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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by InItToLoseIt2014

  1. 12 hours from now, I will be preparing for an 11 a.m. surgery. I am really very calm about this surgery, which kind of scares me. Things have just gone so well in preparing and getting approved, that I feel the surgery will be "textbook", as they say. The recovery is what I'm not so sure about. To everyone who has already had surgery, congrats!! To those having surgery tomorrow, good luck!! To those to have surgery in future, best of luck!! See you back in a few days.

  2. Does anyone live in East Texas? I know a couple people who have had the sleeve, but aren't doing support groups.

    I'm not in any of those towns you mentioned, but I am just west of Tyler. My surgery is Wednesday and I have the option through my surgeons office to attend support groups after surgery, but most are scheduled during the day and it's hard for me to take off work. They do have an evening group meeting once or twice a month that I do plan on attending periodically.

  3. Congrats! I cried when I got the " you are approved" email. I am being sleeved on August 13 as well. Good luck to all. Wow to going back to work so soon. My doctor is keeping me out 3 full weeks.

    I am kind of nervous going back so soon after surgery. But I work for a school district and I don't want to take any time off of work. The first day will be a district-wide morning long in-service, just sitting in a chair. The rest of the first day will be pretty much the same on campus or working in my office. I'll be pretty much isolated in a "hole-in-the-wall" office, no strenuous activity or lifting, so I'm not really worried about it. Plus, I've had 2 c-sections and an appendectomy and know close to what the pain will be like and I have a very high pain tolerance, so I feel fairly confident about going back that soon.

    Things have progressed fairly quickly and smoothly, so I have to think that God is going to make sure everything from here on out continues on that course.Good luck to you and see you on the losing side.

  4. Have been away on a mini vacation for a few days and didn't think or worry about the process while gone. Came back home yesterday and the first thing I did this morning was call the doctor's office and talk to the coordinator to see how things were progressing. You said, "I have your approval!!" I was NOT expecting those words out of her mouth. There had been some delays in getting stuff into their office and I didn't even know they had received it, much less sent it to insurance. I'm an emotional wreck right now!! I'm scheduled for August 13 and have to go back to work on the 18. She said I should be fine since I'll be in in-service meetings and sitting at my desk most of the time. I sure hope she's right.

    I know my dear sweet dad in heaven had a hand in this happening for me, as well as the Lord above.

  5. While I cannot relate to the loss of a child, I can relate to the loss of loved ones. My paternal grandfather passed in October before my birth in May. I lost the remaining 3 grandparents before I reached 29. My paternal grandmother passed 10 days after my son (oldest) was born. She was in a nursing home and we took him to visit her when he was 9 days old and the nursing home called the following morning to say she had passed. For many years I felt a lot of guilt. I brought life into this world only to have life taken away. I no longer feel that way, but did for many years. I've lost several close friends in recent years. But the worst I've felt at this time just happened on June 20, 2014...my dad passed away surrounded by his family. He had a heart attack on May 28 (my birthday) over into May 29. He had 2 stints placed on the 29th and they found out he had pulmonary fibrosis (from working in a fertilizer plants for about 13 years). He came home on June 5, and my mom had to call ambulance on June 11 to go back to hospital. He never came back home. He was gone in less than a month...but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He wouldn't have wanted to prolong his life and be attached to an oxygen tank 24/7.

    The pain is still very new to me and I cry several times a day. He was a stern man, but a very loving man.

    Yesterday I attended the memorial services of a very dear friend (although she was my friend's mother...she was a friend also). She was like a 3rd grandmother to my children when they were younger and she still lived here.

    For all who have lost loved ones, words cannot express my sorrow for you. Because I know that words don't usually make it better. Just know you are all in my prayers for peace and comfort while you grieve.

    P.S. I failed to mention that my dad was 100% behind me having surgery. Although he and I never discussed it, he told my mom he wanted me to have it and was going to help me pay for it. So in honor of my dad I will go forward and get my life back!!

  6. Finally, all of the "leg work" is done. Had psych eval Thursday and my final group meeting tonight. Talked with the person who sends to insurance company and she said she would fax tomorrow. So now, I'm on the waiting game. Hopefully, insurance will give me a quick answer so I can have surgery first week of August. If I can't get it the first week, things are going to get tricky since I have to go back to work August 18. I really can't miss that first week of employees going back and the next week is the first week for students and I HAVE to be there then. After rushing to get all the appointments done, I will be crushed if I can't get surgery. My insurance changes Sept. 1 and the new company doesn't cover surgery. So I'm praying for a quick response from insurance company.

  7. Hi y'all, I'm a newbie. These post are making me nervous. I just decided to actually do the sleeve early this month, though I had thought about it for years. I never really considered I could afford it. It was actually my sweet hubby that suggested it after our family vaca late in June. I'm having to fast track this process, so far so good I think. Not as sure after reading these post though. Here is my dilemma... My insurance is changing as of September 1st! The new insurance does not cover WLS. I talked to BCBS and the lady there was so very helpful! She thought I could still get approved and surgery done before Sept 1. I got busy. I found a program, True Results, and had my first appt with them Friday, July 11th. The same day I saw their on sight Dr, they did an EKG, and the pulmonary test. Easy breezy, right. Then on Monday, July 14th, I went back for my Psych evaluation and nutrition visit. Now they say I have to wait for the results of the psych eval results for a week. Since we are Fast Tracking this, they already gave me the pre-op diet plan the surgeon wants his patients to be on for two weeks. I'm going to go ahead and start it this next Monday just in hopes that all continues to keep moving full speed ahead. I start back to work ( school district) Aug 11th, so I'm shooting for an Aug 4th surgery. I'll call the office Monday to see if they have the evaluation results and make sure they get the paperwork to the ins co. Fingers crossed. Then I'll get on the line with BCBS to remind them they told me they would rush this through. Do you think I'm crazy, or what?! What I am is determined! I'll keep y'all up to date.

    I too am a school district employee and hate that we are losing BCBS on Sept. 1. I started the original process in May. However, my dad got sick the end of May and passed away 4 weeks ago. After dealing with the initial shock of losing him, I too have been on the fast track to get things done. I have completed 2 of my 3 visits at the surgeons office, NUT consult, and PCP has been seen. Going to psych eval later today (I can't sleep at night, so I'm writing this early morning hours), and my final surgeon office visit is scheduled for Monday. Hope the psych doesn't take long to get paperwork to surgeon's office - I will explain rush. My scheduler said she would send everything in immediately and she would squeeze me into schedule. And I'm hoping for Aug. 5 date. We go back on the 18th, so that would give me plenty of heal time. Good luck to you and I hope BCBS doesn't deny knowing they will be at the end of covering us.

  8. I am a very private person myself and don't think it's anyone's business what I'm doing. My dad knew before he passed that I was going to do this. He encouraged it, and planned on helping me pay my portion of co-pays. My mother knows and is very supportive. My brother and sister-in-law, son, and daughter also know. Outside my immediate family, the only person I have told is a friend/co-worker who had lap band done a couple of years ago. The main reason I even told her is for a referral, who happened to be the same doctor I had already chosen. When I am asked what I'm doing, my response will simply be "lifestyle changes", which will be true.

  9. Had 2 of my 3 "counseling" classes yesterday (7/8), have consult with NUT on 7/9, plus visit with new pcp (hoping he will recommend surgery since I've never seen him before). Next is psych eval on 7/17 then final class on 7/21. My insurance coverage is changing Sept. 1, and I go back to work on Aug. 18 (work for school district). Hoping to get scheduled early August so I will not miss any work, since I'm not telling many people about this surgery. Spoke with scheduler after classes today and she said that once I finish all my pre-reqs she would tentatively schedule me. She is aware of insurance coverage change and the reason for my delay in getting everything done in June, and she said that she would squeeze me in as soon as possible. My ideal date would be Aug. 5, so I'm crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms, and praying alot that it works out.

    Good luck to every one already scheduled. I can't wait to change my life and lifestyle.

  10. I went to my initial consultation in May. But my dad had a heart attack, and when they were putting in the stents, found out he had pulmonary fibrosis. He was in the hospital for a week and missed my daughter's high school graduation. He did come home and was at home for 5 days, before the ambulance had to be called to take him back to the hospital. That was on June 11. He was in the hospital for 10 days, and we all missed my niece's wedding. He passed away on June 20, surrounded by his wife of 52 years, both of his children, daughter-in-law, two of his grandchildren, and several other family members.

    I had decided when he first got sick to put the surgery off, then I found out when my insurance changes September 1 that the new company will not cover the surgery. I was going to go ahead and try to move forward with the appointments and helping care for my dad. Once he passed I just couldn't think about it for a few days. But with the encouragement of my mother and immediate family members, I am now moving forward.

    I have 2 of my 3 classes scheduled next week, as well as an appointment with a physician to get a letter of recommendation. The following Thursday I have my physch eval scheduled, and my third class the following week. I'm waiting patiently to hear from the NUT to schedule that. Getting everything done ASAP as I'm hoping I can get surgery scheduled before I have to go back to work mid-August. I really don't want to have to take any time off work.

    I've thought about having this surgery off and on for years, but honestly the remarks from people I would talk to about it, turned me away from it. I had finally decided I wanted to have it done, and the fact that my dad was supportive of my decision, helped me so much. So, not only am I having the surgery for me, and now having heart issues on both sides of my family...but I'm also having it in remembrance of my amazing father.

    This post is not to get words of sympathy...it is to tell my recent story. And for me to look back on and encourage me in the future.

  11. Newbie here and this is my first post. I am 50 years old and had my first consultation visit today. I've contemplated WLS for several years, but always talked myself out of taking the first step. This was partially my mentality "others lose weight on their own, why can't it?", and partially because I just didn't have the family support I knew I needed, and partially because I was a single mother trying to raise to children and working full time.

    I now know that I have tried numerous times to lose weight on my own and have lost some, but then I gain it back plus. You know, the old yo-yo dieting thing. My family is now being supportive for the most part, there are still some who are not on the band wagon with me, but that is their problem, not mine. And finally, my kids are basically grown, one is still at home, but old enough to realize I'm doing something for ME for a change.

    As I said I had my first consultation visit today, and I'm very excited. It was all good news!! My insurance should cover the surgery with no problems. My physician requires that I get a psych eval., a nutrition consult, a letter from my primary care doctor that he recommends the surgery, and 3 multi-disciplinary classes. If things go good, I could have a surgery date by the end of June - mid-July!! I work for a school district and this time frame is important as I want to have surgery during the summer. Plus I've been told that TRS is changing insurance companies effective September 1, and the new company requires a 3 month wait time.

    The down side of everything today, is finding out my financial portion of the surgery. Because of my deductible, and co-pay I'm responsible for paying over $2,000, just to my surgeon. That does not include the psych eval., nutrition consult, getting a PCP to write the recommendation letter, and hospital!! So much more than what I anticipated, and it all has to be paid BEFORE surgery will be done!!

    Well, that's my story...and I'm sticking to it..lol. Any advise, tips, words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated!! Happy Friday to everyone and I look forward to making any and all acquaintances.

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