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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by arkie

  1. Last Monday, the 21st of July, I had a fill. Monday night things seemed to be a little off, I was eating o.k. but had problems belching things back up. Tuesday it seemed to be a little better. Wednesday I went back and ask for just a little taken out and they did. Thursday I went back for more to be taken out. Friday morning I was so weak my hubby had to drive me to the Dr. office. They took more out and sent me to the hospital for a swallow test. I was told not to leave until the tech called and told my Dr. the results. Next thing I knew there stood Dr. H. I knew this wasn't going to be good news. He took more out, re-did the swallow test himself, took even more out and did the test again and told me he would like to admit me to give me IV and watch me. The results of the test, I was 100% blocked, not even Water was going down. I was dehydrated , had lost 12 pounds from Monday until Friday. Dr. H also said my band was laying straight across and was suppose to be at an angle. I have almost no fill left and have to get another test done before my next fill, worse case, they go in and move the band to where its suppose to be. Dr. is hoping the band will straighten itself out while empty and resting. Would I advise my friend to get a band, yes. Would I do it all over again, yes. All of us using the Clinic at Texarkana Ar. , we have good doctors.
  2. arkie

    5 day pouch test

    What is a pouch test?
  3. arkie

    Band Slippage

    Hi everyone. Sounds like I may have joined the club. I spent the 18th and 19th in the hospital. Dehydrated, couldn't keep anything down, lost 12 pounds from Monday until Friday, I got a fill on Monday, went back on Wednesday and got some un-filled, went back on Thursday and got the rest of my Monday's fill taken out. I got up on Friday morning and went back to the Dr., they took more out and sent me for the swallow test, I got instructed not to leave until the hospital called the Dr. with the results. Next thing I knew my doctor was standing there. He removed another needle full of fill and re-did the test, Took another needle full out and re-did the test. Then I was admited , when I was released I was sent home on a liquid diet for the next week. Dr. said my band was laying wrong and he was hoping by letting the band rest it would correct itself. The strange this is when he was admitting me he ask about medicines and I told him about a nasal spray I had just started for sinus drainage, he thinks that is what caused mine. I was so blocked not even the liquid would go thru the band. I have never even thought about having it removed. I haven't lost like everyone else talks about, only 40 something pounds. But I am thrilled, I wasn't able to lose more than a couple of pounds here and there and then when I stopped dieting it would come back.
  4. arkie

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know a few things to watch for. I got sinus drainage a little over a month ago, no big deal , wrong. I just got out of the hospital because of it. My band stopped dumping, would not even let water out. I had a fill on Monday, by that night I was doing a little PB'ing, it was settling down on Tuesday, until I went to bed. I was sleeping on 2 pillows, having to get up every few minutes to empty my throat. I went back on Wednesday to get some fill taken out, I ate the cracker with no problems, again everything looked great until bedtime. I was so weak by Friday I went back again, by now I had lost 12 pounds. Dr. H. sent me to have a swallow test done, and I was told to wait there until they called him with the results. Next thing I knew here was Dr. H. I told myself, this isn't good. He took out a needle full and redid the test, took another needle full out and redid the test, even with 2 needles full removed the fluid was still there. You guessed it, I went upstairs to the bed and spent the night with an iv and potassium for the dehydration. Dr. H said if I had waited I would have been at the point of passing out. Don't put it off if you can't keep the food down. I am to call Monday and get an appoitment to start the fills again, it would be nice if at least part of the 12 pounds forgot where they had came from....
  5. arkie

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Are you getting fills in Texarkana Texas? I am using that clinic and they only offer fills every 6 weeks to me....:sad_smile:
  6. arkie

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Morning everyone. I live in the Prescott area. Anyone else? I lost below 200, first time in a couple of years, but my stinking scales keeps bouncing from 197 back to 200 even. I walk for exercise, from 30 minutes to 45 at least once a day sometimes twice. My weight loss has always been slow, even with the band. Last month I lost 1 1/2 pounds a week. Not much but at least its a loss. I can't hold up to exercise long with this stupid COPD, I and my pulmonologist are hoping for the breathing to get better with the weight-loss. Have a great day.
  7. arkie

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Hi, had my fill yesterday. Lost 8 pounds. What helped me start losing again was to keep a daily record of everything you eat. You will be surprised at what you see. Don't lie on the journal.
  8. arkie

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Hi everyone. I had a fill today. Lost 8 more pounds.... Dr. K. said she was proud of me that was where they want you to lose at, 1 1/2 pound a week. This week-end I did yard work, rake and burn leaves and fishing. When I went in that evening I told my husband I don't remember the last time I have been able to work that long with out quitting. My breathing is better.
  9. arkie

    I Never loose 2lbs a week!!

    hi everyone. I am another slow loser. But I am also one that hasn't gained it back yet. I have had 4 fills and just now starting to lose more than a mere 2 pound in 6 weeks. I am just now starting to fill the restriction, but I have a question, I can eat and it feels like the top stomach is full but half an hour later it feels like the bottom stomach is empty.
  10. arkie

    Texarkana Bandsters

    What is the difference between the old style band and the new style band? I was banded 10-10-07 Do I have a new style?
  11. arkie

    Feel the Band

    I have had the band since 10-10-07 and no I can't feel the band inside me. When you tighten you tummy muscles up you can feel the ridge where the port is , but that is only if you know where it is and are feeling for it.
  12. arkie

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    The tight feeling has settled down this morning thanks . Maybe it was just becasue I had just gotten the fill?
  13. arkie

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Had my third fill yesterday, I feel different this time, feels like the food is staying higher in my stomach . Is this an early sign that I might be about where I am suppose to be? It also takes longer to drink water than it did before the fill.
  14. arkie

    Banded 12/18 And staving!!

    I had my third fill today, I started this at 238 when I was banded 10-10-2007 and I am down to 212 today. On my first fill I lost 1 pound, my second fill another 3 pounds. At this rate I hope to be down maybe 6 pounds after today. The one thing I can say for sure is the weight is slow, but that is what you really want, this gives you time for your skin to shrink a little. Another thing I can say for me is I am now able to lose a little weight and not gain it back. Hopefully I won't ever gain it back. Without the band I would lose a pound every once in a while and stop dieting and gain it back along with more. You still get hungry, the difference now is you get full quicker, I don't agree that its head hungar, my tummy really growls at me. The band won't do it alone, its a tool, just like counting calories used to be, it simply helps you to get full quicker, its up to you to decide what type of food to eat, I have COPD, along with COPD comes water retaining, I talked to Dr. K. this morning and she told me to try and keep my sodium around 1600 a day and protien at 60. Good luck everyone. We can do this......:cursing:
  15. arkie

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Wait on the insurance . Well worth the wait, if they are like Blue Cross they will mark off almost all of the cost. I am trying to think how much I paid, like maybe 1200.00 to the doctor and about 1500.00 to the hospital.
  16. arkie


    Has anyone used Nutrisystem after the lapband? :hungry: I am thinking hard about placing an order so I would love to hear if anyone has gone on the system and how did you do with it? Its a lot of money to spend if it doesn't work well with the lapband. Thanks, and Happy New Year
  17. Hi everyone, I turned 53 the 20th. I have been banded since 10-10-2007. The weight is slow coming off but when you think about it,isn't it best to lose slow to give yourself time for your skin to adjust? I know for years I had to fight to lose a single pound a week, I am on cloud nine since the lapband, I am losing weight and KEEPING it off. I started weighing 238, my last fill on 12-31-2007 I weighed 219. I don't weigh at home yet so I don't know if I have lost more or not. Its just that if my scales aren't with the doctors office I don't want to feel let down, also when I weigh at home I do so when I get up and have sleep clothes on. I eat a kids meal now when we eat out. Lots of time I take half of it home for the next meal. Isn't it great? I go for my third fill 2-11-08.
  18. arkie

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    <p> </p> <p>Oh, you would never believe what I thought a bump was..... hehehehe</p>
  19. arkie

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Thanks for the reply. I had given up on ever finding out what a bump was. I hope I have lost 6 pounds since the 31st when I had my second fill.If my scales agrees with Dr. H's. I haven't upgraded my ticker and don't intend to until I have the two scales saying the same thing. I had only lost 1 pound during Thanksgiving and Christmas but it was a loss.
  20. arkie


    Hi , I went for my second fill today, I lost 1 pound during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Not much but at least I didn't gain any. I also ask Dr. H. about dieting and he said it wasn't something I had to do that once the band was working that would take care of how much I eat but I could diet if I wanted to. I have about decided to try Weight Watchers but then again, not sure about this either, Dr. said he felt like the monthly support groups will help as much as a diet would.
  21. arkie

    Texarkana Bandsters

    <p>Good morning everyone. Hope everyone has their Christmas shopping done. Little Rock says a chance for snow Friday. I will wait and see. </p> <p>I finally lost a few more pounds since my last post. My doctor had me start the fluid pills again, with bad lungs its not easy to keep the swelling down.</p> <p>For Breakfast I had a Yoplait Fat Free Yogurt and for lunch I had a Healthy Choice Cafe Steemer Beef Merlot, the meat and potatoes was good but the Green Beans and Carrots was nasty. I left them sitting in the tray. </p> <p>I have been eating broined chicken breast but have grown tired of them.</p>
  22. arkie

    Getting it off my chest

    Thanks or listening.
  23. arkie

    Getting it off my chest

    Now that is an idea. These are the kids that knew why we bought the land years ago and also know that we didn't have it on the market and would have sent anyone packing if they ask about buying the place. So why do they think we would be ok with an open deed. I guess what I am trying to say is if they wasn't our kids they never would have gotten that land.
  24. arkie

    Getting it off my chest

    Up-date , my son came out today and said his wife has a problem with having the deed fixed to show the place is not to be sold until we die and she wasn't building a house on it if she had to put that on the deed. So, we may or may not have gave the land to them. And these kids are 35 my son and 32 his wife.

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