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I will what I want

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by I will what I want

  1. I will what I want

    Low carb diet compliance

    That is wise council; Thanks for the distinction.
  2. I will what I want

    Low carb diet compliance

    For me the drop from 135 to 80 is a very big deal. Glad it isn't for you. I've had major depressions triggered by very low carb diets. I'm going to have to be vigilant and work closely with my team in this regards. Be well!
  3. I will what I want

    Low carb diet compliance

    I hope the carb/serotonin thing goes away for me too! That's awesome. I don't mind giving up carbs, per se. It's the mood and energy drop that is awful. Glad you and hubby are doing so well!
  4. I will what I want

    Low carb diet compliance

    Thanks! The part I was unclear on is how long the ultra low carb part is supposed to last. I can do anything for a short time - can probably even do it for a year - and my concern was that I'd have to maintain that level forever, which seemed like setting myself up to fail. I've contacted my NUT for more guidance because it seems like I don't have a clear enough picture of the weight loss vs maintenance phases.
  5. I will what I want

    Low carb diet compliance

    Thanks that helps a lot! I can totally do 130 to 160 for the rest of my life; 40 to 80, unlikely.
  6. Thanks for posting! It is really good newd
  7. Wow Bandista - that's really beautifully.
  8. I will what I want

    Approaching my 4-year surgiversary

    :-)...trying to delete a post I put on the wrong thread...but the app will only let me edit....so you all get a smiley face instead!
  9. Here I'd the nihi study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410227/
  10. She had it backwards. Not sure where the exact 86 percent came from....but it's around that who keep off the majority of excess weight off. There is a lot of new research that definitively shows the sleeve and by-pass work by resetting the metabolism. Start with googling bile acids and vsg. The nihi has a great study entitled, "not all bariatric surgeries created equally," despite the hokey title, it's pretty in depth about the metabolic resetting.
  11. I will what I want

    Approaching my 4-year surgiversary

    Thank you so much for posting this so we all can learn from your success. Do you have macronutrient goals for protein and carbs? Did those goals change when you started Crossfit? Thanks!
  12. I will what I want


    This is a huge red flag that your PCP is not keeping up with current research and guidelines per the AMA and the NIHI. Regardless of his/her personal opinion the statistics are clear that the majority of people keep off the majority of their excess weight. Diets work in only about 3 percent of the time. I would get a new PCP ASAP.
  13. I will what I want

    From the mouths of babes

    I had a really great synchronicity moment today that I think you all might understand. I was changing into a gown to get my upper GI in a little room with my 7 year old twin girls. As I'm changing I am having second thoughts about WLS. As these thoughts are swirling around both my girls look at me and say, without a bit of judgment, "mom, you are big!" My girls never say things like that and it was truly without judgment, just a fact they had just noticed. I don't usually believe in divine inspiration but this ones got me considering it. It's like two little angels reminding me of my commitment to them vis a vis handling my obesity. So, most of my tests done; hopefully I can get approved and scheduled soon. Ready not to be the big mom anymore.
  14. She has serious mental health issues. Block her on FB and elsewhere. She seems like the type who will attempt to bully/shame/stalk you since she is not getting her way. She's attempting to get a rise out of you, like a little kid. That's what bullies do. She will get tired of her little game soon enough and move onto someone else. The best response is for you to live your life with courage and grace. Be well my dear.
  15. I will what I want

    Any World Of Warcraft Sleevers?

    I. Am. So. Old.
  16. I will what I want

    Am I crazy? diving into the unknown..

    I suggest you check out the blog of queenofcrop.com ---she had her surgery pretty quickly after deciding to do WLS.
  17. I will what I want

    Not big enough for WLS?

    This is not amusing. This "light weight" just could not fit on a ride at Great America Amusement Park. Granted it was in the little Kids area, but embarrassing none the less. I swear there were linebackers that fit. I guess even if you "wear it well," 240 pounds is still 240 pounds. This surgery can't come too soon for me. As always, thanks for everyone's support.
  18. I will what I want

    finally got a date

    Hooray! Obamacare! So glad for you!
  19. I will what I want

    You're so vain...

    You know what? perfect!
  20. I will what I want


    My program says no coffee, decalf or otherwise, FOREVER! hahahaha....yeah, right.
  21. I will what I want

    Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!

    Maybe a picture of my sweet kitten Moo will clam everyone down. 'Cause Isn't the interwebs supposed to love a cute cat picture?!?
  22. I will what I want

    We are approaching our 3.5 millionth post!

    Hahahahahahaha.....at a recent work off-site my now former boss told us if we filled his workshop he would take us to lunch. Let's just say the ROI on that didn't make much sense for anyone but him. One of my also now former colleagues said she would rather get a punch to the gut than a $15 lunch. At which point I burst out laughing....yeah...let's just say my decision to leave was mutual! Still burst out laughing.
  23. I will what I want

    You know you lost weight when

    I would do WLS just for this benefit! Hate my Cpap.
  24. I will what I want

    I Am So Angry When People Think Surgery Is The Easy Option!

    What's this points out to me is that people somehow think that the "hard way" is somehow noble. Hard is not noble. Hard is hard. Sometimes what we want is at the end of a long hard path, sometimes what we want is a walk in the park. What matters, is that what we choose works for us. Everything else is just an interpretation.
  25. I will what I want

    You're so vain...

    Yes. This.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
