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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mnmlst

  1. Definitely talk to your surgeon or their support staff. Every pre-op diet is different. I could have 4 shakes per day plus yogurt, sugar-free popsicles, etc. I had about 1100 calories per day and I didn't feel hungry most days. But I wouldn't do anything without checking with your doctor's office first.
  2. My surgery was supposed to be today and I chickened out at the very last minute. I was really scared and just didn't feel good about it. I'm worried I made a mistake, but I just don't know. I don't know how to feel right now and I am freaking out. I wonder if anyone else chickened out? Please help me feel better. I feel so very weird about this. I was thinking of the cutting and the pain and never being able to reverse it and not being able to eat much again, ever. I was worried about never enjoying food again. I was worried about post-op pain. I was scared of surgery. Just, everything. But as soon as I left the hospital I felt I'd made the wrong decision. I just don't know. I am freaking out. If I'd stayed, my surgery would be over by now.
  3. mnmlst

    Wish Me Luck!

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to try again. I made the decision to do this calmly and rationally, and let panicked fears take over today. Next time I'll be prepared. A lot of people have said that they felt scared and panicked before surgery but didn't regret it after it was done. One of my best friends had a bypass several years ago, and she said she was bawling and hyperventilating when it was time to go in. Also says it was the best thing she ever did. I guess I didn't realize how totally normal it was to freak out while waiting for surgery at the hospital. If I reschedule (thinking about it over the weekend), I'll be sure to do it right next time!
  4. mnmlst

    Wish Me Luck!

    Sure, @@crystalsleeve . I was thinking about all the cutting and the pain, and my daughter and what could happen to me and how she could grow up without a mom. But what stopped me most of all was the finality of everything. Once this is done, there is no going back. It is forever, forever, and if you don't like post-sleeve life, you're out of luck. I just was overwhelmed with a feeling of not wanting them to touch my whole, happy stomach and cut it to ribbons. I was worried about never enjoying food again. I was worried about barfing up Water and eating 3 bites for dinner forever and never being normal again. I panicked. Then everyone (my dad, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist) kept saying, you don't have to do this. You don't have to do this. If you're not sure, you shouldn't do this. They kind of talked me out of it. It was the exact wrong mindset to go in with. I should have gone in thinking about how relatively easy the pre-op diet was, and how sleeved life would be even easier, since I wouldn't have hunger, at least initially. I should have thought about how I won't be teaching my daughter how to gorge herself on junk. I should have thought about avoiding diabetes and hypertension and heart surgery from plaque. If I go back, I will also have my husband with me instead of my dad. He was the wrong person to take. I didn't think it would matter who sat with me before they wheeled me in, but it did. Choose wisely. I'm feeling right now like I will reschedule on Monday and hope I don't have to re-do the whole liquid diet. But I'm going to talk to my husband about it tonight. He is not thrilled with me right now. My mom is totally thrilled. She was scared about the surgery, and she is now trying to keep me from rescheduling. OK gotta go get my daughter some crayons. Hope my experience helps others!
  5. When it came down to it, I just had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to keep my stomach. But when I left I had an overwhelming feeling of having made the wrong decision. I'm going to try do lose weight the regular way, but it feels futile to even try. Will I just have to be fat forever and learn to be ok with it?
  6. mnmlst

    Wish Me Luck!

    I didn't do it. I chickened out. I was at the hospital, in my gown, with an IV in my arm and I changed my mind. I just couldn't do it when it came down to it. I feel very conflicted now.
  7. I will not miss: wearing bike shorts under every skirt or dress, even on the hottest days worrying what I'm teaching my daughter about food and nutrition worrying about spilling over to the adjacent airline seat / bus seat not being able to cross my legs paying more for uglier clothes hating the way I look in almost every photo taken of me worrying about debilitating/deadly weight-related illnesses I will miss: really enjoying my food / food as entertainment (I can't lie) having a lot of weight to throw around in contact sports being mostly immune to street harassment Probably a million other things for the first list that I can't think of...
  8. mnmlst


    Can you see a different psychiatrist and get a new eval?
  9. mnmlst

    New group for oct sleevers

    October 10!
  10. Tomorrow is my daughter's 2nd birthday. I am on my liquid pre-op diet. Cake, chips, barbecue, potato salad. OMG. Heeellllppp! Plus my in-laws (who don't know I'm doing the surgery) will be there, asking questions about why I'm not eating and trying to force food down my throat. I am really nervous about this. So far the liquid diet has gone ok, but I am worried about tomorrow. Send me strength and good vibes to resist temptation!
  11. You can do this. I am on day 6 of my pre-op (surgery 10/10) and am handling it ok. Sure, I'm hungry, but it's manageable. You're going to be fine. Just remember how important it is to stick to the diet. If you don't, they might not do the surgery, or if they do the surgery and your liver hasn't shrunk enough, it could put your life at risk. Remembering that keeps me on the straight and narrow. Good luck!
  12. I'm not your age but I do know that the younger you are, the more likely your skin is to bounce back. I'd go with what your doctor says. If s/he says don't worry about it, don't. You can always cross that bridge later if you need to. I wish I had 16 year old skin. I can tell you that much.
  13. mnmlst

    October 2014

    Late to the party here. I'm scheduled for October 10 -- a week from today!!
  14. @BurningButter! I stocked up on Protein shakes (obvs), yogurt, sugar free Jello, sugar free jello pudding and low-sodium soups. But all diets are different so your doctor will tell you what's ok to have. I'm going out today to pick up some sugar free popsicles to mix it up a bit. My favorite yogurt is Siggi's fat free. It tastes weird at first b/c it's really low sugar, but that keeps the carbs low and once you get used to it it's really good. I'll eat this post-op, too, if I still like it then.
  15. A lot of people are worried about the liquid diet pre-op (I know I was before I started it). I thought I'd give some info for the curious or worried. I'm on day 3 of 12 of my liquid diet. It is not that bad. Really. I mean, day 1 was extremely hard. I was super hungry and it was hard to watch my family eat all day (and I have a toddler who is constantly sticking grapes in my mouth, etc.). Day 2 was easier. Day 3 is going great. I guess it depends on what your doctor says you can have, but I'm on Protein shakes (4/day), yogurt, sugar free pudding, sf Jello, and certain low-cal low-carb Soups. The Soup saves my sanity because it's not sweet. So far I haven't had any headaches. I am allowed one cup of coffee per day, but I hear this is unusual. I have lost 5 lbs already. In 2 days. That alone will help me stay on it. So, not that bad. If you can, ask your family to help by not eating your very favorite foods for those 2 weeks. Otherwise, it's pretty smooth sailing. I'm eating less than 1200 calories a day (just under) and I don't feel all that hungry. Good luck to those of you starting your liquid diets soon!
  16. I hear you. I am still making dinner for my family every night while on my pre-op. It is not easy, but I'm getting used to it. I'm a stay at home mom for now, so I think making dinner is just part of my job. @@JamieLogical pizza is also my favorite, and my whole family ate it the first night of my diet. It saved me from cooking but OMG it was 100 times harder to handle. I got through it. This is temporary. We can do this! Hang in there, @kbuska.
  17. mnmlst

    Pre op question?

    I'm on Premier Protien from costco (someone else said they got it from Sam's, and you can get it on Amazon). It tastes pretty good and is very filling. It's what everyone in my support group recommended. I'm pretty happy with it!
  18. Wow! I had no idea there were so many super strict pre-op diets out there. Kudos to everyone who did less than 1000 calories a day. I am doing ok on my 1200 ish calorie per day diet, but it's still not easy. I can't imagine some of the others people mention. I guess it really does depend on your doctor. Good luck to everyone!
  19. Lexie that's great! We had about the same start weight so I can't wait to see how you do. Congrats on your loss so far!
  20. Got my approval today and scheduled surgery for October 10. October sleever! Yay! I am so psyched. Anybody else getting sleeved around then?
  21. I'm scheduled for my surgery on October 10 and I play full contact sports. I'm worried about post surgery bone loss and an increased risk for fracture. Has anyone had problems with this? Any fractures? Do you play contact sports? Have you gone back with no issues? I want to hear your story! I'm going to talk to my doctor about it on Friday, but was hoping someone here would have experiences to share. Thanks!
  22. Just an update for this one, if people are curious. I did get approved and it took 2.5 weeks from submission. Yay!
  23. No experience with Cigna but I am in the exact same place you are. Just submitted my last piece this morning to submit to insurance. I am also hoping for a Sept surgery, but based on anecdotal evidence about Aetna, it might be mid-October for me.... Fingers crossed for us both!
  24. I've been working diligently on getting my paperwork together, and I have my first NUT meeting tomorrow. But, best case scenario, I get sleeved in late September. It seems SO. FAR. AWAY. 90 days of NUT, submit to insurance, get approved, get a surgery date. So, prob 4 mos at a minimum. How are you handling / how did you handle the wait? I am torn between being READY to lose this weight and wanting to start dieting and wanting to make every meal its own last supper, fearing the day when I won't be able to handle the foods I love. It's frustrating. What did you do? Did the time seem to pass quickly? Should I be relishing my last days of gastrointestinal freedom, or working hard to make a dent in what I have to lose?

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