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I will what I want

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by I will what I want

  1. I've had an interesting experience telling people about my surgery. I've been matter of fact, I had a vertical gastric sleeve and hernia repair. No one says anything other than hope you are feeling better. I think most people have no idea what a sleeve is so just saying what it is gives them enough info to move on. I don't say it is a WLS or anything. I've been amazed people aren't more curious. Having said that, just saying you had a hernia repair would work too. Good luck!

  2. I had a really rough start. My surgery took 2 extra hours because my "small" hernia turned out to be massive. Woke up in so much pain. Then I had a really low heart rate post op so they kept me a couple of extra days. Ugh. The good news is that those problems are behind me and it super easy for me to drink. I can finish a premier Protein in 5 mins and take normal sized sips. Thanks goodness! I had a bought of diarrhea that stopped with one dose of Amodium AD. Still taking the pain meds and zolpran but it's getting so much better. Also using gas-x strips when I start to feel bloated. I notice that within a few mins of taking the strips I fart a lot and feel better.

    Wishing everyone a complication-free recovery. Please feel free to PM me if you need support!

  3. I'm 9/22 also!! Start my 5 day pre op liquid diet 9/17…pre op consult and testing and pre admit on Thursday. I'm so scared about this liquid diet eeeek!! It's coming up!

    . I have to do 14 day pre-op liquid diet. First 4 days I felt terrible. After that I started to feel better. I seriously almost canceled my surgery because I felt so awful. I think I was an outlier though. Good luck!

  4. So I'm on day 3 of my 2 week Liquid Protein diet and it's terrible. I'm nauseous, light-headed and headachy. This always happens to me when my blood sugar gets too low and it has me doubting my ability to be successful at my surgery. I get that I won't be as hungry etc... But am I going to feel this way after as well? It's not even about being hungry...it's about the low blood sugar symptoms. Am I missing something? Has anyone had this experience? I just sent my NUT an email asking for help but it's after hours so I won't hear back today. Thanks in advance.

  5. begin rant....so....long story short, my pcp told me that he would drop me like a hot stone if i went to mexico for surgery. so, i began interviewing new pcp's. this time i figured a female would be more understanding of my situation. WRONG!!!!! this woman had the audacity to tell me that 1) i would never qualify for surgery because i have anxiety and panic attacks (well regulated by a low dosage med) 2) it was major surgery with a high mortality rate, so high that obesity was safer! 3) it doesn't work 4) i would be thrown into a deep depression if i did the surgery because i couldn't eat like i used to! but she did say that she would be willing to do my follow up blood work after the surgery! i think i may keep her just to rub it in her face and then switch. end rant.....

    I'm reminded if the saying, "the best revenge is a better life."

  6. Hello sweetie! (I am a giant nerd)

    If I had a TARDIS I'd be hanging out with River Song making the Daleks regret they met us. LOL

    Now I'll put my nerd aside and say I totally agree with you. At over two months out I get that way. Then my husband reminds me that most people can't lose what I have in a year. Baby steps. Now and focus on what you will be able to do after. That's what kept me from getting myself all frazzled.

    You had me at "hello sweetie."

  7. You are rightfully nervous as you are embarking on a life changing event. The surgery itself is a "temporary" worry. Most of us get through it with minimal and very temporary discomfort and woes. The hard work and rewards are the weeks, months and years that follow it. I argue if you weren't a bit nervous then you clearly have no idea what a major endeavor you are taking on!

    I will be 3 years out come December - one of the best decisions I could have made for myself!

    Thanks for your kind words. You always have great insight and compassion and I so appreciate taking the time to respond to my post. Much love to you CGJ!

  8. I am scheduled for the 22nd also. I am looking forward to changing my life. I am also terrified of failure. I feel so strong and know I can do it. But then wonder how in the world I can succeed... It is all just kinda messed up. At a support group last night, there was such agreement amongst attendees that WLS was the greatest decision ever made... I think I will be on that bandwagon and hope you will too!!

    I'm reminding myself of the great stats with this surgery! Great reminder for me. Thanks. I've had scheduling challenges getting to any support meetings but I think I need to get to one this week so I can hear it in person. :-).

  9. Thanks to everyone who responded. It makes a huge difference having a group of people that get my/our journey! If I think too hard about what the next few months are going to be like I so freak out. My PCP told me I was overthinking it. She knows my surgeon and told me he is really good, that it's a great program, and to keep the end in mind. Perfect advice and pretty much what folks here said as well. I still wish I had a TARDIS though! Much love to all - Shellie

  10. My vsg is scheduled for Sept 22 and I'm terrified. I wish I could skip ahead by 6 months and be on the other side of surgery... Which is why I need a TARDIS! I've had back surgery and a c-section....and both were successful and difficult. I've passed every test with flying colors, including the psych eval - and I know why I'm doing this - I just wish I could get psyched up... Anyone else feel this way? I think I'm psyching myself out actually. Yikes.

  11. Thanks for posting your concerns as the responses help me too. I am so scared My surgery is on the 22nd and I was thinking today about canceling - it feels both rational (who likes surgery?) and also irrational (I know I can't do this myself and am totally over feeling sick and tired and in pain). I am terrified of the complications and recovery. I took wish I could just jump ahead to 6 months from now. Where is a TARDIS when you need one!

  12. One of the things I wanted to do was build an underground storm shelter. Tornados hit us 6 years ago and did quite a bit of damage. Anyways being overweight and 65 years old, this wasn't going to happen. Well after surgery, I lost 110 pounds and started my project. During the last couple weeks, I had to move 40,000 pounds of gravel by hand. I took the task in stride and accomplished it. Its good to have my stamina back.

    Well, that's an inspiration for me. Back in my youth I hand built everything. I was always building something or making something. I was never idle. These days I sit around mostly because everything hurts and it's so hard to move...I'm just a few weeks away from vsg and terrified-so I'm gonna hang onto this. What's really sad is that I've lost such an important part of who I am. I am most happy when I'm creating. So thankful to get this reminder that I'm close to getting that back! ..happy dance....

  13. Please post the online link to this "online indictment" and your first-hand knowledge. Back up your accusations with facts. You are quick to criticize others for their lack of knowledge, lets see what facts of criminal activity you have.

    Just google his name - it's there in black and white on a government website. Amazing invention, the internet.

  14. IT'S OBVIOUS, YOU ARE NOT READY!!!! Do yourself a favor and give yourself some more time to think about this. I thought about it for 2 years. In that time I did my research, and asked a lot of questions. You will know when the time is right. You will wake up one morning, and you will be tired of the pain. Yes the pain that all that extra weight your carrying around causes, you will be tired of the heartbreak from not being to do the things that a average weight person can do. You will get up one morning look in the mirror and say, "I am worth it, I want to live a long life, not a short one, cause lets face it Morbidly obese people don't live that long. Good Luck on your Journey, I will say a special prayer for you!

    She had the surgery! And by all accounts looks to be doing well. Hooray!

  15. Yeeesh! This type of statement makes me so sad. From reading this thread, it seems that some women went into the "affair" with him, eyes wide open, looking for a little fun and were not at all hurt by it. The other women, also consenting, read so much more into it and were hurt very much by what happened. Either way, no one has said these "affairs" happened without consent and because of his position, I consider them all victims, no matter which category they fell into. To joke about them becoming what amounts to a carnival side show is not at all funny, IMO. It runs along the same vein as "sl*t shaming" and that's not acceptable.

    Agreed. I'm so very tired of friendly misogyny- passive aggressive jokes used to mask disdain. Thanks for speaking up Lipstick Lady! I heart you.

  16. OK ... I gotta ask ... Why does that insult you?

    Because they presume I don't like my body and that's not the case - basically telling me my body is not okay with them by saying they can make me look smaller. I love my body and what it's done for me (twin girls etc etc). And I'm looking forward to being smaller so it's easier to keep up with kids, but that is not the same as being told I am not okay the way I am. Thanks for asking :-)

  17. I so get this. You know what also bothers me is going to Nordstroms and having the sales women try to become my "personal shopper" in one breathe and then in the next saying they can help me "look smaller." It's so insulting. I don't give a rats a$& that they think I should look smaller... They don't even realize they have insulted me until I call them on it. Yes...I am having a VGS is a few weeks to lose 80 pounds...and hope to be a size 12 again. But don't insult me or my intelligence. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it!

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