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Posts posted by Bellarose100

  1. @@nerms mostly I am using the desktop but I think I will try my mobile and see if it works better.

    You look a lot different in that second photo......I always say don't get hung up on the scales, go by how you feel and how your clothes fit as it's usually a better indication.

    I will go 1 or 2 weeks and no change on the scale but all of a sudden my clothes are too big and I start getting compliments....then a while later it will show on the scale.< /p>

    I don't even weigh in every week now. So over it

    I went to the gp the other day for my B shot and I am 92 on her scales....would love to be in the 80's but am not too stressed about it...it will happen soon enough I guess

    @@Bellarose100 Glad to hear that all is going well and there was no infection

    You sound like you are recovering fast which is Fantastic!!!

    This "friend" I was telling you about rang me again to brag about herself for almost an hour the other day.....remember how I said she was mostly having the Optifast shakes to try to lose weight super fast.....I warned her that 8 months out is too long to be doing just the shakes and she should maybe try to eat properly.....anyway she has been eating normally for a few weeks and guess what....gaining weight.

    Goes to show you can try hard to diet but diet's are only fads and only last for a limited amount of time.

    Making lifestyle choices is a much better option......and better long term.

    Another thing that surprises me is that she can eat a full entree size when out. That OR almost half a main meal which consisted of a whole lamb shank and some mash potatoes...I still cant eat that much so for her that is concerning that she can eat that amount in a sitting only 8 months out after having been on mostly shakes.

    Another concerning thing is that she is now having Breakfast lunch and dinner with shakes in between.....not sure it's supposed to work like that as a shake is a meal supplement....oh well I can't tell her as she doesn't like to hear what I have to say....she knows best.

    Also makes me wonder if different surgeons make the size of the stomach different in each patient??

    Glad to hear your both going so well :)

    Wow shakes for 8 months is she crazy!!! Yes for sure she will put on doing it that way in the long run you have done it the right way hun the way I hope to do by eating food real food just a lot less of it

    Wow 92kg you are almost my weight hun well done you are doing amazing!!

    my starting weight was 96.2kgs down to 88kgs yesterday morning and I had my 1st stall this morning I could tell it was Coming as the losses were dropping everyday that's how my body loses weight but in the old days I could have a big day of eating to get the weight loss started again I can't do that now so will be interesting to see how long this stall last! My calories are so low I did manage a few more cals in today!!! And will keep working on increasing them!

    I had a b'day party tonight it was really hard as they had pizza and Pasta I wanted it so bad!!! But I didn't touch a thing as I know I can't get it in and don't want anything to happen I don't want to fail!

    Once the food was gone I was ok as I wasn't hungry! Buy I was craving it I could smell it does anyone have this? Will it pass!!!

  2. Hey all- hope everyone is doing well on their journeys! Feeling good, found gas pain is the only thing that gets me at times- but working with it:) how is everyone feeling? X Kristy :)

    Hi kristy

    I am from Australia as well I am in Melbourne am day 10 Post op I feel so good today!! Hope your doing well x

  3. @@Bellarose100 Wow are you doing really well! Super recovery! If you're already walking so soon, you will do very well!

    I'm down to 76.7kgs today! I've been hovering between 78-80kg for the last 2 months.. So to see that this morning was a lovely surprise :)

    I'm 1.7kgs away from my surgeons goal weight and 2.7kgs away from losing 30kgs! He'll be very happy when I see him :) he's always so excited even if I only lose 3kgs in a month! (I haven't seen in a while oops...) I'll have to get another small fill before I go to Turkey in April that's FOR SURE! Last time I went I came back 10-15kgs heavier.

    16.7kgs to first goal weight of 60kgs :D

    I'll be off for another 10km walk today!

    I hope everyone is doing well, 2015 so far has been amazing! Can only get better :D

    Yay yay congrats Huni that's a great loss!!! You can really tell in the picture!!

    I just can't sit still hun so at 7am decided I would do a walk as I feel really good!!

    Down to 88kgs so can't wait to hit the 70's then the ultimate goal of the 60's!!! ????????

  4. @@Bellarose100 good news that there's no infection! I freaked out a couple times with my incisions but all went well too!

    I dunno about the walking because I stopped for about a month and then started yesterday.. But definitely smaller! I'm so buggered from yesterday so gonna do a massive walk every second day :) I weigh in on Wednesdays, so I'll weigh in tomorrow and see if I have actually lost any weight!

    Hi hun

    I would be surprised if you have't lost more as you look much smaller in the second photo!

    Feeling really good today almost like I never had the surgery I did a 1 hour walk cleaned the house now sitting down to a Protein shake!!

  5. @@LeeAnne I think I am healing well I can sleep on my sides now with very little pain but I noticed one of my incisions has green puss coming out I am seeing my doctor tomorrow so hope it's nothing serious!!

    I have been quite scared to eat only getting in about 300 Cals and am sure it's gonna cause a stall in the weightloss for me! Loss 509grams this morning so that's 3.4kgs since the op

    @@nerms have you had another fill? That will help you keep on track!

    I walked on my treadmill already twice (very slowly)

    Feeling sad tonight miss food no regrets as I hate this fat!!!

  6. Dumped, done and dusted!

    Went clubbing with my cousin and her friend last night. They left about an hour later which was annoying so I stayed alone until about 6am. Had heaps of fun, so many guys wanted to dance and for me to go to their crew! It was really fun :) never been before!

    Single life is fantastic hehe

    Good on you nerms get out there and enjoy your young life!! Live it up!!

  7. @@Bellarose100 Oh no the hiccups..... :(

    So glad to hear that you are home

    When did you get to leave and how long was your stay in total??

    Isn't it funny how when you manage to get in a 1/4 of a cup feels like you have just eaten a massive Christmas dinner :D

    For some reason I am not getting my emails to let me know that people have posted for a couple of days then I get them all at once....not sure whats going on there but sorry for the delays in replying.

    @@nerms hows it going??

    Hi Hun

    I got out on Friday morning, surgery was Monday 8am so 4 nights I felt good to go Thursday but they wouldn't Let me!!

    What a great hospital so clean and helpful!

    I am loving that 1/4 a cup is filling me up I still can't get my head around that! Lost 1kg two days in a row I know that's going to slow down! Hiccups have gone I had my 1st sneeze yesterday that hurt a little! Lol

  8. Hey Bella, not sure about the ketosis I know that I was in that before surgery. Afterwards I didn't get hungry or think about hunger til a month in. Now it's the head hunger I struggle with.

    My advice, take each day as it comes every day is different. I still have trouble with solid good. chicken and me don't mix well but everyone's different.

    It's totally worth it wouldn't change my choice. All the best x

    Thanks chez Yep everyday I am getting better I managed to get a Protein shake in this morning

    I am really missing chicken right now!!

    How is your loss going?

  9. @@Bellarose100, Absolutely, you get < about 50-60 g of carbs, depending on your overall mass and energy needs, and your body breaks almost entirely fat rather than fat and glycogen mix. When fats break down it breaks into ketones (those funny-smelling compounds you may or may not remember from o-chem) that we burn rather than the usual glucose. When it's mostly fat breaking down you end up with higher concentrations of ketones, and that we call ketosis. Chances are you'll be in mild ketosis (though likely not detectable with most home tests) until all your EW is gone - this is why exercise is vital - to keep our bodies burning largely ketones to fuel our muscles rather than muscle and fat to fuel our existence.

    Sorry to nerd out on you, I'm a chem and bio teacher and I love this stuff.


    Haha love it thanks so much ????

  10. Leeanne can I ask you a few questions as you are our veteran

    I feel hungry from time to time so have 1/4 cup Soup and it goes away but If an ad for a Big Mac comes on my mouth will start watering and the craving is so strong is this what they call head hunger?? Will this pass?

    I was not hungry for the 1st few days but I get a little hungry now it's day 6 for me :-)

  11. Wow nearly 30kgs is unreal I can't wait to hit that!! I was 93kg on the day of surgery I just want to see an 8 For a change!!! Lol

    Hun your way to young to waste your life with a guy like that you deserve someone better that will treat you like a princess dump his arse and get back to being you the weight will come off as you will be out there meeting new men!!! Exciting times ahead for you!!

    So good to hear your mums doing so well she had bypass? God I would love 10kgs in a month crossing my fingers!!!

    Yep Leeanne one more day and what a day it is I feel so much better! I have been having cups of tea and apple juice at lunch I got a Fluid tray it had Soup custard and jelly so I had a little Soup it was yuk! The custard was super nice only ate 2 spoons worth might have a few more soon

    I was hungry before I started on the tea and apple juice so feel less hungry now thank goodness!

    My swallow test was excellent as well so all is going well

    It's a Shame some of the others arn't coming in I am dying to know how they are doing!!!

    Glad to see you are both well ladies! ????????

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