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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by arkie

  1. BJ

    I'm working on the 32 chews and it's getting a little easier. Thanks. I'm also at a plateau and I know it isn't easy. My goal is to get into normal size clothes, like a large in Macy's and size 14 pants so I don't have to shop in the Women's Dept and the sizes in the regular sizes fit. Right now I'm between an XL and 1x so nothing fits right. But soon....


    Did you get the fill when you went to the doctor? Maybe with the fill you won't need to stay on the Atkins diet

    Yes, I got a fill the 19th. I think I am up to 7 1/2 cc.

    I showed a loss of 7 pounds. Right now I am feeling restriction so I will do regular food for a few weeks and see if I am still losing weight.

    At 54 years of age its a lot slower than I had dreamed it would be. I got my band 10-10-2007 and still haven't reached the 50 pound mark yet.I keep telling myself I can do it.

  2. Went to Dr. today. Had lost 7 pounds. He was thrilled ask me what I did different. I told him about Atkins diet. He said he don't like that diet and he advised people to only go on a diet they could live the rest of their life on.

    When I ask about gaining weight back I was talking about with the lapband. I also went on Atkins when I was younger. Lost gobs of weight. Over the years gained it back and then some. I was on one diet or another from the time I was 14 until I got the band.

    Today, I started making notes of what I eat. Again. Maybe this time I will keep the notes more than 3 weeks.

    You know, I quit smoking 7 years ago, I can do this too.

  3. Good morning everyone.

    I have had 6 cc put in and still feel nothing at all. Its like the nurse is missing my port.

    I had that much fill before and was where I felt like I needed to be, then I got sick, dehydrated spent the night in the hospital with an iv. Dr. said he thought it was from sinus infection, too much coughing and etc.

    He took it all back out and started me over again.

    Before when they would do a fill I could feel something then. Now its not there.

    All this while I have started gaining some weight back. I did the write down what you eat, no help. I even bumped the exercise up a notch. Still the scales didn't move down.

    Last week, I got upset and said enough is enough.

    Right or wrong, I started the Dr. Atkins diet.I have lost 5 pounds this week.I plan on staying on Atkins until the band starts doing its thing.

    I also plan on asking the Dr. to do the swollow test to see what the band is doing or not doing.

    Has anyone else done the Atkins diet?

  4. We can do it everyone.

    We have been too far not to make it.

    Today I strated on www.livestrong.com its a free place to do support groups, enter exercises , enter foods, your weight goal, really neat place and its FREE...

    I decided today to do more than I have been doing. More exercising, more watching what I eat and how many caloties I take in.I promise myself to be "true" for 1 week and see if those mean scales don't start moving down , even if its just a little.

    I plan on asking my Dr. why they only give 1 cc at a time. So far , even after 6 cc. after a complete un-fill, I am not feeling anything at all.:laugh:

    Like the Little Engine that could, " I can do this" " We can do this" :hurray:

  5. Wow, I am reading here about the fills, more than 1 cc at a time. My clinic gives no more than 1 cc. most times less than 1 cc.

    I had my fill 10-10-07, disappointed in the band. Lost almost 50 pounds in the whole time. Alot of that was the pre-surgery diet.

    It has been months since I lost anything.

    I write down what I eat, I exercise every day, no less than 30 minutes, all at one time. Most days I do extra time, no less than 10 minutes at the extra settings.

    My nurse is starting to get upset with me for not losing, I was at probably the sweet spot and had to have it removed, got sinus infection, band blocked. Probably all that coughing made it swell. Anyway , my Dr. took all my 8cc out and started over.

    My problem is that now with 6 cc, I am not feeling like there has ever been a band in place. My Dr. said the band doesn't stretch but how do you explain why I don't feel any restriction at all.....

    I still need to lose another 50 pounds at the very least..

    Also , I do great during the day hours but at night I am starving. Tummy growling, the whole 9 yards.

    What can I do to master the after dark hungry sessions? I tried eating salads, fresh oranges, Protein. Nothing works. I have even had spells of going to bed and waking up with the old growling tummy.

  6. "Athlete's foot is a very common skin infection of the foot caused by fungus. The fungus that commonly causes athlete's foot is called Trichophyton. When the feet or other areas of the body stay moist, warm, and irritated, this fungus can thrive and infect the upper layer of the skin. Fungal infections can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp, trunk, extremities (arms and legs), hands, feet, nails, groin, and other areas.

    Athlete's foot is caused by the ringworm fungus ("tinea" in medical jargon). Athlete's foot is also called tinea pedis. The fungus that causes athlete's foot can be found on many locations, including floors in gyms, locker rooms, swimming pools, nail salons, and in socks and clothing. The fungus can also be spread directly from person to person or by contact with these objects.

    However, without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus may not easily infect the skin. Up to 70% of the population may have athlete's foot at some time during their lives." copied from http://www.medicinenet.com/athletes_foot/article.htm

    Does feet not get and stay warm in shoes? I didn't see anthing in the above that said someone has to be dirty to have athelte's foot.


    If you are concerned about getting athlete's foot from taking your shoes off when visiting people, you need to find a better crowd to hang with.

    In all seriousness, I think athlete's foot is something you catch going around barefooted in warm moist environments, like public showers. In a relatively dry environment like people's private homes, you are probably stepping on carpet or hardwood flooring and not something that should be of concern.

  7. for the wii.. get the outdoor activity challenge, you dont use the wii fit board..you use a mat kind of like ddr.... its AWESOME.. i work up a sweat more there than i do at the gym.. im addicted to it! DDR2 is good..but hard if you dont have much rythem..

    How do you get to the wood-cutting game?

  8. I am losing weight on the Wii Fit, on average 2 pounds a week.

    I had the Jillian and had my daughter-in-law show me how to get it off just run and I think I would like it but took it back because my controllers didn't work, I could squat and bend or jump all day long and my "me" wouldn't move an inch. The running worked fine but just not the games where it took 2 controllers or 1 controler and 1 numchuck.

    I am thinking about buying another one to see if it was just the game.

  9. Yes you need a mat. They sell universal ones at Gamestop for around 20 bucks that work on the Wii.

    I bought Hottest Party II yesterday. The nicest improvement is you can play a few songs in a row in workout mode, so you don't have to pause in between.

    Thanks, the reason I ask was I had found a used one for sale at Gamestop and didn't know if I would need to just get it out of the box and be good to go or not.

  10. i just bought dance dance revolution on the wii for my daugher, and i worked out to it today. IT was pretty awesome. It has a workout mode and i burned 100 calories ( so it said ) lol doing about 20 minutes worth of dancing. Has anyone used this before. Its sure alot of fun and seems to give me a good workout since im using my arms and legs. jumping and etc. Id definatly like to hear comments.

    I have not used the dance on the Wii but have looked at the disk today while at Gamestop.

    Do you need a mat or anything besides the disk? I know with the Wii Fit you have to have the board.

  11. Arkie, when you go back, just ask them to test your Vitamin D level. The D3 is the name of the supplement. Hope all that goes well. I would never thought of it if I hadn't attended that lapband conference. So glad I did. I see they are going to organize another one about April. I would love to go but it is going to be in NY. I would love to go but could never afford it. Plus I don't like to fly. Can't imagine driving into NY. Are you taking B12 shots?

    I am just using the pill under the tongue until I go back Tuesday. He wants to see if I am absorbing before he tries something else.

  12. Vitamin D3 is essential in maintaining healthy bones and also aids in maintaining a healthy immune system. When you are tested they test your viamin D level. If you need a supplement it is called D3. My doctor said about 800 iu a day but all I could find was 1,000 iu. Don't exceed that per day., Of course when you are checked, ask your drs advice. Some may need it but then again some may not. I ask for him to check mine, since I was getting a physical and they were checking colestrol, ect. anyway. Glad I did. Don't take any if you don't need it.

    Hope this helps.

    While looking at my blood work I was tested for B-12 and was low at 308, they did sodium, potassium,chloride, carbon dioxide, Calcium, protien, albumin, globulin,albumin,bilirubin,alkaline , ast and alt but no D-3 test, I go back Tuesday for another set to see if the B-12 I am taking is doing any good so I will ask for the D-3 test to be done.

    I am having a lot of trouble with my foot hurting, it feels like its in the bones but Dr. did a x-ray and said it was ok there.After I have been sitting or sleeping and stand it hurts so bad I have to hold to walk a few minutes before I can stand it.Its hurting on the top of my foot and below my ankle on the outside of my foot feels like its holding lots of fluid.This really makes it hard to exercise but I do make myself do 30 minutes

  13. Hello all. Glad to see everyone is doing well for the most part. Lisa said her computer is so slow since she moved to the new house, she hardly gets on. I miss her too. I will be going to PS next week. Does anyone know if the NP has gotten any better with fills? I have lost a pound or two but just seem to be at a plateau. Just need to make better food choices. I still struggle with that. Will be going on vacation the 8th. Hope I don't blow everything then. So far I haven't put a pound back on but I am sure a member of the slow losers club.

    Oh, I wanted to mention something about your Vitamin D level. At the Lap Band Conference it was mentioned to have that checked. I believe they were mostly referring to patients who had been banded a while. Well I went for a physical a couple of weeks ago and told my doc to check that with my other blood test. Got the results and he told me I was extremely low. So now I am taking vitamin D3. So the next time ya'll get blood drawn, might be a good idea to get that checked.

    Gotta go. As Lisa would say, "STAY IN THE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What does D-3 do? I know I am low on B-12 and having fits with my B-12 being very low, bad memory, tired and have lots of hurting feet.

  14. I got the Jillian Michaels disk in, I give it a thumbs down. :)

    You always have to start off running in place, by then I am so out of breath, { I have COPD, lung problems} its hard to move on to the next one to see how it is.

    I had my son to do some of it for me, running is between every advancement.

    I am sticking to the Wii Fit, they have 3 different levels you can do and is great for someone like me, out of shape.

    I am on my third week on the Wii Fit and have lost an amazing 8 pounds. Love it.. :cursing:

  15. I have been using the Wii Fit for a little over a week and have lost almost 4 pounds.

    The Wii lets you advance as you can. It has strength training, yoga, aerobatics and balance.

    My sister told me today that her local Nursing Home has one in for their residents.

    Check it out. :thumbup:

  16. Hello all,

    I'm Steve and live in Nottinghamshire UK. I had my band fitted in November 2007 in Derby, and had to have a second operation to correct the port and tube in May 2008. My operations were by the NHS.

    I was 303 pounds (138 kgs, 21.7 stones) at the beginning of my journey, and now I'm at 173 pounds (79 kgs, 12.4 stones). I reached my target weight on 24 Septemebr 2008. I'd now like to lose a little more weight, maybe to get to 161 pounds. My BMI was 41.2, now it's 23.6.

    I was a music teacher, then worked for an international computer software company (don't let that put you off!). I'm now retired and spend my time reading, computing, cycling and around the house. I like to travel when I can. I'm married to Denise (nearly 30 years) and have a daughter Jennifer who is 23. I also have nine cats (utter madness).

    If you feel that I might be of help to you, please go ahead and make contact. I think I'm a very patient man with a good sense of humour. I've had both good (lots) and bad (one) experiences with the band. It has helped change my life. I've had a lot of support from my family and health professionals, which I've found essential for my success.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Wow, you did great. I was banded 10-10-07 and have lost less than 50 pounds.

    I had problems with my band a couple of months ago, it got blocked.

    The Dr. had to empty it and now I am starting over again.

    What was the reason they had to re-do the surgery? Did your insurance cover the extra surgery cost?

    Right now I am still hungry, very hungry, I am hoping after my next fill I will start to fill restriction again, I was at a good spot before I got to where I couldn't hold even Water down.


  17. I am researching getting the lap band, and I currently work in the ER at a local hospital...I have seen patients come in with serious problems with the band and gastric bypasses. I am curious what serious complications have happened to you or people you know? How often do these complications occur? I really want this, but I know there are risks with every kind of surgery, and when something foreign is put into your body. I'm just trying to look at all avenues. I am really afraid of going through this and fighting the same struggles I'm going through now.


    Last Monday, the 21st of July, I had a fill. Monday night things seemed to be a little off, I was eating o.k. but had problems belching things back up.

    Tuesday it seemed to be a little better.

    Wednesday I went back and ask for just a little taken out and they did.

    Thursday I went back for more to be taken out.

    Friday morning I was so weak my hubby had to drive me to the Dr. office. They took more out and sent me to the hospital for a swallow test. I was told not to leave until the tech called and told my Dr. the results.

    Next thing I knew there stood Dr. H.

    I knew this wasn't going to be good news.

    He took more out, re-did the swallow test himself, took even more out and did the test again and told me he would like to admit me to give me IV and watch me.

    The results of the test, I was 100% blocked, not even Water was going down. I was dehydrated , had lost 12 pounds from Monday until Friday.

    Dr. H also said my band was laying straight across and was suppose to be at an angle.

    I have almost no fill left and have to get another test done before my next fill, worse case, they go in and move the band to where its suppose to be.

    Dr. is hoping the band will straighten itself out while empty and resting.

    Would I advise my friend to get a band, yes. Would I do it all over again, yes.

    All of us using the Clinic at Texarkana Ar. , we have good doctors.


  18. Hi everyone. Sounds like I may have joined the club.

    I spent the 18th and 19th in the hospital. Dehydrated, couldn't keep anything down, lost 12 pounds from Monday until Friday, I got a fill on Monday, went back on Wednesday and got some un-filled, went back on Thursday and got the rest of my Monday's fill taken out.

    I got up on Friday morning and went back to the Dr., they took more out and sent me for the swallow test,

    I got instructed not to leave until the hospital called the Dr. with the results.

    Next thing I knew my doctor was standing there. He removed another needle full of fill and re-did the test, Took another needle full out and re-did the test.

    Then I was admited , when I was released I was sent home on a liquid diet for the next week.

    Dr. said my band was laying wrong and he was hoping by letting the band rest it would correct itself.

    The strange this is when he was admitting me he ask about medicines and I told him about a nasal spray I had just started for sinus drainage, he thinks that is what caused mine.

    I was so blocked not even the liquid would go thru the band.

    I have never even thought about having it removed. I haven't lost like everyone else talks about, only 40 something pounds. But I am thrilled, I wasn't able to lose more than a couple of pounds here and there and then when I stopped dieting it would come back.

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