be healthy. Depriving your body of fats, carbs and other vital nutrients is definitely not what you need after a stressful thing like surgery. What's his reasoning?

  2. Thanks IcanMakeit and BellaLuce......I will be calling my Dr on Monday and advocating for a less restrictive diet. At one month out, there must be a few things that I can add to my diet without blowing it. I really appreciate all the input!

    I agree with @@BellaLuce4 . Talk to your doctor/nutritionist about how you are feeling and ask if your restricted diet is really necessary. I have been on this site for a while and I don't remember any one else posting that they have to eat only Protein, no dairy, and no vegetables. My doc had me on full liquids for 4 weeks and I thought that was unusual since so many others were on full liquids for only two or three weeks. I followed the diet given to me because I didn't really feel like eating anyway. So for me, it worked out. But if I thought that my doc's standard program didn't work for me, I would definitely question it.

  3. Thanks for the reply BellaLuce4.......the all lean Protein diet is the protocol from this surgeon for all his patients. I think he and his partner keep people on this regimen so that you basically are doing what the Atkin diet prescribes so that you are in Ketosis. Whatever the reason, it's difficult to follow. I have to admit that I was jealous when I read what others were allowed in the pureed and soft stages.....mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, applesauce and such but I stuck to what my Dr prescribed thru it all and got thru it but now it's particularily difficult. Even having the yougurt and cottage cheese isn't technically allowed but I figured those two things couldn't hurt and just how much tuna, shredded chicken, fish and such can I consume?

    Is there a medical reason your doctor has you on this "only protein" menu, or is this what they do for all their patients. That would be the 1st thing to ask.

    I'm only 1 month out, but from spending hours on this site the only certain thing is that so far every doctor has had different directions from pre op , through surgery , and then after post op.

    Normally the rule is to follow doc's orders. But as an adult you have the right to question ... Why??

    Then you can make an educated evaluation -Is this right ( the best choice for success) for you at this time

  4. Hi Lag50......thanks for your post. I was exactly like you before my surgery and am still in the mindset of eating to live, not living to eat. And i have never been a 'bad eater'.....can honestly say that I haven't eaten a dessert in years. If I had any craving before surgery it might have been some chips with french onion dip and I'd have that maybe 4 times a year. And, I'm not looking to "enjoy" food at this point, I'm looking to tolerate the stuff. Nothing....and I mean.....nothing.....tastes good to me. It's all like mucky cardboard! I would just really like to know if this is normal, how long it lasts and if anyone has any ideas how to deal with it. BTW....good luck to you in your journey.

    Hey Ms. "Change It Up":

    Enjoyed your post. I'm scheduled for my sleeve this coming Monday 10/20 and am searching through posts, once again, to gain as much knowledge/insight as possible. I appreciated your post as it gives me a "heads-up" and something to think about in case I come across the same feelings. While my Dietitian says that she doesn't want me eating anything I hate of don't like - I've got the mindset that I "plan" to 'eat to live' rather than 'live to eat'. As such, I'm less interested in "liking/enjoying" what I'm going to be eating, and trying to focus on the fact that it is good for me and what I need to get/stay healthy and on track. Now, since I'm still pre surgery things could certainly turn out different, but this is my plan. I've been on the pre-op meal plan for approx 3 months, and while I didn't/don't like much of what I'm eating - I'm eating it (mindfully) focusing of the good its doing for my body.....AND, hoping I will develop a taste for the healthy stuff as opposed to the stuff I've been eating for.....oh....50yrs.....lol. To this end I encourage you to stay strong and true to the plan/lifestyle. Nothing good in life comes without some sacrifices. And this/these sacrifices are for our own benefit. Get your chewables and keep searching for more tolerable/pleasurable Protein options. Even "Google" Bariatric menus & such for additional meal ideas. Blessings to you.

  5. hi Bobby.....thanks for the suggestions. Problem is, my Dr also doesn't allow any dairy, including cheese, veggies or fruits until like 4 months out. I'm supposed to consume noting but lean Protein and seriously.......even tho I am following his directions, I am loathing it. I seriously have no appetite and when it's time to eat, the thought makes me nauseous. That's why I wrote what I did about not being one to complain. I probably will call the Dr on Moday. Maybe there is something he can prescribe for a bit to help me at this stage of the game. Thanks again.

    Oh my! 3 months of only Protein would make anyone miserable. My doc had me do liquids for a month and then soft foods for 2 weeks. Now I can eat anything I like. I was sleeved on 8/11/14. Can you have fruit in your yogurt at all? I have eaten Chaboni greek yogurt, 100 calories with fruit since the soft foods were allowed. I also added simply fruit spread to it or would just eat a spoonful of it for a change of taste. Laughing cow cheese is good too....different flavors to choose from. I would add that to my scrambled eggs and any meat I was eating...still do actually. The amount you are eating is normal. I can only eat about 1/2 cup max at this point. I also used to eat sugarfree applesause with smooth peanutbutter....just a little of each on the spoon. I now do a few apple slices with peanutbutter. I also add lt. mayo to canned chicken or tuna and it helps with flavor. Are you seeing a nutritionist? Maybe a call to the doctor and ask if you can add a little pureed fruit to things to help your appetite? Explain your aversion to protein at this point. Good Luck to you!

  6. Hi All........I'm not usually one to complain but I really am becoming miserable over here. I am one month plus 2 days out and I'm losing 3 to 4 pounds a week, which is great....but it's becoming a battle to eat. My Dr keeps his patients on NOTHING but Protein for the first 3 months and I'm hating the stuff at this point. Absolutely nothing appeals to me nor does it taste good. I have to force myself to eat and my typical day is either a scrambled egg or yougurt or cottage cheese for Breakfast, the same for lunch and then approximately 2 oz of shredded Protein for dinner plus a Protein shake somewhere along the way. I can't seem to get more than 2 oz down at a time and I know that I'm barely hitting my target of 60grams of protein a day. I also have become totally adverse to my bariatric Vitamins (swallowable type) and am planning on going back on the chewable as soon as I can pick them up on Monday.

    Anyway, my question is this.....Is this normal? To actually have either no appetite at all or to feel nauseous at the thought of approved protein? I do get my Water in pretty well each day.

    Please advise and thanks to everyone in advance!

  7. I am so sorry you were subjected to such an assine Doctor. The medical creed of "I shall do no harm" obviously wasn't learned by him very well and he and his staff sound like they are in it for the money. The first thing I would do if I were you is remind myself how far I have come and that true beauty shines from within no matter what our "shell" looks like. Secondly, I would report him to the AMA or whatever organization it is that looks into complaints against Doctors, along with the facility that he works at.....and I'd do it by certified mail. Third, I would contact my bariatric surgeon's office and ask for references of reputable plastic surgeons who work consistently with bariatric patients and their needs. They seriously should be able to help you. If not, call other bariatric surgeon offices and find out who they recommend. I sincerely hope that you will get the help that you need, both medically and emotionally and I'll be shooting up prayers for you. God Bless.

  8. ,

    Hey guys I hope you all are in good spirits and great health! I am 2 weeks out now and I am having some pains under my left breast/ribs and upon inhalation. I am assuming it is a pulled muscle and or just my body healing up since surgery. It hurts to even breath:( I am not trying to be discouraging at all but am wondering if anyone else is having or has had this issue? This is not an excruciating thi pain but it is a dull nagging feeling and I hope that it is not something serious.... that is the hypochondriac coming out in me. I think I have been overdoing things because I am trying to get up and walk and I don't know if I am trying to do to much. I even called the ER today. The nurse told me it sounds fine not symptoms of a leak, just like anyone who has had this surgery I am worried. Any feedback is appreciated.

    Hi all........I'm two weeks out as well and am feeling new pings and twitches. I,too, feel some pain on the left side of my belly.....like I've been exercising too hard and am bruised. I'm wondering if it is caused by our bodies finally undergoing nerve reconnections. I don't get winded tho. As far as overdoing thing, today I am forcing myself to rest because yesterday I spent the entire day out with my sisters and woke up today feeling exhausted. I know I didn't get my Water or Protein requirements yesterday and the combination is brutal. I'm still having a hard time getting my Protein requirements in. I am in the soft food stage now, which is better than the pureed stage but still hard to figure out what exactly to eat. Plus, with drinking all the fluids, I find I'm not interested in food at all. Anyway, good luck to everyone and hang in there!

    Hey guys I hope you all are in good spirits and great health! I am 2 weeks out now and I am having some pains under my left breast/ribs and upon inhalation. I am assuming it is a pulled muscle and or just my body healing up since surgery. It hurts to even breath:( I am not trying to be discouraging at all but am wondering if anyone else is having or has had this issue? This is not an excruciating pain but it is a dull nagging feeling and I hope that it is not something serious.... that is the hypochondriac coming out in me. I think I have been overdoing things because I am trying to get up and walk and I don't know if I am trying to do to much. I even called the ER today. The nurse told me it sounds fine not symptoms of a leak, just like anyone who has had this surgery I am worried. Any feedback is appreciated.

  9. Hi everyone......just checking in. My surgery on Monday went very well. The surgeon said my liver had shrunk to a wonderful level and that I was in surgery for less than one hour. I slept most the day and remarkably, most of the first night sleepingl. I used the pain pump more for sleep than for pain and didn't use it during the day except for twice! Now that I am off of the IV fluids, liquid is a must so I'm sip, sipping away. So far so good. They wanted me up and walking right away so I made sure I hoofed it around the halls as much as possible. It really does help with releasing the gas that gets trapped in the abdominal cavity from the surgery. Tomorrow I'm supposed to start on pureed Proteins and I'm looking forward to that about as much as I looked forward to the preop diet but I will persevere! I hope everyone who had surgery early this week is doing great. I'm keeping all of you in my prayers and thoughts!

  10. Hi everyone......just checking in. My surgery on Monday went very well. The surgeon said my liver had shrunk to a wonderful level and that I was in surgery for less than one hour. I slept most the day and remarkably, most of the first night sleepingl. I used the pain pump more for sleep than for pain and didn't use it during the day except for twice! Now that I am off of the IV fluids, liquid is a must so I'm sip, sipping away. So far so good. They wanted me up and walking right away so I made sure I hoofed it around the halls as much as possible. It really does help with releasing the gas that gets trapped in the abdominal cavity from the surgery. Tomorrow I'm supposed to start on pureed Proteins and I'm looking forward to that about as much as I looked forward to the preop diet but I will persevere! I hope everyone who had surgery early this week is doing great. I'm keeping all of you in my prayers and thoughts!

  11. Well......the day has finally arrived! My surgery is scheduled for 10:45 am. I'm not really nervous or anything like that, I just want to get it over with. The thing I'm dreading the most is the two weeks of pureed food.....uggh......lol! But, I figure if I could get thru the last two weeks of following the preop diet, I should be able to chow down on mush too, right??? Anyway.....Best of luck to everyone whose surgery is this week. I'll be praying for your journeys and cheering you on from afar!

  12. I've been on my preop diet for 10 days now and my scale isn't budging. I feel for you and know exactly where you are coming from.

    So depressed. Went to my my pre-op testing. Surgery on Monday. I have not lost one pound since 8/21. I have been good about my eating. Working out no so much. But zero weight loss on the horrid pre- op diet. Feel like such a loser( not in the good way). Has anyone experienced this?

  13. Heys guys.....I've been on the pre-op diet for six days now and the only "cheat" I had was to take two small bites out of a McD's hamburger (no bun....just meat & cheese) and I feel like I should have lost more than two pounds in the past 6 days.

    Am I expecting too much? Is this normal to NOT lose weigh on a pre-op diet? I'm having 2 Protein Shakes a day (made with water) and 4 oz of lean meat with a half cup of veggies a day. I'm also allowed 2 servings of broth, 2 sugar free popsicles and 2 servings of sugar free Jello but I've only been having the broth and 1 popsicle a day with the Protein shakes and the lean meat/veggies.

    I'm getting frustrated over here and wondering if I'm going to be one of those people who no matter what is a very slow loser. Thanks everyone.

  14. Heys guys.....I've been on the pre-op diet for six days now and the only "cheat" I had was to take two small bites out of a McD's hamburger (no bun....just meat & cheese) and I feel like I should have lost more than two pounds in the past 6 days.

    Am I expecting too much? Is this normal to NOT lose weigh on a pre-op diet? I'm having 2 Protein Shakes a day (made with water) and 4 oz of lean meat with a half cup of veggies a day. I'm also allowed 2 servings of broth, 2 sugar free popsicles and 2 servings of sugar free Jello but I've only been having the broth and 1 popsicle a day with the Protein shakes and the lean meat/veggies.

    I'm getting frustrated over here and wondering if I'm going to be one of those people who no matter what is a very slow loser. Thanks everyone.

  15. BellaLuce4.....I think that if that had happened to me last night, the cast Iron frying pan would have had a dent in it this morning!

    I almost did the same - last night was my first day of liquid diet pre op. I went grocery shopping for my 4 kids and husband after work and bought them their back to school lunches, snack meals for the week etc. I could not wait to get home and have my only real food of the day, 4-6 oz of protien and a vegi.

    All day I I kept thinking....Chicken or left over Steak from the night before...yumm I walk in the door at 7:30 PM with arms full of groceries that I can not eat and see the chicken soaking in a bowl full of wishbone Italian dressing and wanted to cry,so then I looked for the steak in the fridge from the night before and it;s gone. I find it at the top of the garbage with the fast trimming of raw chicken fat on it. I also almost throat punched the hubby! lol

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