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I will what I want

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by I will what I want

  1. I am a life coach/executive coach and graduated from an ICF accredited program. If you are still interested in becoming a coach I am happy to speak to you about it. The world needs as much help and healing it can get and I'm all for coaching. I am just a few weeks away from VSG and am considering adding WLS services to my practice but I really enjoy working with folks on their entire lives/career so I don't know yet. Anyway, I very much believe in the power of coaching and that we need more coaches -

    so anyone who would like info on how to become

    a Coach, please feel free to PM me.

  2. He wants me to wait 6 more months and work with the nutritionist. The problem with the Anemia is that I'm so exhausted, it's ard to even get up in the morning and get moving for work and to think about working out is just beyond what I can imagine. I've seen my Endocrinologist, Internal Medicine and Surgeon all about the extreme fatigue and told to take 60mg of Iron. It's not working. My thyroid is at the very lowest range of normal so they won't address that as an issue because it's still "normal".

    Find an md that will treat your thyroid more aggressively. Have you been tested for Hashimoto's? I have Hashimoto's and I feel terrible - can't get out if bed fatigue - unless my meds are pushed so I am at the top end of normal. If you insist - they will usually up your meds provided you don't swing the other way. I've had to push for this and found it made a big difference. PM me if you want more info. I can point you towards written info to help you. In the end it might not be your thyroid...but it might and it's such a simple fix.

  3. I read her stuff 20 years ago. I think she gets much of the food/emotional connections well but doesn't seem to have space for genetic/physiological reasons of obesity. I don't have much patience for her work anymore....I did so so so much emotional work - including 15 years with therapist - 3 times a week - and I know it's more than just emotional.

  4. I find it ... un nerving actually that some of the mecanisms of why WLS works isn't 100% known. ha! I do think that the VSG has a metabolic component as things have changed for me... I am 2.5 years out and my hunger has definately returned but something is very different than it was before. I seem to find that I keep that "different" active by eating a certain way (high protein/ low to moderate carb). I had the lapband previously and did not have that "change" that I have definately experienced post sleeve. I do agree with your rant though - read some studies. When I went for my initial sleeve consult they sent me home with a pile of abstracts to read and it was very helpful in developing my "understanding".

    It unnerves me a little too. Will they discover in 20 years some odd side-effect? Everyone turns purple? In the meantime it's the best remedy we have for obesity... My program doesn't offer any additional learning other than a mass produced booklet that I'm sure they purchase from someone. It's a little odd too, as I'm in Silicon Valley and people are very demand around here (and not always in a good way...) about information. Glad to know some teams do offer that to their clients...

  5. Common sense. I did all my own research by reading everything I could find on the internet, watching videos, talking to the few I knew who had WLS (one lap band, 2 RNY's), talking to my endocrinologist and my PCP, then attending the informational seminar. I made my decision to do RNY based on my particular needs. This site was invaluable for those little tips from people a few months ahead of me in my progress that were not covered in my own research or program education workshops. Just talking to a peer group who understood everything I was experiencing was comforting, too. I like sharing personal experiences, getting encouragement and sometimes sympathy (and giving it). And where else can you find someone who understands the joy you felt when you could finally paint your own toes? :-)

    Haha...you got we with the toes....even though I can get to them...I can't see well enough with my over 40 eyes to do them...

  6. I sometimes think the doctors don't fully understand how and why the various WLS work in the manner that they do. I did read up and study before considering surgery and I first decided on the gastric band... after more study I decided that the VSG WLS might give me better results--I had a lot of weight to lose. In the end, the decision was based on my doctor's recommendations. He didn't want to risk my life (considering my age and other issues) and strongly suggested the least invasive procedure would be the wisest choice for me. So far the band is working, and I am in the 50% mid bracket for predicted results. I'm not sure if that is good or bad, but I do feel better and I'm happy for what I've achieved so far. I just wish we were about 25 years ahead of where we are at for understanding the causes for obesity and a cure.

    Hooray the band is working for you. You hit the head on the proverbial head with your comment....it's not good or bad....it working...that's what matters. You did your research and made a the best decision for you with your doctor. Go labwalker go!

  7. My surgeon told me the exact same thing!

    And every damn diet increased Ghenlin production which is why one gains back even more weight than lost. For years. I thought I had become weak willed....not that I was actually hungrier.

    I have to say I am quite heartened by everyone's thoughtful responses to my rant. You all inspire me. Yay!

  8. I totally agree with the sentiment that these boards are invaluable for support - to get first hand experience, etc. Research studies are not first hand experience and will not remind you of your strengths when you need help, support or to connect with people who just get your journey. My point is that there is so much good data that we can avail ourselves to that actually lighten our burden. :)

  9. In my uneducated opinion this doctor will never ever ever let you get through to him. Much like any doctor, but even more so because he is in Mexico and no repercussions other than financial.

    I was thinking the same thing. And even if she does get through...it seems unlikely that he would tell the truth, given that he keeps this guy on his staff. I wish there was legal recourse for all these women. It sickens me that first people have to be put in the situation of going to another country for surgery and then when they do go they get taken advantage of. Grrrrr....

  10. Thank you all so much!! I truly appreciate all the prayers and concerns! I hope to get a lot more answers on Friday when I see an oncologist that specializes in that area of the body. The doc that called me into the office couldn't have been any nicer. He was the one that did my endoscopy. I'm thankful for him for being curious and taking the time to investigate further. I will keep you all updated. Again, thank you ❤️

    Oh honey - I'm so sorry you are going through this. Thank goodness that doctor was curious and did the investigation. You are very gracious to be grateful and it doesn't surprise me you are a nurse. Please keep us updated...This may be a site for WLS but it is also a caring community of folks who support other.

  11. I did change my name. It was basically my real name and after dealing with some scary trolls on Facebook I realized I needed to be more careful in general. Nothing happened here on BP.

    Yes. It's soooo much easier to have others think for me too. :-).

  12. The metabolic factor is removal of the fundus which is the primary producer go gherlin which stimulates hunger and appetite. Also since much less food is eaten, there is less food to metabolize...I guess all "diets" are metabolic, lol.

    It is gherlin as well as a bunch of other hormones that affect metabolism. For example, an increase in circulating bile acids actually turns on a gene that tells the body to burn fat. It's amazing. Again, just a little piece of info from a study I read....

  13. I don't agree with your thoughts that the VSG is metabolic, but I do agree with your thought process that people should learn about each procedure so they can make an educated decision. :D

    Lots of studies from 2012 and 2014 show it is mostly metabolic. The way to get the

    metabolic advantage is to remove most of the stomach...so you can't get one without the other....

  14. You all crack me up!

    Here is the rant I tried to post last night:

    Please people, read the research papers that abound on this crazy thing called the internet about WLS. You know the vitriolic, name calling arguments that ya'll have been having over carbs, band vs vsg, vsg vs RnY? There are recent and good scientific studies about the pluses and minuses. (Good, meaning not funded by a medical company and peer reviewed, etc) And those questions and statements that vsg is mostly restrictive (it's not, actually)? A couple of new studies have shown it's mostly metabolic...

    I could go on and on with examples but you get the idea. Why do I care, you ask? Here's why:

    When one understands fully how and why each procedure works, you can make proper choices.

    If you understand that vsg is mostly metabolic and you basically get a reset then you can make choices to keep that reset. If you read that new studies show the size of sleeve (ie 34 to 40 ish) makes no difference in weight loss but does in reflux...you can have a serious conversation with your doc. How much supplementation do you .really. need if you have had RnY? It's in a study...

    It's your body and health. Don't count on a surgeon you see occasionally (or nut. Or strangers on the internet) to know it all. Know it all for yourself.

    There is a lot of research happening with WLS these days because the results are phenomenal. Drug companies and institutions are performing basic research because they are looking for new drugs to produce. That's good news for us!

    One last note: some of the studies are dense and even with a science background I can't follow the details. However, I can follow the basic argument and conclusions. I can decide if it's a well designed study. So don't let the 20 character long molecule names stop you!

    Get reading people!

    Rant over.

    And now you can proceed to tell me why I'm wrong (isn't that what comes next with strangers on the internet?)

  15. She has actually reached out to me. However, it is her story to tell, not mine. If and when she is ready, I hope she does share it to prevent what happened to her from happening to others. Truly, with Omar, nothing surprises me anymore.

    This means that he is continuing to prey upon women even .after. this thread started. You would think he would have reigned himself

    In for a couple of weeks! I'm horrified. And I'm so so so sorry for all his victims.

  16. Question - why did he postpone due to the shingles? Im curious - because Im one of those lucky people 1 in 10,000 that get reoccuring shingles... I put that on my form that I filled out at my dr... but he never questioned it... I get shingles every 6-8 weeks - and just finished another case of them - yet I have surgery scheduled in 2 weeks. This makes me nervous that yours was rescheduled for that far away due to your shingles.

    Sandi - what a drag to get shingles so often. My medical team feels that my immune system is not yet up to par from fighting shingles and since this is not a medical emergency...like an appendicitis...it's better for me to postpone. I would assume that since you get shingles so often, your immune system is working at its peak and you get unlucky with shingles. The outbreak I had made me very sick and I assume that the outbreaks you get now are usually not so severe. (I hope not because I spent weeks in bed, and even today, a full two months after its start I still have some nerve pain in my back and ribs). Yuck.

    Having said that, You might want to check-in with your surgeon just to be sure. Most

    Likely it won't be a problem for you since it's your normal. Also, I think I got unlucky with a weird case that lasted so long. Sorry to add to your worries. Keep us posted!

  17. Constantly.... lol.

    I was scheduled for Aug 25 but had to push the date to Sept 22 because I got shingles in late June. It's taken a full two months to get mostly over it. My PCP thinks it was stress caused by preparing for surgery. I don't really know. That said, I'm getting a flu shot today as it just became available in my area and I don't want to postpone again! I'm sure I just had bad luck and that most folks don't have to postpone. I'm so paranoid now that I may live in a bubble for the next 6 weeks!

    ....just realized this is out of context....this was in response to a post about being afraid of getting sick and having to postpone....unfortunate I can't delete my post...only edit.

  18. You asked how to "get over your feelings" and to that I say don't even try getting over. Instead, I suggest reframing from a higher perspective. For me, I Imagine going on a regular basis for the next year. During that time I will have surgery and lose massive amount of weight and be getting stronger and healthier. I imagine the huge inspiration I will have on everyone in that gym. They will see my (and your) transformation and that will be motivation for them. I imagine being the woman that others come to for health and exercise advice.... And the only way this works is if I go now so everyone sees how far I have come. On a practical note: the YMCA often has wider variety of body types and ages than the chain clubs. They also provide financial aid and often childcare. Good luck and keep us posted!

  19. I have no dog in this race. People can and should choose whatever solution works for them: diet and exercise, vsg, RnY, lap band...whatever.

    However, there are huge differences in the metabolic advantages provided by vsg and RnY.

    Here is one of many studies:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410227/

    And....even though vsg and RnY have huge metabolic advantages...still doesn't mean either are right for everyone.

    Make your choice and then empower that choice.

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