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Posts posted by Bellarose100

  1. Thanks @@nerms :) Well....I had my first appointment today. Initially I was seeing the GP first , but she isn't there as much now, so that was changed, and I see her next. This was the appt I was actually looking forward to, but she really seemed to be telling me repeatedly that they had to be sure it was the right thing, and that I wasn't guaranteed to be going ahead. I understand that that is a very important thing for them to establish, but I guess I thought that would come from the psychologist, GP and surgeon !!??!! I booked all of these appointments about 10 months ago ( I had to wait for my health ins to kick in) , so she was going from my stats from then.

    As it turns out, she put me on the scales and I have gained more weight, as suspected. I nearly died when I saw the number, which I had intended to NOT look at....anyway, my BMI is now over 33, so I would have thought I'm kind of the 'perfect' candidate now, in that I am in that obese category. I've tried numerous diets, etc, lost & regained 20-24 kilos repeatedly, but I'm really motivated, and actually quite fit -I go to the gym 4/5 times a week. I also have slightly fatty liver, very high cholesterol, and heart disease and cancer in my family!

    I feel really anxious now, worried that they won't let me go ahead. I mentioned my chocolate addiction, & she really latched on to that, as though that was what I needed to fix & everything would be alright - but I've tried to do it on my own, MANY times and then regained the 20 + kilos I lose - I just can't make it a lifestyle thing, which is why I want this -it's permanent!!! UGH, feeling stressed - I hate to think what I'll be like after the psych appointment !!! :lol: Again, I just want to know this surgery is going ahead and I can start focussing on making the best use of it!

    Hi Caliali

    I am also a low BMI before surgery I was so worried I was only 83kgs so I put on weight on purpose hoping the doctor would approve me!' I got up to 91kgs by my appt and was still worried so on the day I did something very sneaky I wanted the surgery so so bad as to me it was the only thing I had left to try!! So I put on ankle weights for my weigh in 3kgs so it pushed me up to a BMI of 37 my weight was no issue on the day!! I was approved!! The sad thing was I was waiting for the health insurance and keep putting on weight by surgery day I was 96.2kgs I was horrified I got that big!!! But hey the bright side is now I am 64kgs!!! 6months later!!

    It's not the magic pill Hun tho I still have to work for it but you can't eat as much as before but I can still gain weight because I can only eat a small amount but you can eat small amounts every 30mims to 1hour and if it's chocolate and chips it's empty calories so you still have to be careful and sorry to tell you chocolate just does not fill you up so you could still eat a family size block so you will need will power to stop that craving!!! Or hope your sleeve hates the chocolate!!

    It's changed my life Hun but I can tell it's not gonna be forever as I can already eat more so it's s few years of good restriction in that time we have to retrain ourselves to eat better and exercise otherwise regain will happen

    Who is your doctor Hun?

    Feel free to PM me anytime ????????

  2. Yeah I had a huge argument yesterday with family haha they think I shouldn't lose anymore and it just baffles me... I only want 5 more kilos to go too!

    I just checked my BMI and I'm in the healthy range haha wow! At the end of the healthy range but still in it!

    My gym membership fell through.. Really wanna get into the gym just so expensive.. I definitely need to tone up quite a bit.. Maybe it isn't so much weight but more tightening up a little I dunno! Hate my arms and legs!

    ALSO been one year since banding, no weight gain :) very happy, that in itself is a success as well as the 40kgs I've lost :)

    I'd like to get into a size 10 :) my family make me feel like I'm severely underweight or something and that I see myself as obese... I feel like I'm realistic, I know that I'm average weight, a little chubby at the moment.. I just want a little extra off haha they drive me crazy. And they're all smaller than me!!! Maybe they think we'll be too hot? ;)[/quote

    I think the family members remember us as huge so I think our weigh loss to them we seem tiny now even tho we are average weight and the friends or work mates well I put that down to being green they worry you might get skinnier than them! And yes to hot!!! Lol I have had lots of comments about I should stop now but I still have fat bits!! 5kgs is not to much to ask for lol !!

    40kgs is unreal hun you should be so proud! I hear ya about hitting the gym I need to start doing weights so bad trying to hold off till I hit 60kgs

    We are getting close now Hun! I still can't believe it when I look in the mirror it's just amazing!!!

  3. @@nerms that still excellent you must feel so much better! It's so much harder to lose now as we are looked append as skinny now, people think I am crazy when I say I have 5kgs to go still, so it makes me go ok I will have that pizza or go out to lunch have that glass of vodka so it's slowing it all down for me!! 7 weeks you can do it Hun if you set your mind to it your super close!!

    I hit 64.7kgs Friday that felt amazing going for the 63kg one kg at a time is all I think about and slowly getting there!! I have a check up in October I want to be 60kgs for that I wonder what my doctor is gonna say as I have lost 31.5kgs I think it's more than he was expecting from what he was saying at the start

    I have been getting a bit of dumping lately as well something I'm eating my body doesn't like can't put my finger on it thought it was bread but had a half slice of pizza last night and that was ok so not sure!

    Had bloods done last week find out on weds how they are and have to say my hair has stopped fulling out but it's limp and thin!! ????????.

    Hope everyone is well ????????

  4. How is everyone going???

    How are you nerms??

    I got down to 65.8 but it lasted a day now I am back up to 66kg can't seem to lose this last 6kgs but I have to admit I am eating bag and not working out as much so I expected this lol Was hoping this would hit at 60kgs instead oh well

    I can't complain still feel amazing and am in my clothes again yay!!

  5. @@nerms wow what a lovely surprise you gotta be happy with that!!! I wish I could get a surprise like that!! Lol

    I am on istagenix this week it's working well it's got me moving again 69.9kgs!! Hoping to hit 65kgs in 2 weeks if I stay on this!!

    We are getting there nerms 60 is just around the corner now but your right it's gonna be the hardest and slowest to lose!!

  6. I have no idea how it came up....let me think. I think I was talking about Spanx with a friend (which I am currently wearing because of recovering from a tummy tuck) and another acquaintance overheard and said "why do you have to wear spanx??? you're already too skinny". I said something like, "oh it holds everything in place..haha" trying to be light-hearted. Then she told me that I looked like I had AIDS and that I needed to stop losing weight and I needed to gain some back. This is also something (not that specifically, but the same idea) that my mom says every time she visits. She'll say something like, "you look sick. you looked better before."

    Let's focus on the conversation though. There is so much wrong with it. So much. I will attach my most recent picture so you can see that I don't really look awful.....and/or sickly.....

    1. First of all, I don't like the derogatory nature of the comment towards anyone who is an AIDS patient. Not cool.

    2. I get that when you knew someone when they were obese, and now you see them skinny, it takes some adjusting and sometimes it takes a while for you to think they look "normal" in their new body....but.... WHY do people think it's ok to comment on my weight?????

    3. I am within a healthy weight range. My doctor is not concerned. My surgeon is not concerned. My therapist is not concerned.

    4. Can we revisit #2?

    5. You can fill in the blank....there's gotta be something else wrong with this.

    It doesn't bother me really. I don't let people's comments effect my emotional well-being anymore. I just thought it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And I am STUNNED at the forwardness of some people. And I am stunned at the fact that other people who are just acquaintances not even close friends, feel the freedom to comment on my weight at will.

    PSA........don't share your comments on people's weight or appearance unless they start it.

    . Wow I think you look amazing!! Beautiful! Are they jealous?

  7. Omg nerms you look so so tiny!! You don't need to lose anymore looking at these photos!! I was 68.9 this morning and I don't look as small as you!!

    Wow you look amazing!!! Love your hair right now!!

    Have you been losing hair?

    Mine has started to fall out!! ;-(

    Come on hun you can do it lets both get to 60kgs!! We can do this!!

    How tall are you again?

    I am only 164cm :-(. So much tummy fat!! How is your skin? Mine is getting lose in places will have to hit the weights once at goal ????????

  8. Yes so true nerms when I think about how big I was I am so so happy to be in the 7o's but I just want to hit the 60's then I am ok with it taking its time!! Will I tho?? Lol

    I stalled again after 5 days so I ate what ever for a week and gained 700 grams nothing I know as even eating what ever I want does not = even half I what I could eat pre op!! Lol

    Mary I hope everything works out for you hun I am exercising in the mornings now before work it's easier than trying after work xx

  9. I have managed to get myself into the 60s. 69.7kgs, JUST got myself there and feeling pretty good :)

    I was down to 68kgs about 5 years ago and was over the moon, I'm almost back to that stage but would definitely like to see another 10 gone, possibly more because I'm a short ass :)

    I was in such a rush to lose weight when I first got handed and I'm now I'm totally ok with slow and steady losses :)

    My bandiversary is 3 months away, how time flies!!! I think my goal of getting to 60kg in one yearmay be possible! Even if it isn't at the one year mark I'll get there :)[/quote

    Wow Nerms that's unreal you must be over the moon!!! You have done so wel!! I can't wait to join you in the 60's still 4kgs away for me! Once I hit the 60's I also will be ok with losing slower I just want this 4kgs off like yesterday!! Lol

  10. That's great Bella ???? fantastic! Hold two ten kg bags of potatoes, that's a lot of weight!!

    Touched down in oz, weighed myself this morning and no damage done. Lucky me ????

    Amy's surgery is today, let us know how you go, girl!


    Welcome back nerms!! How was your trip??

    Fantastic that you didn't put on Any weight!! I am on the treadmill right now typing this! Lol

    Good luck Amy thinking of you hope All goes well ????????

  11. Amy, that date is so soon! The day after I get back from Turkey, looks like we both have a countdown! I can't wait to get home.

    @@Bellarose100 just read that you got into the 70s, THATS SOO GOOD!! You must be feeling great :D how exciting[/quote)

    @@nerms wow congrats on hitting 30kgs off your body!! That's so fantastic!

    I am stuck on 19.8kg loss hoping to move again this week!! Was 76.4kgs last weigh in feeling so much better! Would be happy to just get another 10kgs off at this stage!

  12. @@nerms happy 21st b'day!!! You look so stunning in those pictures!!! ????????????????????????????

    73kgs is fantastic I am sure you won't have done much damage!! Look forward to you being back its been so quiet in here!!

    @@Amy Congratulations on getting a date hun you will be so much happier with the sleeve ????

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