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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bellarose100

  1. Thanks Bellarose :)

    It's looking likely that I'll be having the gastric bypass rather than the sleeve though, as after 4 surgeries I will have too much scar tissue where the band was to safely staple/stitch in that area if I have the sleeve.

    Has anyone in Melbourne had the bypass? I'd love to hear your story!

    Two weeks until I see the surgeon again, hopefully he can get me booked in and I can start this journey again!

    Good luck Amy!!

    Well I am 9 weeks out today and I have to say I am shocked at how much I can eat already! We had visitor this weekend so couldn't hide I had to eat pizza I could eat half a slice so I managed to hide the rest!

    I put on 1kg as well but I did eat bad, Easter eggs in the house a biscuit here a chip there as they just slide down!! Dangerous I now know this!!

    The few mouthful days are over already??? Did anyone else find this?

    I am finding I am hungry every hour or so and can eat a small amount each time which I could see I would gain weight easily if I give in to this feeling!! Then I don't know of its hunger, head hunger or just thirty as I can't work out the feelings still it feels like hunger but could be anything!! Fighting it today!!

    I am stressing as I need to lose another 15 to 18kgs feel scared this journey is over already!!

  2. Hi

    I am 7 weeks post op almost at the 8 week mark

    I was SW211 CW is 174 I have been walking since 2 week mark and started adding in some jogging at week six, this week I started some interval running with my walking I workout 30 to 40 mins 6 days a week I am 43 I have a stall for 2 weeks then I have a huge loss like in the last 9 days I lost 4kgs!

  3. Welcome Amy!! I wish you the best of luck on this new journey!!

    You will love the sleeve!!

    Well I finally did it I'm in the 70's today 79.4kgs that's 16.8kgs gone!!! I could not have done it without the sleeve!!!! I am so dam happy!!! Did some light interval running last night felt so good!!!

    My boys are finally noticing!!! My youngest asked if my tummy is diserpering I said Yep it sure is!! Lol

    We are planning a family h'day as my husband has lost 23kgs!!! We need to Celebrate this!!

    We are thinking Bali

    Happy Easter everyone I hope you all have a wonderful break!!! ????????????

  4. Hi all

    Welcome Kogo ????

    Thanks Mary still plugging along my stall lasted 12 days!!

    Hi Leanne

    My second stall finally broke 2 days ago! I have now lost 15.1kgs as of this morning I have started jogging again just 10 min short jogs twice a day easing myself back in to the running!!!

    How is everyone else going?? Hope everyone is well loving the sunshine here in Melbourne today!!! ????????

    Ps. 7 weeks post op tomorrow!!

  5. Well done ladies on your weight loss

    Sounds like you are both doing really well

    All ok here although havent weighed in for a while....think I will later in the week

    My Dr warned me that I will put on weight on the scales when I start gym so I am leaving it for a while till I get back on

    It's a lot of fun though

    Have just been doing classes so far and I am mostly enjoying them.....wow I needed this though haha

    Very unfit

    Hi hun

    Good on you for getting back to the gym it will do wonders for you

    I am doing ok still struggling to eat and drink still only on about 400 to 500 cal's today! Loving ice cold Water at the moment drinking lots of that!!! the cravings for food have settled down most things I try to eat taste a bit off its strange!! The only thing I am craving is Macca's fries really hot and fresh!!! Call me crazy but even if I could just eat eat one or two I would be good! Lol

    Weight loss is still moving on the scales am now 82kgs it's moved so fast this past two weeks that has really lifted my sprits feeling much better!! I know it's gonna slow soon I am ok with that

    Hope everyone else is doing well ????

  6. half a kilo in 3 days isn't slow....that's a massive amount to lose

    Can I ask what you are hoping to lose each week? What has your surgeon told you that you will lose?

    Yeah bloating and swelling happens its been major surgery with most of your stomach cut off.

    I got swelling for many months after the surgery...but I do swell easily.

    You are going well and have lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time so be kind to yourself.

    I had my 12 month check up yesterday and all went really well.

    He said he thinks I will lose about another 15 to 20 and the rest will come off with a body lift so I am really happy with hearing that.

    Have about another 20kg to lose until I am at my goal weight so have started back at gym.

    Did body balance yesterday...thats yoga, ti chi, Pilates etc all combined and I am feeling it today.....was fun though.

    Hi Leeanne

    I am hoping for a kg a week especially at the start as I read the 1st 6 weeks people lose big amounts!

    Surgeon didn't give me any goal weight

    scales are really moving at the moment so feeling better finally hit 10.1kg loss this morning only another 20kgs to go!

    Congrats on your 12mth check up you are doing so well you will get to goal ????????

    @@nerms wow 75kgs is fantastic only 15 away from 60 you are gonna look fantastic good work hun!!!

  7. I was lucky I was in the holding room next to the OR when they knocked me out, they said they were giving me something to settle my nerves he said to me it will feel like Friday night drinks with the girls lol. Next think I wake up in recovery! I never saw the OR or my doctor for that matter!! It's a good feeling enjoy it

  8. I thought my specialist was conservative.....wow

    4 weeks of Fluid is a long time but your over half way there now so you can do it easy!!!!

    Skinny cows the best lol

    When do you start puree or do you go straight onto solid foods??

    . Yes I am starting to think he is a bit hard core I see in America most of the girls start puree at 2 weeks then mushy at 4weeks!

    I have to do 4 weeks Fluid then

    4 weeks puree then at 8 weeks I start mushy foods! I can wait!!

    I found out my sleeve likes chocolate!!! Had a tiny piece it tasted so nice I sucked it till it was fluid lol Been having a milo before bed 85cals it's so yummy I can only drink half a cup!

    Did really bad today on the calories I went out all day, doctors, shopping etc and forgot to eat so all I had all day was 1 Protein shake and 1 milo with some Water in between but not enough tomorrow I will get more in! If I am home I can sip all day long have to work out how I will get this all done once back at work! Gosh it's hard work!

    scales are moving again but aunty flo turned up this morning so staying off the scales till she passes!

  9. Hi

    I am in Australia as well

    My husband at 1st was not happy about me having surgery he also thought it was the easy way out we had a few fights I had to wait out the 12mths PHI so we both had 12mths to get our heads around it! One thing I always said to him is " I am sick of struggling with my weight I need some help I need this tool" he come to understand that I really wanted/needed this surgery! so he ended up supportive! I am 2 weeks post op, he started eating well a week before my surgery and has loss 11kgs and I know he feels really happy with himself! No regrets having the surgery I did it for me and my children!!

    Do it for yourself ????

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