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Posts posted by Bellarose100

  1. @@nerms wow you little jetsetter!!!!

    Lucky you....wish I was going somewhere too lol

    I have been up and down on the scales too. Sometimes Fluid can play a big part in that

    @Bellarose100....not long to go now you must be so excited!!!!

    How long do you have to do opti for??

    Hi Hun

    I went in and paid for my Op today so that's sorted and picked up my Opti I have to do 2 weeks so starting Australia Day so no BBQ for me! Lol

    I only have to replace 2 meals a day and can have one meal and Snacks I better get out the paperwork from my nut so I can see what I am allowed to eat ????

  2. Yeah! Crazy world we live in.

    Some people were saying that one can go in to get say a cyst removed near the intestines and the surgery won't go as planned and they wake up with a bypass. Not as extreme as the normal one, but still pretty extreme to wake up finding that out.

    I'd say it would sound like that scenario is spot on, but she was talking to my mum and she knew she was getting the surgery but didn't know that she wasn't allowed to eat. I'm assuming one of her kids really wanted her to get the surgery and translated whatever the surgeon said a bit differently so that she would get it.

    How is everyone doing? No weight loss for me so far, disappointing but definitely expected. Had a gain and got back down to 78 point something so that's a start.

    I'm in Warrnambool at my mums eating better food and feeling a lot better. I'm off to Sydney at the start of feb and Turkey in April. Gotta get a move on!!!

    @@Bellarose100 jan is almost over, time is going fast!


    @@nerms wow Turkey that will be a great trip!!! You will have lost so much by then as well!! Airplane seat will be super comfy! Lol

    I am on the count down now 2 weeks and 4 days to go!! I am off to the city soon to pick up my Opti and pay my invoice I am so excited!!

    Hope everyone is well on this fine hot day in Melbourne!! ????????

  3. I've seen a few tv shows with failed bypasses, failed sleeves, failed bands.. Any weight loss surgery you can gain weight if you aren't careful. That's why I hate when people say only 10kgs???! Hahaha yes and I've worked for hard for that!

    She was awake for an extra day and the whole 4 days was asking for food, and she actually ate something and the nurses were freaking out, I'm not sure what she ate. And her son was begging the nurses to give her chocolate milk in clear fluids phase and they did... I dunno just seemed unprofessional

    Wow this lady is setting herself up to fail! God who cries for cake straight after an op or chocolate milk she is nuts!!!

  4. Hey guys......Happy New Year to you all

    I have been away and only just gotten home....wish I was still away but there you go and back to reality

    @@nerms LOVE the tatt....just gorgeous!!!!

    Way to go losing over the Summer break

    @@Bellarose100 So excited for you to finally have your date....not long now.

    I haven't lost anything at all so I am a bit disappointed but not surprised.

    I think that I drank a lot of calories and wasn't as active.

    Being away you eat a lot of foods that you don't at home and way too many carbs so at least I haven't gained.

    Better get moving again to get this weight off as I don't like stalling.

    I can't remember if I mentioned it but I have a new job starting when the kids go back to school

    Starting at Subwey....so excited for this year

    I haven't been out to work for the longest time and we so desperately need the money so looking forward to it

    Welcome back hun happy new year!!

    Congratulations on your job, exciting times ahead!! ????

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