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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gilliebean

  1. gilliebean

    Rash after being banded 2-4-08

    This happened to me also we came to the conclusion that i was alleric to the glue that they stick on your stomach when they do the surgery, I was also alleric to the glue from the steri strips.
  2. I think im scared to eat till i feel full so like i eat a couple bits then like an hour later eat a couple more. I haven't had anything stuck yet but im terrified of the pain if it does. How do i get over that?
  3. gilliebean

    need advise

    OK i have had my period like three times since surgery. they say thats normal but i think there wrong anyway. I am having problems controling my cravings is anyone else? if so how are you fixing it? Any advice would be lovely.
  4. gilliebean

    need advise

    no they were not regular before but never more than once a month. I do think i need to go see my gyno and get back on the shot since my surgeon says its safe to do now i hope that helps cause i would love to be regulated.
  5. gilliebean

    Fine until....

    Ok first off the decision belongs to you guys about what surgery if any your going to have. Just some fact. Lapband is safer. If you are mourning food then just know you will beable to eat it again with the lapband. With the band as long as you remember to chew and eat very slow you can probably have a little of this and a little of that just in moderation. This is what we have been told all our lives right moderation. The lapband just helps you force that. You also have to make sure you get your fills cause thats part of the lapband. Yes you can eat around the lapband but if you do that then you have wasted your time and money. Just eat in moderation. Look at your lables and make smart choices and the lapband will work fine for you. Hope this helps and i didn't ramble on to much
  6. gilliebean


    Hi I need help. I was banded a month ago and now im addicted to sugar free ice cream. I know that i shouldn't eat that much. i know its ok to have it every once in awhile but i have been eating it every night. Well i guess i will stop buying that at the store until i get it under control. Sorry i just needed to vent
  7. gilliebean


    Remember to read lables and to work your band. If you work with it and don't try to eat around it and fight it then your band should work fine
  8. gilliebean

    Help trying to adjust.

    If you have gone all this time with out enough protien it will make you feel worse. First of all you can probably eat soft meat just chew well. My protien shakes are chocolate unjury,carnation instant breakfast and 14 oz of milk mixed together in a blender and then i drink it has like 42 gr of protien it doesn't taste bad and it goes down easy. You really need to get the protien in. I don't know how much you weigh now but i was told to have between 73-88 gr of protien a day. Please go get some protien
  9. I actually quit almost 8 month ago but my doctor requires it 2 months before
  10. I had to quit smoking atleast two month before my surgery. I was exposed to second hand smoke and it didn't show on my test so you should be fine. They do a blood test to make sure there is no nicotine in your blood stream. There was a lady that was sceduled the same day as me and they cancelled it cause she didn't quit smoking so it does happen. I thaught it would be really hard to quit but i wanted this surgery more then those stinky smokes. When I quit i was up the two packs a day so it can be done. You just have to get in the right mind set like with any other life style change. Let me tell you quiting smoking is one of the best things i have ever done for myself. I can smell,breath and taste food again its wonderful. Hope it goes well for you.
  11. gilliebean

    Stop Smoking Help W/The Band

    sugar free gum and low sodium pretzel sticks. I quit smoking before i was banded and managed with out gaining at all. I just kept telling myself that what was the point in the torcher (sp) if i just went and picked up the bad habit again. Thats what i told myself everytime i reached for a smoke. I tried and tried to quit before this last time and failed but i have been smoke free for almost 8 months now. and finally the cravings have gone away and i never thaught it would but it finally has. good luck on the journey if i can help at all let me know.
  12. gilliebean

    how is everyone doing

    I am doing ok but i am cranky alot. the doc says that will go away in a couple weeks and that it was normal to be cranky.
  13. gilliebean

    The book... please read

    I take 14 oz skim milk 1 pack of carnation instant Breakfast 1 scoop of unjury Mix well in blender taste just like chocolate milk and not like a powdery mess.
  14. gilliebean

    Eating with Other People

    Thanks to my west coast buddy
  15. gilliebean

    Eating with Other People

    Why is it that you all appear to be ashamed of your band. Its just as hard to lose the weight and you worked hard to get that band. Some of you payed lots of money. Or litterly jumped threw hoops with your docs and insurance to get this life saving surgery. Its nothing to be ashamed of. If you had open heart surgery you wouldn't be afraid to tell this isn't any different. Its just like you know when people say its an easy way out. We all know thats not true. This surgery screws with everything. Your brain your belly and its just as hard to lose the weight. So point is don't be ashamed eat what you can and if someone is nosey tell them its something to be proud of you worked hard to get where you are.
  16. gilliebean

    Banded on 1/18--feeling dizzy??

    How much protien are you taking in? You probably either need more protien, some iron, or more water. But im not a doctor. just my opinion
  17. I am trying to get together with people that have 200 or more lbs to lose or have already lost them to inspire the rest of us. I have already lost almost 30 lbs of the 200 i want to lose but the road is long and i don't know anyone as big as me so some inspiration and support would be lovely. thanks to all responders lol
  18. gilliebean

    Post op dreams?

    I have very vivid dreams anyway but this past week they have been very strange even for me. But i hear its normal between the low calories and the drugs and everything like that. Don't know if thats true or not.
  19. I dont know how much weight you have to lose i did optifast 10 days before surgery and lost 18 lbs but its not easy and no promise how much you will lose. What ever you do stick to it cause you don't want to get there and be cancelled and done some work for nothing you know. So just stick with what ever you do.
  20. gilliebean

    just an update

    I had my surgery one week ago and i have lost 11 lbs since surgery. and 29 lbs all together. Just felt like sharing i know next week will not be as good but i figure i should try to enjoy it while i can lol how is everyone else doing
  21. gilliebean

    just an update

    I am feeling pretty good. I am going to start going back to the gym next week and hopefully i will be feeling even better.
  22. You are all in my prayers as we jump into this journey together. I will be see everyone on the other side I think i might finally beable to get some sleep. Hope all goes well for all of us till wed. peace out :welldoneclap:
  23. gilliebean

    to all my fellow 14th bandsters

    I will weigh myself when i go to the doctor on tuesday i decided you get bigger numbers when you weigh less often lol
  24. gilliebean


    burp just don't puke. Burping is a must. So here you have my permission to burp lol
  25. gilliebean

    to all my fellow 14th bandsters

    Well i have been banded for five days now and feel almost normal again. I have for what ever reason devoleped a rash on the sides of my belly and no one really knows why. O well it just itches a little. im still having problems getting in all my water and protien but i have increased it a little everyday.

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